First intersubjective, then internalised
The world is not so straightforward as the simple dichotomy between nothing wrong/something wrong. Noem inhabits a Midwestern US Republican cultural milieu that is alien to me in very many ways. And to my mind, an awful lot of what she does is "wrong". Her constructions of the Other, her US Christian right-wing ideology, the way she approaches the natural world and the animals in it as a general concept -- all these things seem wrong to me. Any one specific act performed within the field of practices, meanings, rituals and narratives that constitute her reality cannot be judged by me in isolation from this wider context. Her shooting her dog in the head seems as alien, bizarre and inappropriate to me as does her endorsement of Donald Trump. But from within my model of reality, I can only repeat what I said earlier -- if people are going to abandon their dogs, I would prefer that they own up to this responsibility and kill those dogs themselves rather than assuage their guilt by dumping them in a shelter. So of all the things that Noem does that I don't understand, this particular act is far from the most egregious.