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Bush says Iran is next!

cemertyone said:
And how many of the Elite`s children from American society will die in these rambo operations....None.
Not a single Senator`s child is currently serving in the Armed forces in Iraq....they wrap themselves in the Stars and Strips (no its not a spelling mistake :D ) and then send the poor white trash and desperate urban poor blacks..to do there killing for them.....
And an idiot like PBman has not even the intelligence to see this....tell me Pbman ( well more like boy actually) if you support your county`s actions so much why aren`t you serving your country????
Your daddy`s not applied for your to join the Texas National Guard as a part time Airman then....... :D

There is no draft in the US. No one is forced to joing the armed forces. Americans willingly join the US armed forces. This is not vietnam.

Joining any countries armed forces is no picknik. The upside of joining the US armed forces is you learn new skills and get to travel the world. The down side is you might get killed or maimed. That down side has been the same for thousands of years. But the people who take those risks in the US do so on a voluntary basis.
Red Jezza said:
what utter bollocks! It is US foereign policy and propping up of Israel which is the sole cause of such attacks, and the Iraq war etc are almost a surefire guarantor of more attacks in the corner.

So you think if America didn't support Israel 9-11 would not have happened?
Psychonaut said:
I have been following Iranian news for a while now, and recently a lot of big trade agreements seem to have opened up with Russia. Russias continued to turn a blind eye even as Europe is showing signs of putting its foot down. The 'problem' from a Russian perspective is Europe, suddenly making a fuss. Your way off there imo.

No one here is interested in Russian foreign policy no matter how many terrible regimes they do business with. Same goes for France. Only America gets blamed for dealing with nasty regimes. All America all the time
I think you'd find that if they were British troops currently being killed in foolish Russian military adventures like Chechnya, then people would take just as much interest in Russian foreign policy.

But there aren't.
Fruitloop said:
I think you'd find that if they were British troops currently being killed in foolish Russian military adventures like Chechnya, then people would take just as much interest in Russian foreign policy.

But there aren't.

Well maybe you will take an interest if Russia helps the mullahs obtain nuclear weapons.
mears said:
So you think if America didn't support Israel 9-11 would not have happened?

Bin laden was threatening to attack the US for years before 2001 and he specifically pointed out support of Israel as one of the primary reasons for any future attack. You cant say he didnt give them adequate warning. Id rather not discuss the issue further here as its off-topic.
mears said:
There is no draft in the US. No one is forced to joing the armed forces. Americans willingly join the US armed forces. This is not vietnam.

Joining any countries armed forces is no picknik. The upside of joining the US armed forces is you learn new skills and get to travel the world. The down side is you might get killed or maimed. That down side has been the same for thousands of years. But the people who take those risks in the US do so on a voluntary basis.

Do you concede that for some volunteers there is an element of economic "compulsion" in their decision to enlist, though (a well-known phenomenon in the UK)?
ViolentPanda said:
Do you concede that for some volunteers there is an element of economic "compulsion" in their decision to enlist, though (a well-known phenomenon in the UK)?

You can't get into the US armed forces without a high school degree or GED so these people are not the dumbest of the dumb. People who I know that enlisted either were saving up for college or wanted to learn some technical skills, and get paid for it.
mears said:
There is no draft in the US. No one is forced to joing the armed forces. Americans willingly join the US armed forces. This is not vietnam.

Joining any countries armed forces is no picknik. The upside of joining the US armed forces is you learn new skills and get to travel the world. The down side is you might get killed or maimed. That down side has been the same for thousands of years. But the people who take those risks in the US do so on a voluntary basis.

Yeah the "choice" of which you speak is a choice of either staying in the getthos and getting nowhere...or join the military and go off around the world killing people......some fucking choice...
Isnt it fucked up how for some people they have to go off to war and kill folk just to get the money to pay for college?
Barking_Mad said:
Isnt it fucked up how for some people they have to go off to war and kill folk just to get the money to pay for college?

Isnt it fucked up that its some American kids who have to take out one of the world worst dictators. A man responsible for killing more Muslims than any modern day ruler. Hell, they can't even put on the olympics in Athens without the US military, but I digress.

You know I'm disappointed with you. You stated I believed in nothing and I gave you a little version of my beliefs. Not my complaints mind you but my beliefs. And nothing from you. You didn't share some of your deep seated views on anything. Its not too late, you can share if you like. Now it will take a little more effort than posting an artice or a two sentence insult but Im sure you have it in you.
mears said:
You can't get into the US armed forces without a high school degree or GED so these people are not the dumbest of the dumb. People who I know that enlisted either were saving up for college or wanted to learn some technical skills, and get paid for it.

Which doesn't really answer the question, does it? :D
I'm fully aware that the US and most other armies won't accept illiterates and that they like a high school diploma (as I'm sure your high schools haven't got round to awarding degrees yet :p ) or equivalent. That's good common-sense.

The point I was making (and which you partly make yourself) is that for some people, enlisting is just about the only choice they can make if they wish to get a college education in the US and come from an economically deprived background.

(btw, I'm aware of the network of scholarships available, but I'm also aware that there aren't nearly enough to go around).
No one here is interested in Russian foreign policy no matter how many terrible regimes they do business with. Same goes for France. Only America gets blamed for dealing with nasty regimes. All America all the time

This is a fair point, this board is just a Yank bashing forum. It's the fact that the US is currently the greatest nation on the planet, and even sincerely clings to the hokey notion that it leads by example that draws the fire.

Neither the French nor the Russian have any missionary pretentions, they are big bad nations looking after their own interests. Nor do they insist that every act of cold eyed Real Politik is actually warm hearted selfless charity.
mears said:
You can't get into the US armed forces without a high school degree or GED so these people are not the dumbest of the dumb. People who I know that enlisted either were saving up for college or wanted to learn some technical skills, and get paid for it.
You get a degree in High school in the US?

There are 31,000 soldiers who aren't even American citizens, they're using it to gain that status.
mears said:
Isnt it fucked up that its some American kids who have to take out one of the world worst dictators. A man responsible for killing more Muslims than any modern day ruler. Hell, they can't even put on the olympics in Athens without the US military, but I digress.

Oh give us a break, we all know they arent dying for the good of Iraqi people. If the plan had have worked as the neo-cons you support thought it would have done it would have been a happy by-product, but as it is its an on-going failure.

You know I'm disappointed with you.You stated I believed in nothing and I gave you a little version of my beliefs. Not my complaints mind you but my beliefs. And nothing from you. You didn't share some of your deep seated views on anything. Its not too late, you can share if you like. Now it will take a little more effort than posting an artice or a two sentence insult but Im sure you have it in you.

If you're going to quote me at least quote me accurately, I said:
It's also funny how Mears critisises people for standing up for something, whilst he stands up for absolutely nothing.

Standing up for something and believing in something aren't the same thing, and especially so in the context from which my comment arose, so don't distort what I said. Secondly I didn't ask for your views as I'm only too well aware of them anyway. Lastly I'm not interesting in your patronising attempt to shame me into telling you what I think about a whole range of issues, many of which I've commented on hundreds of times on this bulletin board.
Its not a Yank bashing board, its a US foreign policy bashing board, and I think to say that misses some dynamics of how the board works. The UK govt arent exempt from admonishment and if the board had Russians and French on it they'd get it in the neck too. However, because the posters are mainly US or UK then that's where the argument generally tends to settle and because the US Govt run the only superpower on the planet then they get the stick.
Barking_Mad said:
Oh give us a break, we all know they arent dying for the good of Iraqi people. If the plan had have worked as the neo-cons you support thought it would have done it would have been a happy by-product, but as it is its an on-going failure.

If you're going to quote me at least quote me accurately, I said:

Standing up for something and believing in something aren't the same thing, and especially so in the context from which my comment arose, so don't distort what I said. Secondly I didn't ask for your views as I'm only too well aware of them anyway. Lastly I'm not interesting in your patronising attempt to shame me into telling you what I think about a whole range of issues, many of which I've commented on hundreds of times on this bulletin board.

Bullshit, all you do is post articles. I can't even shame you into posting a little about your beliefs on anything. You don't stand for anything. You just bitch
mears said:
Bullshit, all you do is post articles. I can't even shame you into posting a little about your beliefs on anything. You don't stand for anything. You just bitch

Mears I post articles for no other reason thaan because I think people might find them interesting. If you dont like them, don't read them. And you're right, I'm not going to be shamed into anything by anyone, least of all by you.
Mears, as i've said countless times before, you are such a prick.

And the US Army is primarily staffed by economic conscripts.
kropotkin said:
Mears, as i've said countless times before, you are such a prick.

And the US Army is primarily staffed by economic conscripts.

Amazing how Mr mears neglects to answer questions on the subject, isn't it?

(He still hasn't acknowledged that high schools don't award degrees either
:D .)
ViolentPanda said:
Amazing how Mr mears neglects to answer questions on the subject, isn't it?

(He still hasn't acknowledged that high schools don't award degrees either
:D .)

So true VP...in fact him and PB are cut from the same cloth...when you actually ask them for their opinons or challange them to verify ANYTHING...the just silently scamper off..only to return later...Like good old boy pres Bush...(just keep giving them the thumbs up sir..tell them its all going fine..where an optimistic lot us americans)...ive been waiting weeks to find out why PBman aint joined the military he so desperately loves....... :D
sleaterkinney said:
You get a degree in High school in the US?

There are 31,000 soldiers who aren't even American citizens, they're using it to gain that status.

Yeah just goes to show the level of educational discourse going on within the US...have read this week that in CAL more than 25% of the population don`t even get to finish high-school.....and that the number of Us citizens who are actually passport holders has dropped from one -in -ten to one-in five.................speaks volumes of thier knowledge of world events and subsequent foreign policy actions......
mears said:
Bullshit, all you do is post articles. I can't even shame you into posting a little about your beliefs on anything. You don't stand for anything. You just bitch

And I make things up, right mears? If you can't get your own way you use something from your list of replies (list available on demand).

Do you stand for something mears, apart from money and how it can be acquired? You have not told us anything apart from that.

Furthermore you should check yourself before you accuse others of 'making things up', remember when you said Iraq now has free newspaper (sic)? Didn't you make that up?

If I want to criticise I shall do so. I do not have to have a plan to replace that which I criticise. How about you? I suppose you don't criticise anything because you already live in the utopia of the mind.
ViolentPanda said:
Amazing how Mr mears neglects to answer questions on the subject, isn't it?

(He still hasn't acknowledged that high schools don't award degrees either
:D .)

Par for the course with mears. Unable to think outside the prescriptive manner in which he was taught, he finds it difficult to see anything apart from profit.
Barking_Mad said:
Mears I post articles for no other reason thaan because I think people might find them interesting. If you dont like them, don't read them. And you're right, I'm not going to be shamed into anything by anyone, least of all by you.

Don't get me wrong. I don't want you to have any fundamnetal beliefs on economics, philosophy or world affairs. I was hoping you were unable to formulate any type of beliefs on anything and in fact you can't. Well, maybe you have some strong beliefs regarding cricket.

Keep posting those articles!
kropotkin said:
Mears, as i've said countless times before, you are such a prick.

And the US Army is primarily staffed by economic conscripts.

Now that is smart. As I said many times before the looney left world view is based soley on an anti-American one. Nor do they possess any beliefs about making the world a better place.

At least our side has capitalism and democracy. Your side has nothing but slogans and insults.
mears said:
As I said many times before ...

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