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Bush says Iran is next!

9/11 commission is to report ties between Iran and al Qaeda

Next week's much anticipated final report by a bipartisan commission on the origins of the 9/11 attacks will contain new evidence of contacts between al-Qaeda and Iran—just weeks after the Administration has come under fire for overstating its claims of contacts between al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein's Iraq.

A senior U.S. official told TIME that the Commission has uncovered evidence suggesting that between eight and ten of the 14 "muscle" hijackers—that is, those involved in gaining control of the four 9/11 aircraft and subduing the crew and passengers—passed through Iran in the period from October 2000 to February 2001. Sources also tell TIME that Commission investigators found that Iran had a history of allowing al-Qaeda members to enter and exit Iran across the Afghan border. This practice dated back to October 2000, with Iranian officials issuing specific instructions to their border guards—in some cases not to put stamps in the passports of al-Qaeda personnel—and otherwise not harass them and to facilitate their travel across the frontier. The report does not, however, offer evidence that Iran was aware of the plans for the 9/11 attacks.

The senior official also told TIME that the report will note that Iranian officials approached the al-Qaeda leadership after the bombing of the USS Cole and proposed a collaborative relationship in future attacks on the U.S., but the offer was turned down by bin Laden because he did not want to alienate his supporters in Saudi Arabia.

Looks like something's brewing.
John McLaughlin, the acting director of the CIA, yesterday told Fox News: "We have no evidence that there is some sort of official connection between Iran and 9/11." But he said it was not surprising that the hijackers were able to pass through Iran, given the country's "history of supporting terrorism".
A peculiar sort of statement.
The most likely course of events will be a single strike against nuke research facilities - Israel did it with covert US support (i.e. it wasn't condemned and did the US a huge favour) when they destroyed an Iranian nuke facility in the 80s.

As for who I'd rather have owning nukes? Well given that lots of peeps round here regularly point out that US is a theorcracy that possess nukes and shouldn't be allowed to do so, why support giving them to a country that IS an actual theocracy and where the final say on the use of nukes would be decided by a religious council? What about the pre-strike safeguards such as the 'red phone' and other prophylactyic layers that exist between the Prez deciding to nuke someone and actually being able to do it?
John McLaughlin, the acting director of the CIA, yesterday told Fox News: "We have no evidence that there is some sort of official connection between Iran and 9/11." But he said it was not surprising that the hijackers were able to pass through Iran, given the country's "history of supporting terrorism".

FridgeMagnet said:
A peculiar sort of statement.

Even more peculiar was the Chimp still insisting that there is a link between Iran and al-Qaeda. What's he like??? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
whats the connection? everything and every concept in the cosmos interconnects with each other along metaphysical pathways. Bush has simply achieved omnipotence.
Psychonaut said:
whats the connection? everything and every concept in the cosmos interconnects with each other along metaphysical pathways. Bush has simply achieved omnipotence.

So he should be getting Dirk Gently to investigate al Qaeda not the CIA then? ;)
niksativa said:
Iraq will topple next, says Bush

" He hinted at a possible military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities, saying that there was a window of opportunity for destroying Iran’s main nuclear complex at Bushehr next year that would close if Russia delivered crucial fuel rods."


Wouldn't it just be easeier to give isreal the green light?

I think so.

In any event,i don't care that much if we do it or Isreal does it.

I just don't think its a good idea, to let fanatics aquire nuclear weapons.

So who does?
pbman said:
Wouldn't it just be easeier to give isreal the green light?

I think so.

In any event,i don't care that much if we do it or Isreal does it.

I just don't think its a good idea, to let fanatics aquire nuclear weapons.

So who does?

No, it isn't a good idea to let fanatics acquire nuclear weapons, or possess them as the US and UK does. Then again, the US is filled with fanatics like you, who can't wait to press the button.
pbman said:
Wouldn't it just be easeier to give isreal the green light?

I think so.

In any event,i don't care that much if we do it or Isreal does it.

I just don't think its a good idea, to let fanatics aquire nuclear weapons.

So who does?

Isn`t it great how these thick twits like PBman actually believe that their conuntry`s defense can actually be based on a position where by they attack other nations ......who incidently pose no direct or even indirect threat to the USA...the logic is astounding.....mind you with less americans reading books than ever before its not surprising that there so maluble and ignorant of world affairs..they still think Saddam blew up the WTC... :D
He's only repeating the arguement made in 82 when the Israelis took out a similar reactor in Iran - and strategically it's a sound move since it took the Iranians another 10 years to get the programme back on track.
nino_savatte said:
No, it isn't a good idea to let fanatics acquire nuclear weapons, or possess them as the US and UK does. Then again, the US is filled with fanatics like you, who can't wait to press the button.

If that was the case we would push it,as it much cheaper and less americna boys have to die.
cemertyone said:
Isn`t it great how these thick twits like PBman actually believe that their conuntry`s defense can actually be based on a position where by they attack other nations ......who incidently pose no direct or even indirect threat to the USA...the logic is astounding.....mind you with less americans reading books than ever before its not surprising that there so maluble and ignorant of world affairs..they still think Saddam blew up the WTC... :D

Sorry but they do pose a threat.

Briscoe said:
Yeah, have you seen the picture of yourself btw in the What Are You thread over in general?

pbman...a potrait of a great american

Well if 9/11 style attack happens to your country again you'll excuse me for repeating your sentiments

No i havn't seen the childish photo.

And we are currently tring to perevent more 9/11 type attacks, leftes like yourself encourage the radicals to attack us, and kill more americans.

So you'll have to excuse me as well for not liking them.
The Israelis did indeed strike an Iraqi Nuclear Reactor. The IAEA have said the Iraqi installation was a civil program with no millitary application. The covert Iraqi WMD programs started shortly afterwards.

DC was furious when the French gave Israel the bomb. I don't want to see a Nuke armed Iran going toe to toe with Tel Aviv.

It's cruicial now that Dubya abandon his impotent electoral dick waving and engage with Iran. DC needs to get real, at the moment Tehran has the whip hand.

I have to think that Iran's nuclear facilities are toast, whether it's the Israelis that do it or the Americans doesn't matter but I reckon it IS going to happen.

Russia isn't going to want a nuclear armed Iran on its border. I once heard a story. I can't recall the exact details and I can't remember when it happened but I seem to remember reading the story somewhere reliable (in terms of trustworthyness).

There were various terrorist attacks on Russian soil emanating from Iran (this was during the Soviet era). Russia couldn't formally pin the blame on the Tehran government for lack of evidence but they had a pretty good idea that they were behind it.

So one day they called the Iranian foreign minister into the Kremlin. He was ushered into a room where his opposite number, the Russian minister, was sat behind a desk. The Russian minister said nothing for a while and then he pulled a nut out and placed it on the table. Then he took out a large hammer and smashed it down on the nut. Then he said:

"One more terrorist attack happens in this country and that's your holy city of Qom"

Then guards came in and took the Iranian minister out. There were no more terrorist attacks after that. I know they have a new government now but not THAT much has changed. Russia don't fuck about, they never have. No love lost between Russia and Iran, that's for sure.

On the other border, we have Iraq. Iraq ain't gonna want a nuclear armed Iran on their border. They had a war with them not long ago. I know that the war involved a previous Iraqi leader but I wouldn't say things are so cosy between the two countries that one of them will trust the other with nuclear weapons. And besides the new Iraqi government will (presumably) be fairly pro-american so they won't object to a strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.

Then there's Turkey which is a NATO member and trying to gain entry to the EU so they won't object. In any case they see themselves as the regional power, they don't want Iran getting nukes because that may tip the balance of power away from Turkey.

So all the border countries don't want Iran getting nukes and probably wouldn't object to a military strike (providing they could pretend in public that they don't approve).

The Security Council powers probably wouldn't object. The US is all for doing it itself. Russia would be happy to let the US take care of the problem for them. China would probably be disapproving but neutral as usual. Britain would probably disapprove but go along with it (what can they do anyway).

That would just leave France. But, since it was France who sold them all their nuclear stuff, people would just assume their objections were out of self-interest so everyone would ignore them.

So I can't see anyone who matters who would seriously object to a military strike.

That nuclear reactor is a dead man walking. It just doesn't realise it's dead yet.

Just my opinion, of course.
banjo said:

I have to think that Iran's nuclear facilities are toast, whether it's the Israelis that do it or the Americans doesn't matter but I reckon it IS going to happen.

Russia isn't going to want a nuclear armed Iran on its border. I once heard a story. I can't recall the exact details and I can't remember when it happened but I seem to remember reading the story somewhere reliable (in terms of trustworthyness).

There were various terrorist attacks on Russian soil emanating from Iran (this was during the Soviet era). Russia couldn't formally pin the blame on the Tehran government for lack of evidence but they had a pretty good idea that they were behind it.

So one day they called the Iranian foreign minister into the Kremlin. He was ushered into a room where his opposite number, the Russian minister, was sat behind a desk. The Russian minister said nothing for a while and then he pulled a nut out and placed it on the table. Then he took out a large hammer and smashed it down on the nut. Then he said:

"One more terrorist attack happens in this country and that's your holy city of Qom"

Then guards came in and took the Iranian minister out. There were no more terrorist attacks after that. I know they have a new government now but not THAT much has changed. Russia don't fuck about, they never have. No love lost between Russia and Iran, that's for sure.

On the other border, we have Iraq. Iraq ain't gonna want a nuclear armed Iran on their border. They had a war with them not long ago. I know that the war involved a previous Iraqi leader but I wouldn't say things are so cosy between the two countries that one of them will trust the other with nuclear weapons. And besides the new Iraqi government will (presumably) be fairly pro-american so they won't object to a strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.

Then there's Turkey which is a NATO member and trying to gain entry to the EU so they won't object. In any case they see themselves as the regional power, they don't want Iran getting nukes because that may tip the balance of power away from Turkey.

So all the border countries don't want Iran getting nukes and probably wouldn't object to a military strike (providing they could pretend in public that they don't approve).

The Security Council powers probably wouldn't object. The US is all for doing it itself. Russia would be happy to let the US take care of the problem for them. China would probably be disapproving but neutral as usual. Britain would probably disapprove but go along with it (what can they do anyway).

That would just leave France. But, since it was France who sold them all their nuclear stuff, people would just assume their objections were out of self-interest so everyone would ignore them.

So I can't see anyone who matters who would seriously object to a military strike.

That nuclear reactor is a dead man walking. It just doesn't realise it's dead yet.

Just my opinion, of course.
Yes of course...

Anybody seen the new Thunderbirds movie...it has as much resonance in truth as the rambler above has.

International Rescue are go :D
banjo said:
...I know they have a new government now but not THAT much has changed. Russia don't fuck about, they never have. No love lost between Russia and Iran, that's for sure.

I have been following Iranian news for a while now, and recently a lot of big trade agreements seem to have opened up with Russia. Russias continued to turn a blind eye even as Europe is showing signs of putting its foot down. The 'problem' from a Russian perspective is Europe, suddenly making a fuss. Your way off there imo.
vimto said:
Yes of course...

Anybody seen the new Thunderbirds movie...it has as much resonance in truth as the rambler above has.

International Rescue are go :D

Well he is correct, and that was well written, is that what a rambler means?
Psychonaut said:
I have been following Iranian news for a while now, and recently a lot of big trade agreements seem to have opened up with Russia. Russias continued to turn a blind eye even as Europe is showing signs of putting its foot down. The 'problem' from a Russian perspective is Europe, suddenly making a fuss. Your way off there imo.

Russian FP is all over the place at the moment and I wouldn't want to comment either way - it's certanly not Russian interests to have a nuclear Iran on it's Southern flank, esp as it still has Islamic problems across the CIS.

Just as a nuked up NK is in no-ones interest in SE Asia, aside from radical Islamist and/or Arabist groups Iran with nukes is about as welcome as...Israel with nukes. And IIRC Iran is a NPT signatory which Israel isn't.
vimto said:
Yes of course...

Anybody seen the new Thunderbirds movie...it has as much resonance in truth as the rambler above has.

International Rescue are go :D

*beep beep beep beep*


pbman said:
No the women die to.

And how many of the Elite`s children from American society will die in these rambo operations....None.
Not a single Senator`s child is currently serving in the Armed forces in Iraq....they wrap themselves in the Stars and Strips (no its not a spelling mistake :D ) and then send the poor white trash and desperate urban poor blacks..to do there killing for them.....
And an idiot like PBman has not even the intelligence to see this....tell me Pbman ( well more like boy actually) if you support your county`s actions so much why aren`t you serving your country????
Your daddy`s not applied for your to join the Texas National Guard as a part time Airman then....... :D
pbman said:
And we are currently tring to perevent more 9/11 type attacks, leftes like yourself encourage the radicals to attack us, and kill more americans.
what utter bollocks! It is US foereign policy and propping up of Israel which is the sole cause of such attacks, and the Iraq war etc are almost a surefire guarantor of more attacks in the corner.
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