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Takings stolen from Chucklehead stall at Lambeth Country Show - crowdfunder launched

I think it is sad that people have chosen to snipe on this thread.

Yes - it is a business. It is a small business which comes every year to the Lambeth Country Show and which has been very popular with people from these boards. IIRC, its stall has been the meeting place at quite a few of these events over the years.

A local guy who runs a local bulletin board for local people most of whom are local to the Lambeth Country Show, has taken it upon himself to do a collection to repay some of the money that was stolen from this business at the Show. His motives for doing it are clearly not to help some big business to thrive, but to help a small business continue to survive, and for that small business to continue to feel positive about the Show and to come next year so that, presumably, urbanites can continue to enjoy the cider and to have an established meeting place.

Personally, I think it is a lovely gesture of editor, and I am pleased to be member of the community of which he is a central part.

No-one is insisting that you donate.

Why don't you fuck off away from this thread and stop trying to spoil a nice gesture?
I was pointing out that they are a profitable limited company not a charity, and looking them up on line they are making a profit each year they’ve been trading, and they have net cash/stock to the value of over 50k that they could dip into. I personally think it’s sad when there are all sorts of charitable causes like refugees and homeless people that desperately need our help, that the worthy folk of brixton decide to collect donations to compensate a profitable buisness who have been negligent on leaving large cash takings on site overnight. Of course it’s petfectly cool for people to give their spare cash to whoever they want, I was just stating that I personally don’t donate to profitable private enterprises for bad buisness decisions. Brilliant they are going to donate the money back in the future and brilliant that urban 75 are making efforts to ensure this buisness don’t suffer a crisis and need to dip into their reserves . I’m more interested in supporting the brixton pound cafe, homeless charities and the myriad of social enterprises and charities that are suffering from Tory/libdem austerity
I was pointing out that they are a profitable limited company not a charity, and looking them up on line they are making a profit each year they’ve been trading, and they have net cash/stock to the value of over 50k that they could dip into. I personally think it’s sad when there are all sorts of charitable causes like refugees and homeless people that desperately need our help, that the worthy folk of brixton decide to collect donations to compensate a profitable buisness who have been negligent on leaving large cash takings on site overnight. Of course it’s petfectly cool for people to give their spare cash to whoever they want, I was just stating that I personally don’t donate to profitable private enterprises for bad buisness decisions. Brilliant they are going to donate the money back in the future and brilliant that urban 75 are making efforts to ensure this buisness don’t suffer a crisis and need to dip into their reserves . I’m more interested in supporting the brixton pound cafe, homeless charities and the myriad of social enterprises and charities that are suffering from Tory/libdem austerity
ALL the money being donated to keep Chucklehead afloat right now will be given to local Brixton charities next year. ALL of it and quite possibly even more on top. So what the fuck are you complaining about in this thread?

If you don't want to donate to this tiny little family business that has brought pleasure to so many people that's your call, but I'm not sure why you keep coming back to try and piss on this modest crowdfunder.

Meanwhile: Brixton Buzz donates over £1,500 to the local community, with money raised from our David Bowie celebration night
ALL the money being donated to keep Chucklehead afloat right now will be given to local Brixton charities next year. ALL of it and quite possibly even more on top. So what the fuck are you complaining about in this thread?

If you don't want to donate to this tiny little family business that has brought pleasure to so many people that's your call, but I'm not sure why you keep coming back to try and piss on this modest crowdfunder.

Meanwhile: Brixton Buzz donates over £1,500 to the local community, with money raised from our David Bowie celebration night
It’s in the forum so I assumed I could comment. My thoughts were that there may well have been other small traders struggling to make a profit at the LCF as well as the charities present, that I personally think might be more deserving of an appeal than a profitable limited company
It’s in the forum so I assumed I could comment. My thoughts were that there may well have been other small traders struggling to make a profit at the LCF as well as the charities present, that I personally think might be more deserving of an appeal than a profitable limited company
Well why don't you go for it - leave out contaminating this thread and follow your thoughts with some positive actions!
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It’s in the forum so I assumed I could comment. My thoughts were that there may well have been other small traders struggling to make a profit at the LCF as well as the charities present, that I personally think might be more deserving of an appeal than a profitable limited company
Then why not get off your arse and start your own crowdfunder, rather than moaning and complaining about this particular crowdfunder (which will eventually ALL go to local charities)?

It's really easy to set up a crowdfunder: go to justgiving.com and it takes about three minutes to be up and running. I'll look forward to seeing your efforts.

Update: We're now on 88% of the target of £1,000.
Help raise £1000 to help the Chucklehead Cider farm after their takings were stolen at the Lambeth Country Show.
Then why not get off your arse and start your own crowdfunder, rather than moaning and complaining about this particular crowdfunder (which will eventually ALL go to local charities)?

It's really easy to set up a crowdfunder: go to justgiving.com and it takes about three minutes to be up and running. I'll look forward to seeing your efforts.

Update: We're now on 88% of the target of £1,000.
Help raise £1000 to help the Chucklehead Cider farm after their takings were stolen at the Lambeth Country Show.
I give money to causes according to my finances, I just feel you are possibly misleading people if you think donating to a profitable company with net assets of over 50k and credit rating good enough to borrow a few 10’s of thousands of pounds if their cash reserves aren’t enough and cash flow is a problem is worthwhile. If you don’t want comments why put it on a public forum which is inviting comments. It’s just my thoughts based on the size and turnover of the company . I won’t mention it again. But they are not some piss poor family knocking up a few pints of cider in their kitchen, nor a retailer having to buy the cider wholesale and deal with extortionate rents or buisness rates. They make their own cider thus maximising profits. I always enjoy the cider at the show and last time I was there they sold out on the Saturday and had to collect more stock. They sell loads at the shows otherwise they wouldn’t take the concession year after year, and through their shop and mail order buisness they sell more, and this time they suffered a loss through theft. That’s buisness and I personally don’t donate to buisnesses I buy from them. That’s my thoughts on the matter and your opinion is different which is cool, and that is what I’ve assumed a forum is for, its public I’m an occasional contributor and I have a different way of looking at this. I genuinely hope you raise lots of cash for them as I can see they are important to you, and I hope they donate it back to charities at some point. I wonder if they’ve ever contributed previously from the vast sums they make at our country show, I’m sure they have as they seem to be very community minded from what your saying. And I know that many people from this forum donate to all sorts of causes as do I that are close to our hearts. You choose to support this private enterprise as is your right and I wish you nothing but success with it. Different opinions that’s all. End of
I imagine there's others who haven't donated yet haven't felt the need to clutter up the thread outlining their reasons for it.
I’m sure there are. Go and enjoy a few pints of cider - a good way to help them is to order some outside of the show weekend. I’d support that. And if the forum rules are that you can’t post anything negative then I’ll remember in future. Carry on helping profitable private LTD companies that have cash and assets to spare all you want. And delete me from this forum you sad bunch of pricks
I’m sure there are. Go and enjoy a few pints of cider - a good way to help them is to order some outside of the show weekend. I’d support that. And if the forum rules are that you can’t post anything negative then I’ll remember in future. Carry on helping profitable private LTD companies that have cash and assets to spare all you want. And delete me from this forum you sad bunch of pricks
I've asked before, you can't get deleted
I’m sure there are. Go and enjoy a few pints of cider - a good way to help them is to order some outside of the show weekend. I’d support that. And if the forum rules are that you can’t post anything negative then I’ll remember in future. Carry on helping profitable private LTD companies that have cash and assets to spare all you want. And delete me from this forum you sad bunch of pricks
I think the underlying issue is that the editor is supporting "private enterprise". Not ideogically correct position to take. Thus all the argument that Chucklehead are rolling in money.
Myself looks to me that this is small business. Like the small brewery I use Clarkshaws. These kind of people aren't arch capitalists. They are small producers.

I know Clarkshaws do it as being small business doing something they love is better than working for someone else or trying to make but big bucks building a multinational business.

These are ordinary people not mega capitalists.

And btw as I come from Devon originally small producers of cider were not that unusual.

It was cottage industry at one point.
Myself looks to me that this is small business. Like the small brewery I use Clarkshaws. These kind of people aren't arch capitalists. They are small producers.

I know Clarkshaws do it as being small business doing something they love is better than working for someone else or trying to make but big bucks building a multinational business.

These are ordinary people not mega capitalists.

And btw as I come from Devon originally small producers of cider were not that unusual.

It was cottage industry at one point.
I've actually been embarrassed by some of the responses here and seeing comments like this on FB:
Some of the comments on the Urban75 are really shitty aren't they? What sort of people talk about this little family farming business as though it was a money-grabbing, big capitalist set up?.....twats.
Thankfully, everyone else online has been really supportive of the crowdfunder - even more so when I told them that Chucklehead will away the total raised to charity next year.
Myself looks to me that this is small business. Like the small brewery I use Clarkshaws. These kind of people aren't arch capitalists. They are small producers.

I know Clarkshaws do it as being small business doing something they love is better than working for someone else or trying to make but big bucks building a multinational business.

These are ordinary people not mega capitalists.

And btw as I come from Devon originally small producers of cider were not that unusual.

It was cottage industry at one point.
There's just two of them running the company, and they're helped out by friends and family for the agricultural shows and food fairs.

Here's what they said to me:

We’re a tiny company that’s happened upon a big show…it was much smaller when we started doing it about 18 years ago. We’ve been doing agricultural shows and food festivals for about 20 years and we’ve built up to about 25 every year. This is our only music festival - everything else we do, is about 5% of this show.

Next year, after the show, all being well, we are going to give back any money we receive to a charity in Brixton (Brixton Buzz’s choice).

This show of solidarity and kindness is showing us through a really difficult time, but in a year’s time we would like to give it back and maybe more.

Thanks again you lovely people!!
Happy to say that the £1,000 target is looking reachable as we're currently on £943 (and I've been told my attempt to get it mentioned in Time Out was successful, so hopefully that'll give us the last push needed). Thank you again everyone who contributed.

That's good of them. Ill be buying some of their cider, not because i particularly like it, but because it is the best value drink at the event- i dread to think how much the beer will be at the normal bars. If its ridiculous, which it will be, ill be going out the Herne Hill entrance every hour or so, neck a couple of cans from the shop and coming back in again. Or maybe fill up a rucksack with beers and chuck it over, as the fence is not as tall as the ones used for the big paid-for festivals like Mighty Hoopla etc.
That's good of them. Ill be buying some of their cider, not because i particularly like it, but because it is the best value drink at the event- i dread to think how much the beer will be at the normal bars. If its ridiculous, which it will be, ill be going out the Herne Hill entrance every hour or so, neck a couple of cans from the shop and coming back in again. Or maybe fill up a rucksack with beers and chuck it over, as the fence is not as tall as the ones used for the big paid-for festivals like Mighty Hoopla etc.
I can remember Chucklehead apologising to me a few years back because they were forced to raise their prices because of Lambeth's heftily increased price for a pitch at the show.
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