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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Glitter? I think you'll find that this fine individual is who you should be showering with praise and thanks...
Perservere with it, because in some ways it is the best series. And in other ways it isn't. But enjoy the good ways.

That was fantastic. I loved the 'let's wait half an hour then try again' then she suddenly realises what she's said and runs.

Also loved Spike wanting to go and slay demons and vampires to save puppies and Christmas
I finished the other day. I got really in to it.

Are they going to make a season 7 or is that it?

They definitely finished season 6 in a way that closed off all plot threads, unlike seasons 1 to 5. I got the impression that might well be it. But who knows?
I have been having Buffy on in the background whilst doing the mindless bits of my work.. I have gone from Ep.1 Season one to episode 6 of season 7 on Netflix in only a few months... I am now at the point where I want to stop watching Buffy and do somthing else!! BUT I CAN'T

Wouldn't you be if your cherry-popping ceremony resulted in a good bloke turning evil? ;)
But if sex with her is so powerful,it could at least be fun, right!?

It's the contrast between her and Faith that is quite interesting- Faith is sexually assertive, and apparently men are supposed to know its not Buffy by that- so when Buffy and Faith swap bodies and Faith sleeps with Riley, she is shown as being predatory: and then later Riley is all 'I should have known something was wrong'- and Buffy still has a hissy fit and considers breaking up with him. It's like good girl sex is soft focus and missionary position with much kissing, anything else is bad girl sex.

Maybe, never having been a good girl, I'm over sensitive ;)
On the other hand, she did destroy a building shagging Spike, then let him do stuff to her while they were on a balcony overlooking her friends in the Bronze.

So y'know, swings and roundabouts.
I was just going to say wait until season six.

Although her and Riley powered that psycho house with their sex too.

I think the Faith thing wasn't so much the bad girl sex it was the punishment aspect, she was all 'am I a bad girl, do you wanna hurt me?' It's the start of Faith's redemption.
Two episodes in a row Buffy has opened the curtains and caught Angel with some rays. The second time there was definitely a "WTF?!" look on his face :D
Riley isn't interested in Buffy because she's "a bit peculiar", or at least in spite of it.

The man is a walking plank of dull, and that's barely even a metaphor.
I am coming out in favour of Riley.

He's been getting far too much of a hard time on here and it's just not fair.

He was always lovely to Buffy, he treated her as well as anyone could hope to be treated. He recognised when occasionally his wholesome but possibly somewhat sheltered/traditional upbringing might have conditioned him to be a little narrow minded (Oz/werewolf) He gave up the military/government stuff that had basically been his entire life for her (and also because he realised that following orders wasn't necessarily the same thing as being right but that's beside the point)

Not only that but he stayed with Buffy even though he knew that she didn't feel as strongly about him as he felt about her because he recognised that for the moment she needed him.

And when he came back and her life was basically a mess whilst he had found his calling and was doing amazing things and was married and he had basically "won" the breakup in that stereotypical way that sit coms seem to think these things work he was nothing but classy and non-judgemental and just nice.

And next to Michelle Trachtenberg he is practically Lawrence Olivier.
Screw you all

Riley for ever!

In fact, has SMG ever acted opposite an actor worthy of her, in the love interest stakes?

Spike doesn't count, because that storyline was just ridiculous :p

*dons flame-retardant amulet of Salmon-Ra*
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