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Bush says Iran is next!

mears said:
Don't get me wrong. I don't want you to have any fundamnetal beliefs on economics, philosophy or world affairs. I was hoping you were unable to formulate any type of beliefs on anything and in fact you can't. Well, maybe you have some strong beliefs regarding cricket.

Keep posting those articles!

I do, I'm just not going to let you patronise or admonish me into doing so, especially since this had nothing to do with the subject at hand nor did it have anything to do with what Ive actually said (which you managed to misquote me on). Besides which we've already had numerous debates on various subjects so you either cant remember my views or you're just being plain argumentative.

I remember your views on the outcome in Iraq - they were spot on eh? And I will keep posting the articles and no doubt you'll continue not to read them?
Barking_Mad said:
I do, I'm just not going to let you patronise or admonish me into doing so, especially since this had nothing to do with the subject at hand nor did it have anything to do with what Ive actually said (which you managed to misquote me on). Besides which we've already had numerous debates on various subjects so you either cant remember my views or you're just being plain argumentative.

I remember your views on the outcome in Iraq - they were spot on eh? And I will keep posting the articles and no doubt you'll continue not to read them?

Barking Mad said the following:

"Mears keeps going on about "white U75 contributers" or "white lefties". How does he know we're all white? Cant U75'ers be anything else!? What a bizarre thing to go on about. It's also funny how Mears critisises people for standing up for something, whilst he stands up for absolutely nothing."

I said the following:

"I am a committed capitalist myself. I believe in private proerty rights, privately owned businesses, stock ownership - all those goodies that make millions want to immigrate to the west.

The best part of capitalism is the prominence of the individual over the state. Under capitalism, one works to better their personal self rather than society at large. Hard work has its rewards in owning a house, a piece of land, or stock portfolio. Capitalism offers tangible benefits for one to enjoy. It doesn't offer the subjugation of a command economy where one makes sacrifices for "the people".

I love money. I think about it all the time. I want to acquire more and more. However I don't hold a grudge against those who possess more. I guess thats better than faith in some ancient religion or feeling superior beacuse one belongs to a certain ethnic group."

Now I wonder what you stand for and or believe in? You criticize me for standing up for absolutely nothing and I counter with standing up for capitalism.

Seems you are the one who stands for absolutely nothing. Which is fine by me.
Good, if you're happy with it shut the fuck up and stop boring me and everyone else with your constant prattle. I wasnt actually talking about 'economics' I was talking about standing up for people and defending them rather than just mowing them down with guns.
Barking_Mad said:
Good, if you're happy with it shut the fuck up and stop boring me and everyone else with your constant prattle. I wasnt actually talking about 'economics' I was talking about standing up for people and defending them rather than just mowing them down with guns.

so you stand for "standing up for the people and defending them"? Your intellectual capacities are amazing! No specifics, or examples - just general slogans.

Actually believing in something is a little different than general slogans, complaining and posting articles. Good luck
*slaps forehead with palm of hand*

Wind your neck in Mears.

I haven't even bothered to answer your question for the reasons Ive already stated above. If you want to carry on picking up what I say and twisting it as an answer to a question Ive said Im not going to give you, then you go right ahead.

And what's your obsession with the articles I post? Is all this bad news from Iraq wearing you down? Are all those 909 dead US soldiers weighing down on your conscience Mears? Hmmm? It's not quite going to plan is it Mears? It's not quite the stable democracy you promised would appear is it?
Barking_Mad said:
*slaps forehead with palm of hand*

Wind your neck in Mears.

I haven't even bothered to answer your question for the reasons Ive already stated above. If you want to carry on picking up what I say and twisting it as an answer to a question Ive said Im not going to give you, then you go right ahead.

And what's your obsession with the articles I post? Is all this bad news from Iraq wearing you down? Are all those 909 dead US soldiers weighing down on your conscience Mears? Hmmm? It's not quite going to plan is it Mears? It's not quite the stable democracy you promised would appear is it?

I don't have any opinion on the articles you post. All I'm saying is you said I stand for nothing when in fact you are the one who stands for nothing. And I'm glad you stand for nothing.
I don't have any opinion on the articles you post.

Well perhaps you should as most of them are regarding the policy you supported in Iraq. But still.....to save this thread any further torment that's my final word. You may have the last one if you wish.
Powell uses Iraq visit to sound Iran warning

"...His comments came only days after the Iraqi defence minister told a US newspaper that Iran was his country's "first enemy", accusing Tehran of "blatant interference""

Whilst in Tehran: Iran Refuses to Give Up Uranium Enrichment

"...Iran maintains its nuclear program is for electricity generation.

Iran suspended uranium enrichment last year under international pressure. In return, Britain, Germany and France promised to make it easier for Iran to obtain advanced nuclear technology."
niksativa said:
Iraq will topple next, says Bush

" He hinted at a possible military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities, saying that there was a window of opportunity for destroying Iran’s main nuclear complex at Bushehr next year that would close if Russia delivered crucial fuel rods."

In the run up to the Iraq invasion I and others were saying on these boards that Iran would be next, and sho nuff...

Just to remind you, if you look on a map of iran and its borders, every country or waterway now has US military bases (afghanistan and Iraq the latest conquests, the Persian Gulf houses most of the US navy). Hell, if they get Iran it''l be three in a row!

Iran is surrounded! Cmout with ya hands up!

Aside from any future arguments about legality or ends justifying means, it is important to remember that Iran is a true model of a country going about reform and cultural change through gentle outside pressure, and internal progression. The process isnt the fastest, but is genuine. To interfere with this is nothing but imperialism...

Go Georgie, go georgie....

When some mullah shows up on TV and tells us that it's time for the world to accept iran as part of the nuclear club, I say it's time for the Marines.
Idris2002 said:
True, but don't overestimate the competence or rationality of Team Chimp.

Maybe they really are stupid enough to pull a stunt like this . . .

And if it does happen - Victory to Iran.

How they going to do that: nuke Washington?
Johnny Canuck2 said:
When some mullah shows up on TV and tells us that it's time for the world to accept iran as part of the nuclear club, I say it's time for the Marines.

Odd you should say that... Sharon all but admitted Israel has nukes today, something we all guessed. Should we "send the marines" to Israel too or is it OK for them to have WMD but not Iran?
Loki said:
Odd you should say that... Sharon all but admitted Israel has nukes today, something we all guessed. Should we "send the marines" to Israel too or is it OK for them to have WMD but not Iran?

It's ok for israel to have nukes but not iran.
I suppose you want clarification.

It makes me uncomfortable to see nations ruled by fundamentalist zealots of a religion that preaches fire and sword, and adores martyrdom, in the possession of a thermonuclear device.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
I suppose you want clarification.

It makes me uncomfortable to see nations ruled by fundamentalist zealots of a religion that preaches fire and sword in possession of a thermonuclear device.

So Soviet nukes were OK, Russian nukes are a bit iffy, the French and Chinese have always been OK... and the Brit ruling class claim to be wishy-washy Anglicans. so who can tell?

Other nukes, you find as unacceptable as I do all nukes. It's a start.

Yes, I snipped "martyrdom". Relationship between this and nukes does not compute...
laptop said:
So Soviet nukes were OK, Russian nukes are a bit iffy, the French and Chinese have always been OK... and the Brit ruling class claim to be wishy-washy Anglicans. so who can tell?

Other nukes, you find as unacceptable as I do all nukes. It's a start.

Yes, I snipped "martyrdom". Relationship between this and nukes does not compute...

Russian, French, British, Chinese nukes. No one else really had a say about them.

Iranian nukes: we have a say.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
I suppose you want clarification.

It makes me uncomfortable to see nations ruled by fundamentalist zealots of a religion that preaches fire and sword, and adores martyrdom, in the possession of a thermonuclear device.
Mate I do not like the Iranian government, not one little bit. BUT - I know a lot about the people of Iran, far more than you I think - through work & friends, one of my closest mates is out there right now. I worked for an Iranian for 2 years.

It isn't a nation of fundamentalists.... it has a fuckwit government but that is all. Even if Iran had nukes they would never use them. I trust them more than Bush. He's killed far, far more innocent civilians than the incumbent Iranian government could dream of. :(
Johnny Canuck2 said:
I suppose you want clarification.

It makes me uncomfortable to see nations ruled by fundamentalist zealots of a religion that preaches fire and sword, and adores martyrdom, in the possession of a thermonuclear device.
That's a bit of a strange statement - no fundamentalists in Israel, and no history of aggression?

Which countries has Iran attacked recently?
Loki said:
Mate I do not like the Iranian government, not one little bit. BUT - I know a lot about the people of Iran, far more than you I think - through work & friends, one of my closest mates is out there right now. I worked for an Iranian for 2 years.

It isn't a nation of fundamentalists.... it has a fuckwit government but that is all. Even if Iran had nukes they would never use them. I trust them more than Bush. He's killed far, far more innocent civilians than the incumbent Iranian government could dream of. :(

Well, if you want a Friends of Iran pissing match, about fifty thousand of them live within ten miles of my house, I and my family have many dealings with iranians, we eat dinner at the houses of iranians whose kids are friends with my kids.

Yes, they're good people, but it isn't the people who will be controlling the launch codes, it will be the fuckwit govt.
FridgeMagnet said:
That's a bit of a strange statement - no fundamentalists in Israel, and no history of aggression?

Which countries has Iran attacked recently?

Israel has had nukes for decades; havent used them.

Do you want to make the same prediction for Iran for the next three decades if the mullahs should get the bomb?
Loki said:
er, you don't, any more than Indian or Pakistani or Chinese nukes.

Not me, but Bush and the US does.

I'll be back later, I'm off for lunch at an East Indian Buffet...

Butter chicken, here I come...
Johnny Canuck2 said:
Israel has had nukes for decades; havent used them.

Do you want to make the same prediction for Iran for the next three decades if the mullahs should get the bomb?
Who has used nukes (apart from the US)? Do you think all of those countries are okay with them? NK hasn't used nukes either.

Israel has certainly used the threat of nukes; it underlies all of their international negotiations.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
Yes, they're good people, but it isn't the people who will be controlling the launch codes, it will be the fuckwit govt.

The fuckwit govt hasn't invaded any country nor imposed its economic power on others... unlike the USA.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
You're aware, of course, of Iran's intervention in the internal affairs of israel.
You're aware, of course, of the USA's intervention in the internal affairs of Israel and Palesitine.
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