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Bye bye MEAT! How will the post-meat future look?

How reluctant are you to give up your meat habit?

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In what way to we not accept our actions?
I've been in abattoirs, I still eat meat.
How people rationalise eating meat wasn't my point, I meant that meat eating and all its corrolaries are more tolerated than 'accepted'. In the same way as a Conservative government and those who voted for it may be tolerated rather than accepted.
What a fucking grim industry it is, and yet it's one that some people here want to see carrying on forever.

I posted that article on another thread. The response of the animal abuse fan club that pollute these discussions was to mock the workers quoted in the article, saying things to the effect of 'what did they expect?' and 'they should just get a job elsewhere'. One of these people is a self-styled socialist! Many meat-eaters grapple and wrestle with the ethical implications of the meat industry, but not the dipshit trolls who comment here!
What percentage of meat eaters would you guess have visited abattoirs?

Personally, I think schoolkids should be invited/encouraged to see the vile, cruel industry that gets the meat/dairy/eggs to their tables real close up. Pretty sure there'd be a lot more vegans/veggies as a result.

Then we could traipse them round a morgue to discourage car use.
I wonder how many would stop eating meat if they did visit an abattoir. I think a few might, for a week or so, but I doubt many would give a sufficient fuck.
Used to work on a pig farm for a bit, we had the occasional tour as well, Don't think it ever put anyone off bacon. It certainly never put me off. Pigs are horrible fucking things, got a great deal of satisfaction knowing the fuckers were going to get eaten.
I posted that article on another thread. The response of the animal abuse fan club that pollute these discussions was to mock the workers quoted in the article, saying things to the effect of 'what did they expect?' and 'they should just get a job elsewhere'. One of these people is a self-styled socialist! Many meat-eaters grapple and wrestle with the ethical implications of the meat industry, but not the dipshit trolls who comment here!
I knew a vet who discovered he was allergic to animal blood. He left the profession, as it seemed like a good idea.
I also have a friend who was a boner (tee hee) for 30 years. He still eats meat, and doesn't have nightmares about screaming pigs.
Haven’t read thread but one of the surprising things of the last few years is how little I’ve missed meat*.

Daughters gave up meat for climate change reasons in 2019 and so we don’t eat it at home. Bar the occasional sausage.

I have pointed out to them that cheese is worse than chicken but we are still holding out there. Have increased oat milk consumption though.

(*I haven’t given up completely - just when cooking at home)
I posted that article on another thread. The response of the animal abuse fan club that pollute these discussions was to mock the workers quoted in the article, saying things to the effect of 'what did they expect?' and 'they should just get a job elsewhere'. One of these people is a self-styled socialist! Many meat-eaters grapple and wrestle with the ethical implications of the meat industry, but not the dipshit trolls who comment here!
Tbf quite a few have wrestled with it on this and similar threads thread and similar looking at more ethical and environmentally friendly ways to eat (often less) meat and usually got shit for it. They've been weeded out.
Many meat-eaters grapple and wrestle with the ethical implications of the meat industry
Clearly they don't or they would stop buying it, or at least move to 'ethically'-farmed meats. In which case it becomes a straight decision "Do you think animal welfare/rights is more important than the additional cost" It seems that most people are voting with their wallets and the vote is No.
Like all threads about meat eating this one (which was originally about its environmental impact) has degenerated into an argument about the rights and wrongs of it. Well that's a personal choice, you don't want to eat meat fine, no-one has the right to say otherwise but equally there is nothing wrong or immoral about eating it and other people are entitled to eat it. We're not predators nor herbivores we're scavengers that got smart and changed the rules to suit us, we've evolved to eat some meat.
There is some merit in the argument that people in the developed world eat too much meat to the point where our diets are unbalanced but that's a long way from the "Meat is Murder" argument which has long been settled.
If you want to deter other people from eating meat perhaps you should invest in the companies trying to make it synthetically.
Used to work on a pig farm for a bit, we had the occasional tour as well, Don't think it ever put anyone off bacon. It certainly never put me off. Pigs are horrible fucking things, got a great deal of satisfaction knowing the fuckers were going to get eaten.
Funny this, My niece worked on a pig farm albeit an organic 'humane' one (you didn't say whether yours was an industrial one) when she was a teenager and she soon learned to hate them as well. The farmer told her he was sending a load to the abattoir, he was worried it might to upset her. Her answer was "Good can I get to pick which ones?"
I'm with Saul Goodman on this, taking schoolkids on a tour of abattoirs might make some of them think about turning vegan but it will only last until the next time their Mum fries the bacon.
Clearly they don't or they would stop buying it, or at least move to 'ethically'-farmed meats. In which case it becomes a straight decision "Do you think animal welfare/rights is more important than the additional cost" It seems that most people are voting with their wallets and the vote is No.

I'm veggie and being honest, I really don't care about animals. I actually think if it's a straight decision between animal welfare/rights vs cost and people are more interested in the cost thing, eating pets makes a lot of sense -- they're already there and available so cost-wise that would work, no more expensive vet bills etc.

I'm actually being completely serious btw -- I've genuinely never understood why eating one animal is seen as fine and eating another isn't. (Pigs fine, cats not fine, cows fine, dogs not fine, whatever.) 🤷‍♀️
I'm veggie and being honest, I really don't care about animals. I actually think if it's a straight decision between animal welfare/rights vs cost and people are more interested in the cost thing, eating pets makes a lot of sense -- they're already there and available so cost-wise that would work, no more expensive vet bills etc.

I'm actually being completely serious btw -- I've genuinely never understood why eating one animal is seen as fine and eating another isn't. (Pigs fine, cats not fine, cows fine, dogs not fine, whatever.) 🤷‍♀️
There are plenty of places in the world where people eat cats and dogs as to why we (the UK) don't, I'm sure it's primarily cultural. However eating predators isn't very efficient, Raising crops to feed sheep and pigs which are then fed to dogs or tigers so we can eat them is adding a lot of unnecessary time and effort into the cycle. More efficient to eat the pigs and sheep directly.
I'm veggie and being honest, I really don't care about animals. I actually think if it's a straight decision between animal welfare/rights vs cost and people are more interested in the cost thing, eating pets makes a lot of sense -- they're already there and available so cost-wise that would work, no more expensive vet bills etc.

I'm actually being completely serious btw -- I've genuinely never understood why eating one animal is seen as fine and eating another isn't. (Pigs fine, cats not fine, cows fine, dogs not fine, whatever.) 🤷‍♀️

And why stop there? Humans are also animals.
What percentage of meat eaters would you guess have visited abattoirs?

Personally, I think schoolkids should be invited/encouraged to see the vile, cruel industry that gets the meat/dairy/eggs to their tables real close up. Pretty sure there'd be a lot more vegans/veggies as a result.
No idea.
I'm all for people going to abattoirs- they soon realise that they are nothing like the videos posted on the Internet by vegan type groups of slaughter.

I don't think I've seen a single one of those videos which is anything like I've experienced first hand in UK abattoirs.
I've been in very small, family run ones that supply their own butchery, I've been in huge ones and I've been in teaching abattoirs attatched to veterinary schools.
There used to be one at Laverstoke Park near Basingstoke which had a public gallery to which anyone could go, complete with Temple-Grandin handling system. Think its shut now, sadly.
I'm all for people going to abattoirs- they soon realise that they are nothing like the videos posted on the Internet by vegan type groups of slaughter.
I'd love to know how you can speak for all people going to abattoirs. Please feel free to elaborate on this.

Mind you, there is plenty of solid evidence of animal abuse, regardless of your irrelevant rose-tinted opinions.

A spokesman for the British Meat Processors Association said that it would be difficult to accommodate more than a handful of child visitors to abattoirs each day. How curious – they manage to shove one billion farmed animals through their doors every year.

Oh and School trip made me a veggie for life | Brief letters
I'd love to know how you can speak for all people going to abattoirs. Please feel free to elaborate on this.

Mind you, there is plenty of solid evidence of animal abuse, regardless of your irrelevant rose-tinted opinions.

Oh and School trip made me a veggie for life | Brief letters

The only thing I like about Funky_monks posts is how blatantly Stalinist they are in tone - "the slaughterhouses are glorious and loved by all the people. Any footage to the contrary is the work of counter-revolutionaries and fascist wreckers".
I'd love to know how you can speak for all people going to abattoirs. Please feel free to elaborate on this.

Mind you, there is plenty of solid evidence of animal abuse, regardless of your irrelevant rose-tinted opinions.

Oh and School trip made me a veggie for life | Brief letters
I said I'm all for people visiting abattoirs.

Please at least read the first line of my post before you do your usual dump of guardian articles etc.

Your second article is bonkers, of course it would be difficult to accommodate more than a handful of children on a busy industrial shop floor, abattoir or otherwise.
Ever been in any kind of factory?
I said I'm all for people visiting abattoirs.

Please at least read the first line of my post before you do your usual dump of guardian articles etc.
And then you said: "they soon realise that they are nothing like the videos posted on the Internet by vegan type groups of slaughter."

Please try to remember what you've just posted.
And then you said: "they soon realise that they are nothing like the videos posted on the Internet by vegan type groups of slaughter."

Please try to remember what you've just posted.

That has been my experience, yes. So we both think people should see what actually happens. Good.

Also, I fail to understand why you think it's some kinda "gotcha" to post articles supporting my view that people should go and visit abattoirs.
I’ve never tried to deny that meat eating involves death, and I think it would do others some good to see it happening. Masses of food is wasted every day, and if people appreciated that things had to die for their dinner, they might waste less of it.

To add re your quote about kids: I don't think that places with masses of heavy machinery can accommodate a load of children, beef carcasses can weigh half a ton, I think it's bonkers than anyone thinks they should have large groups of kids around gantries etc. Smaller groups are clearly fine though, so what's the problem?
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Also, I fail to understand why you think it's some kinda "gotcha" to post articles supporting my view that people should go and visit abattoirs.
I’ve never tried to deny that meat eating involves death, and I think it would do others some good to see it happening. Masses of food is wasted every day, and if people appreciated that things had to die for their dinner, they might waste less of it.

Although on that last count, we always seem to focus on food, when assorted beings have to die for a wide variety of products,.
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