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Bye bye Country Show (picnic on July 22nd?)

Yeah, I helped some mates put on a festival in Brockwell Park a few years ago and Lambeth were a nightmare, imposing pointless expensive fencing at the last minute which ruined the festival and ensured we made no cash for the charity we were raising for.

Yes that's one of the ones I was thinking of. I was there and enjoyed it but there would have needed to be ten times as many people for the fence to serve any sort of purpose. Just a totally unnecessary obstacle.
Yes that's one of the ones I was thinking of. I was there and enjoyed it but there would have needed to be ten times as many people for the fence to serve any sort of purpose. Just a totally unnecessary obstacle.
i dont think the council like anything there that's beyond their control - i.e. the J Day festival or anything else. Desperately scared that some kind of anarchist insurrection is going develop on their patch... ;)
Olympics: 1

Glasto, The Country Show, The arts, the entire tourist industry including hotels, restaurants etc, the general public : 0

None of this was mentioned in the bid, was it?

You missed the Big Chill (not that I know where or what that is as I'm not a festival goer)
much as I love sports/athletics, the Olympics has got a lot to answer for, a massive shit-storm of security and transport gridlock freak-out. Basically a massive business enterprise that pays no tax.

"The Greatest Show On Earth" :rolleyes:

But it's a crap excuse for cancelling the LCS. I think the establishment is massively freaked out about the possibility of some sort of fuck up during the Olympics, or the sight of people enjoying themselves away from the Olympics and the coke bottles and the sponsored merchandise and sanitised BBC coverage and the shiny new olympic park with no poor people or beggars or protesters or travellers living in caravans.
They're probably trying to make out we're a sporting nation, obsessed with sport and not interested in anything else, and woe betide anyone that tarnishes the country's good name by getting pissed on Chucklehead Cider ;)
Alex Holland, labour councillor, has just tweeted that he? they? are investigating ways to save it. And there's a petition to move the date (crap idea, mid-July is as important as the cavalry manoevres to techno music) on the Brixton Blog.
i dont think the council like anything there that's beyond their control - i.e. the J Day festival or anything else. Desperately scared that some kind of anarchist insurrection is going develop on their patch... ;)
Can anyone give any more details on J Day - when it started, how long it ran for, how it was allowed to happen, who stopped it, that kind of thing. Searched, but couldn't find anything.
Can anyone give any more details on J Day - when it started, how long it ran for, how it was allowed to happen, who stopped it, that kind of thing. Searched, but couldn't find anything.
I covered the events on urban. Last one was in 2004.



urban meet up 2004:

urban meet 2003:

Rescheduling the event is a nice idea, but given the amount of country shows/festivals/fetes/fairs that take place over the summer every year, I'd imagine that most of the stalls/attractions/tents/stages etc would have been fully booked up a long time ago.
I covered the events on urban. Last one was in 2004.
Thanks for that. Funny bit in the Potted History:
"The general feedback from crew and punters was that the day was just too loud. So this year we have cut back the number of sound systems and introduced a Grow Tent.":D

It didn't say why the event stopped, but it looked like the council successfully made it as hard as possible for the event to go ahead, and in the face of that it ran out of steam I'm guessing. Shame...it would be great to have a proper free music & soundsytem event (even though I go to the country show, it doesnt really do it for me if Im honest).

Fun to read back about Paddick and the decriminalisation-lite 'Lambeth experiment'...seems a long time ago now.
i think the J Day march was held in a few different places around London in the late 90s/early 00s (Burgess Park once, and possibly somewhere in north London?) until they settled on Brockwell Park for a few years and started the march in Kennington.

iirc one year the J Day organisers got in trouble for serving alcohol until 7.05pm when the licence was only until 7pm. I think there was some hassles over the licence after that, before the council actually said "basically, we don't want it here anymore" and that was that. I seem to remember the council saying the march could happen and finish in the park, but there couldn't be any amplified music or alcohol sold. The organisers tried to move it elsewhere but it basically fizzled out...
From the urban thread in 2003:
RE: Cannabis Festival Court Case

The Council dropped the charges of sale of alcohol, - it was being given to crew as a thankyou for working.

The charge of permitting music and dancing has been postponed until 21st Jan 2004 on a legal point.

Lambeth Council had four employees as witnesses, the Borough Solicitor and a barrister in court all day. All at a cost of thousands to Lambeth Council Tax payers.
PS: Why not Saturday for the picnic? I prefer my cider hangovers on the weekend..
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