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Bye bye Country Show (picnic on July 22nd?)

just a thought - to be fair - is it Lambeth Council's decision, or have the plods / ambulance service said no? I'd assume they are juggling staff holidays to ensure maximum cover for the olympics...

To be fair, even though I love the Country Show, I'd be a lot less annoyed if they weren't so antagonistic towards anyone else wanting to put events on in the park. They only allow their own event so if they aren't doing it that's it (OK, alcohol-free Green Fair aside).
Tweetstorm please. Everyone tweet Steve Reed that he's a cunt at 1 o' clock tomorrow. Even if you think the LCF isn't a big reason or it might not have been up to him, there's plenty other reasons to call him a cunt.
Can someone help me with my failing memory - what was the soundsystem meet up at brockwell park that used to go on in the 90s - i think it was something to do with the Legalise It campaign that was going on in those days...any ideas?
Can someone help me with my failing memory - what was the soundsystem meet up at brockwell park that used to go on in the 90s - i think it was something to do with the Legalise It campaign that was going on in those days...any ideas?

can't remember, but I remember Gay Pride :D
Can someone help me with my failing memory - what was the soundsystem meet up at brockwell park that used to go on in the 90s - i think it was something to do with the Legalise It campaign that was going on in those days...any ideas?
yeah, cannabis march/rally/festy
remember Shaka there one year on top the hill! :cool:
blowing people out of the tent, literally, with the bass
was that a one off? time for a comeback I think!
For a moment there that campaign had some wind in its sails (stoned march around london that split up and got lost is best forgotten :D)
What's that got to do with my post? Steve Reed is dismantling everything good in Lambeth at an alarming rate without any regard for what the residents want. I think he's an undercover Tory, or just a Tory.

because, rather obviously, if the event loses money i suspect he will use that as justification when the complaints roll in
From Lambeth's site:


Yes that annoyed me... we haven't a hope of making it to Glastonbury, for some of us it's a bit irrelevant whether it's cancelled or not. The Country show, on the other hand, is accessible to all and a great community event. Between the one o'clock clubs, the country show and the various other community type things which seem to be disappearing they're doing a good job of completely trashing our community - it seems to me.
yes!.. and anyway, so many people don't have tickets.
Do not leave your home
Do not congregate with farm animals on common land
Livestock enclosures are a profanity in the shadow of the Olympic Ring!
Keep your television on at all times
British Broadcasting Corporation, Signal 1
Contemplate the coxless pair! Witness:
Britannia shall forever rule the waves!
Yes that annoyed me... we haven't a hope of making it to Glastonbury, for some of us it's a bit irrelevant whether it's cancelled or not. The Country show, on the other hand, is accessible to all and a great community event. Between the one o'clock clubs, the country show and the various other community type things which seem to be disappearing they're doing a good job of completely trashing our community - it seems to me.
Agreed - somebody seems to have forgotten that one o'clock clubs, the LCS etc stop cultural & income differences becoming dangerously divisive.
So apart from about 90 minutes of the Olympic Torch relay [Camberwell to Westminster apparently passing through Brixton] on Friday 26th July (day before the opening ceremony), what exactly does the borough of Lambeth need to assign its staff and monet to do to "celebrate" the Olympics :confused:

[I write as someone who had to make and laminate our own Welcome to Lambeth signs overnight for the young athletes on the Queen's Golden Jubilee baton relay a decade ago on disciovering no one in Lambeth's Sports or Events teams had even thought about it!]
So apart from about 90 minutes of the Olympic Torch relay [Camberwell to Westminster apparently passing through Brixton] on Friday 26th July (day before the opening ceremony), what exactly does the borough of Lambeth need to assign its staff and monet to do to "celebrate" the Olympics :confused:

[I write as someone who had to make and laminate our own Welcome to Lambeth signs overnight for the young athletes on the Queen's Golden Jubilee baton relay a decade ago on disciovering no one in Lambeth's Sports or Events teams had even thought about it!]

I'm guessing all police/emergency services leave has been cancelled in the run up and during the Olympics so the plod will have to take holidays either side of it... or something similar
Since there is no Lambeth Country show then I gather we will pay no council tax in July. I'm starting a Facebook page about it.
The Country Show would be the perfect opportunity to put the Co-op Council into practice. The principle behind this is supposedly all about enabling residents to take more control over council services and events. If Reed and his cronies are serious about this power to the people lark, they should pass on the responsibility and cultural heritage that comes with the Country Show to the residents.

Support should be offered by the council - this co-operation is a two way process, after all. The infrastructure and past planning knowledge could be shared. This would then give a far better idea to see what a co-operative council actually looks like, rather than the vague words that currently make it sound like the Big Society. Supporting residents in staging the Country Show would also convince folk that the Lambeth Co-op twaddle is not a smokescreen for local government cuts.
Since there is no Lambeth Country show then I gather we will pay no council tax in July. I'm starting a Facebook page about it.

Because we only pay our council tax for the country show :rolleyes:

I was thinking about this last night and as much as people are pissed off with the council I strongly suspect it's an infrastructure issue with it being due to take place the weekend before the olympics start. I remember hearing something about the olympics on the radio months ago and they were saying that they were going to be shipping things like portaloos in from Europe as there weren't going to be enough to go round. And then there's stewards, police etc etc.

Of course, as we've already said, doesn't mean we can't have our own massive picnic though :)
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