No, but there are too many more like him, unable or unwilling to engage in reasonable, civilised conversation.
We've all had our passionate moments, in fairness
No, but there are too many more like him, unable or unwilling to engage in reasonable, civilised conversation.
We have, but most of us step back and calm down, occasionally.We've all had our passionate moments, in fairness
I’ve always been a bit reluctant to call my fruit ‘cheeses’ cheese. Cheese is its own thing, and I’m actually not especially a huge fan of it or milk or any dairy other than butterThere are other non-dairy cheeses though, fruit cheeses (Quince Fruit Cheese 120g - Tracklements), pork cheese (in Swiss/German fleischkäse) a type of head cheese Head cheese - Wikipedia
I would expect none of these to qualify in a dairy cheese competition though.
It's a dreadful way to kill a sentient being:Ditto the whole concept of 'humane slaughter'
In slaughterhouses, this device is routinely used on cows, to "stun" them before their throats are slit. However, captive bolt guns are highly prone to malfunctions, and slaughterhouse workers are susceptible to human error.
Even under scrutiny and observation by researchers over a five-day period, one slaughterhouse adequately stunned only 84% of cattle. The animals who weren't properly stunned the first time endured repeated shots from the captive bolt gun.
Fourteen bulls were shot more than three times. One animal ended up being shot five times before losing consciousness.
Researchers also noted that only one in three animals killed at this slaughterhouse were over 30 months old. As cows are not considered adults until they are three years old, this reveals that most cows slaughtered for meat are still only calves.
In another study spanning slaughterhouses across three countries, captive bolt stunning worked without fail only 28% of the time. Overall, this method of stunning is highly unreliable, and can even subject animals to more excruciating pain.
Before being electrically stunned or electrocuted, pigs are hosed down. Then, an electric clamp or wand is held to each animal's head for several seconds as the current is forced through their brain. Researchers have found that electrical stunning of pigs fails up to 31% of the time, meaning roughly one in three pigs is still fully conscious as they bleed to death
I'm not a carnivore, I'm an omnivore.This is the part of meat consumption against which there is no redemptive argument whatsoever. A sentient being must die in order to satisfy a desire that can be met in any number of alternatives.
But the carnivores here will not back down or cede even the slightest ground…
Just mock, scold and belittle the opposition…
And you can't get your head around the idea that other people might be ok with killing animals in order to eat them in principle.A sentient being must die in order to satisfy a desire that can be met in any number of alternatives.
You think a bullet in the head isn't a humane way to kill something?
And industrial scale whataboutery, of course,This is the part of meat consumption against which there is no redemptive argument whatsoever. A sentient being must die in order to satisfy a desire that can be met in any number of alternatives.
But the carnivores here will not back down or cede even the slightest ground…
Just mock, scald and belittle the opposition…
And you can't get your head around the idea that other people might be ok with killing animals in order to eat them in principle.
It's a fundamental block to conversation on this thread. Certain posters can't square this with their own feelings on the matter. It's monstrous. How can it be true?
That's just to point out the hypocrisy. Personally, I don't care what anybody eats. It's none of my business, just as it's none of their business what I eat, but only one 'side' seems to be getting their knickers in a twist about it.And industrial scale whataboutery, of course,
You seem to be confused. It's not denial... Quite the opposite.It’s not in the least surprising to me. “Violent exploiters treat their victims as expendable garbage” is hardly front page news material. What’s more frustrating is that you don’t even realise that’s what you are defending, but again, it’s hardly surprising. Denial is one heleva drug.
Slaughter can be done with a high level of animal welfare.
This is the part of meat consumption against which there is no redemptive argument whatsoever. A sentient being must die in order to satisfy a desire that can be met in any number of alternatives.
But the carnivores here will not back down or cede even the slightest ground…
Just mock, scald and belittle the opposition…
It's an arrogant position. A fundamentalist position. Anyone who disgrees is either a monster or in denial.
I certainly think there are an awful lot of dogs in shelters, who are suffering from separation anxiety and attachment loss, for whom a swift death would be much more humane than keeping them in cages for the rest of their lives. Death for an unwanted animal that has no place in the world is not the worst thing for them. You can hardly let a dog free to become feral.So, to be clear, do you agree that Gov. Kristi Noem shooting her puppy in the head because they were not trainable as a hunting dog was a humane thing to do?
I agree with Temple Grandin that, done right, animals can be killed in a way that is consistent with high animal welfare. A bolt/bullet to the head is one way to do that.So, to be clear, do you agree that Gov. Kristi Noem shooting her puppy in the head because they were not trainable as a hunting dog was a humane thing to do?
I agree with Temple Grandin that, done right, animals can be killed in a way that is consistent with high animal welfare. A bolt/bullet to the head is one way to do that.
I have little interest in Noem and her blood sport ways. Certainly not going to leap to defend her. But what is it exactly about her that you are attacking? Are you attacking the idea of ever killing an animal for any reason? If so, say so. Because I have little idea what your point is. Or is it specifically the idea of killing with a bullet to the head? Because if it's that, I think I've already covered what I think.
The conventional way that veterinarians already use is far more humane that a bullet as a method to kill animals. Why won't slaughterhouses use these methods? Cost? Lack of concern? Sadism?
Mockery and lols from you. You're consistent, I'll grant you that...Wait... What?
The conventional way that veterinarians already use is far more humane that a bullet as a method to kill animals. Why won't slaughterhouses use these methods? Cost? Lack of concern? Sadism?
I'm not sure about the consumptability of the post life flesh. But I believe it is far more humane to kill animals in the manner prescribed by veterinary scienceVets use barbiturate-based medications to euthanise cats and dogs. It would be far less economically efficient to kill animals for food in this way, but also, I would imagine, make the body parts procured unsafe for human consumption.
Why should I defend her? She mistreats dogs, among other things.Why won't you defend her (I mean, leaving aside that she's a fascist piece of shit of course)? Given that a "bolt/bullet to the head" is "consistent with high animal welfare" what exactly has she done wrong?
Why? Specifically what is wrong with killing an animal by shooting it in the head? There appears to be a lot of emotion in that position but not too many facts.The conventional way that veterinarians already use is far more humane that a bullet as a method to kill animals.
Why should I defend her? She mistreats dogs, among other things.
Why? Specifically what is wrong with killing an animal by shooting it in the head?