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Bye bye Country Show (picnic on July 22nd?)

they've got it the wrong way round, they need to cancel the olympics so they can put on the LCS.
the olympics is gonna be the default excuse for loads of things going tits up this year, and probably for many years to come.
fuck the olympics quite frankly (except the women's beach volleyball, we can keep that).

you wouldn't say that if, like me, you had tickets for the olympics hopscotch and frisbee-throwing
It's been 100% confirmed then, this year's cancelling?

Bollocks, if it has, It's quite easily the best free festival in London, especially as Stokefest is now but a fond memory.
Maybe the small sheep could be summoned to do a cat-herding demonstration

Today they are herding cats.


Btw, Someone'll be along in a minute to post a picture of Colin Hunt or try to spoil everyone's fun by pointy out how "wacky" and lame this all is. Let's just ignore them.

Maybe they couldn't get cover from the police/ambulance services?

Maybe if all those little scrotes stopped having rucks/stabbing each other by the fairground, we wouldn't need all those police :(

It’s not the only event making way for the Olympics - even Glastonbury is taking a break.”

Oh well, that's ok then. Everyone has to suffer for the sodding Olympics that Londoners are paying Council Tax for and most of us can't even get a ticket :rolleyes:
With added pressure on the emergency services and the infrastructure needed to run the event throughout July and August, we felt it was not practical to stage an event of the Country Show’s scale this year.

hm, wonder if muggings will go up while all the police piss off :hmm:

Naturally if they do, that'll be put down to the recession though
Just been told that Lambeth staff were told this afternoon that the Country Show isn't happening this year, nothing to do with cost saving though, it's because of the Olympics.

Of course the Olympics coming this year has been a surprise to everyone so I assume they couldn't re-schedule it.


This took off!!

just had the actual text from the Lambeth message sent to me, a little bit removed (the name of the sender);

We have taken this decision because the Lambeth Country Show usually takes place in mid-July and would have come just days before the start of the London Olympics. With added pressure on the emergency services and on the infrastructure needed to run the events throughout July and August, it was not practical to stage an event of the Country Show’s scale this year .Across London similar events are not going ahead for the same reason and as I am sure you aware, nationally, events like Glastonbury are not being held too.

We can see that the focus is going to be on the Olympics and also the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. We are particularly keen to use the Olympics to promote activity in the borough and will be running other events to make sure our residents get the most out of this summer.

So many people I know are so pissed off about this cancelation of
the LBS. We need to get together and sort something out in the park.
The year would not be the same. Only time I drink Chucklehead, but
need to drink it atleast twice a year in the park surrounded with beuatiful
people from all back grounds just have good free fun.

Fuck the Olympics!Y
Well, these being the times we live in, I think that first we should spark a tweetstorm of outrage to make the said slimy git and his acolytes feel very uncomfortable, and then if that doesn't work (and when it gets a little warmer) we should make Windrush our own Tahrir, and then have a spontaneous people's picnic in the park on that weekend anyway.
It must do something as it's been going for nearly 40 years. I first went as a small child in the 1970s.

likewise - I've not been since (having lived some distance away from south london for most of my adult life is my main excuse)

just a thought - to be fair - is it Lambeth Council's decision, or have the plods / ambulance service said no? I'd assume they are juggling staff holidays to ensure maximum cover for the olympics...
likewise - I've not been since (having lived some distance away from south london for most of my adult life is my main excuse)

just a thought - to be fair - is it Lambeth Council's decision, or have the plods / ambulance service said no? I'd assume they are juggling staff holidays to ensure maximum cover for the olympics...

How many cops are going to be available to police Lambeth though I wonder?
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