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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Tara is a great character and pivotal to Willow's development.
Riley is a necessary character, although he is treated very poorly and becomes a bit dickish.
Dawn is just plain irritating. She was a good plot device, but then never really found a place in the show, I don't think. And Trachtenberg is a terrible actor.
I think a lot of it was I didn't really rate any of them as actors. They didn't have the colours or shades of the rest of the characters/actors.
I think a lot of it was I didn't really rate any of them as actors. They didn't have the colours or shades of the rest of the characters/actors.

I disagree about Tara (Amber Bensen, was it?). She was good. Riley was an alright actor, I thought, but it was quite a 2-D part to play.
Or Xander twacking Glory with the wrecking ball "and the glorified bowler picks up a spare". Or
Giles in the same episode murdering whats his name which shows how dark buffy can be

ASH is the proper badman

when rumours of a series that was giles and willow in England came out i was drooling.

i want more ripper



As other people mentioned she's in the Guild easily the best and funniest Webseries of all time.

She was also was in the season finales of both seasons of Dollhouse, in the post apoc episodes. Which are easily two of the best episodes of Joss Weedon TV.

Oh and if you like Fallout New Vegas she's your Lesbian Brotherhood of Steel stallward companion, Veroncia. So basically she's a lesbian in W40K powerarmour with a, smart line in sarcastic quips, a hankering for fancy lad snack cakes, pretty dresses and punching baddies with her powerfist.

e2A apparently other men mentioned felicia day before I did, how odd.

fucker has picky taste in FO:NV it's not just any dress its a dress you have to steal from the corpse of a high roller canabal club member
actually the final giles and ben moment really worked for me

i really like giles a a character as he resonated with one of my childhood heroes

the 7th doctor

giles is mccoy and buffy is ace

i'm calling it right here

same character dynamic
Shippou-Sensei said:
actually the final giles and ben moment really worked for me

i really like giles a a character as he resonated with one of my childhood heroes

the 7th doctor

giles is mccoy and buffy is ace

i'm calling it right here

same character dynamic


The reason I love Alien 3 is because of the actors in it.

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103644/ It is a veritable who's who of brilliant British actors.

Alien 3
(lots of juicy quotes from some of the cast)

Alien 4

I like Joss Weedon, but when it goes right he takes all the credit when it goes wrong he blames everyone else.
fucker has picky taste in FO:NV it's not just any dress its a dress you have to steal from the corpse of a high roller canabal club member

Shippy please she wants a nice dress compared to all the "grimmy pre war leisure ware" in the game. Compared to say Boone who needs you to find his wife's killer, jump through hoops to get him to talk about his PTSD, and then slaughter three waves of Legion slavers before he gets his upgrade, Veronica/Felicia is charm personified.
the thing is just the act she diesn['t want any classic dres.... only the modern interpretation of than dress that is only used by the cannabis club
whats-her-name potential is in Supernatural now and then, just watched one of her episodes from the current series (i'm a bit behind, it was the LARP-er one). From what's been said above she is blatantly just playing herself but i like her.

i have now bookmarked Gilmore Girls to torrent. i have wondered several times if it would be worth a watch and so have deliberately avoided seeing episodes when CH4 goes through a repeating them phase for fear of spoilers.

also, Charmed was good, mostly due to Piper and the uptight one and especially the evil guy from Nip Tuck. Less keen on the original sister from 90210 whose name escapes me or the wimpy replacement cousin who was wangled in less subtly than Dawn into Buffy.

so i now really want to rewatch Buffy and Angel and am also potentially signing up to a new 7 series show. thanks guys. thanks a lot. i have to leave the house occasionally you know :mad:
There's an episode of Charmed on right now. Michelle Branch has just been playing in P3.

Playing 'Goodbye To You'. I feel like she's cheating on Buffy!
If I wasn't already in love with Spike I totes would be by the end of Season 5. I know it's a wanky term but his character goes through a proper journey in this one and really develops.

He's also very funny.

'What the bleeding hell is wring with you bloody women? What does it TAKE? What do you BITCHES want from me' :D

'Mark my words, the Slayer is going to kick your skanky, lopsided arse back to whatever place would take a cheap, whorish, fashion victim, ex god like you'

*Glory kicks him through the wall*

'Good plan Spike'
I finished S5 this morning (with obligatory tears) 'The Gift' is pretty much perfect.

Spike has so many little lines in it that are absolute genius. Ditto gestures. I think my favourite is when Willow says she could use some courage and you just see his hand with the hip flask in front of her.

That moment on the stairs where Buffy says 'come in Spike' Ahhhhhhhh!

And his driving goggles :D
For those of you who enjoy the accents in Buffy, you might want to check out "Buffy Abroad", one of the season 5 special features. The cast interviews have lots of put-on accents :D

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