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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Stigmata post: 12430299 said:
I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Joss Whedon's public school background yet. Giles was based on his schoolmasters at Winchester College. Urban's standards are slipping!

He let loose a couple of great quotes during the writer's strike that I can't seem to find (but one was quoted on urban).

He's on the right side IMO.

But yeah, not another class discussion :D
One of my greatest heroes illustrator, writer and 'crazy cat gentleman' Edward Gorey was a big Buffy fan.
random buffy trivia

buffys mum was in the Rocky Horror Picture show (Damn it Janet...)

Anthony Head is a dead nice bloke. Met him whilst Mrs Pingu was on a T Touch course with Sarah Fisher (his wife) we had a bacon butty and a couple of cuppas whilst waiting for them to come out. didn't talk about Buffy though - it was frustrating but wasn't the time or place
Good stuff or pseuodscience?

We did a session and it seemed more the latter than the former to me, although there was clearly some good bits.

IME... hippy shit. has some good bit but the "science" behind it is dead suspect to me though - up there with NLP in my mind.

Mrs Pingu likes this sort of stuff though.
Man, whys everyone so down on dawn? I thought it was a really cool way to shoehorn a character into the show like that. Kept it feeling fresh, like anything could happen, and her arguments with buffy were pretty comedy.

I thought it was very clever the way she was written in to it and the way they found out who she was etc but I just didn't like her.
If she had only been in it for the one series maybe she would have been more tolerable.
Also the way she shouts "get out, Get Out, GET OUT" about 5 times in the one series, in exactly the same way is just the most annoying thing in the whole show and I cringe when I know it is coming.
I thought Tara was great. Why all the hate for the decent characters ? Because they aren't badass? She became the conscience of the show and a sort of maternal character to the gang after Buffy's mother died. Her relationship with Willow on. Prime time series was pretty groundbreaking and I liked that actress. There was a lot of warmth she brought to that character.

I also don't get the hate for Dawn. She is supposed to be the annoying little sister, but that doesn't mean she has to die. She grows as the series goes on. And the Key plot line that introduced her was brilliant.

I for one loved Tara :)
Anthony Head is a dead nice bloke. Met him whilst Mrs Pingu was on a T Touch course with Sarah Fisher (his wife) we had a bacon butty and a couple of cuppas whilst waiting for them to come out. didn't talk about Buffy though - it was frustrating but wasn't the time or place

It was certainly the right time for a conversation about coffee adverts, though...?
I thought it was very clever the way she was written in to it and the way they found out who she was etc but I just didn't like her.
If she had only been in it for the one series maybe she would have been more tolerable.
Also the way she shouts "get out, Get Out, GET OUT" about 5 times in the one series, in exactly the same way is just the most annoying thing in the whole show and I cringe when I know it is coming.

Yeah, my current season 5 rewatch does show her as a bit of a one note joke. I still cant bring myself to find her half as annoying as Riley, but i think im starting to understand the hate a bit...
Tara was brilliant and led to the greatest plotline, in Evil Willow.

Dawn could have been great, but there was something a bit uncanny valley about her portrayal. I just didn't buy her motivation. I don't know whether it was the acting or the lines or her plot, but she never really rang true. It only stood out so much because everything else in the show was so note-perfect.
God, Harmony was dumb!

I've just remembered, I had a proper thing for Darla as well. Only in her vampire form mind :hmm:

Harmony was dumb but so funny.
She brought some light relief back when all was getting to deep and serious.
And she is great in Angel too.
Drusilla's accent wasn't that amazing, but it didn't stop her from being one of the most fun characters.

OMG, in all of this I forgot Drusilla.
Yeah terrible accent but it didn't matter, she was funny and dark and perfect alongside Spike :)

I loved The Trio too.
Jonathon already had his own story arc from before but went from nobody to someone back to nobody again.
Warren starting off quite comedic and then becoming a genuine psychopath.
And Andrew, well, just excellent and when he turns up in Angel "The Vampyyers" :D
I'll never understand why anybody would settle for one best show. There were so many I thought were the greatest at the time, but then something as good but totally different came along. I'm fickle like that.

This is me.
I don't have to choose a favorite film, song, TV show so I won't.
Some genres are just too incompatible to choose between.
How am I supposed to pick between The Wizard of Oz, The Philadelphia Story and Natural Born Killers :D
Also to anyone that only watched it first time around on TV and is wondering whether to watch it again, do remember loads was cut for TV as it was on early on BBC 2 so there is loads of more sexy or scary stuff you will have missed.
Go on, you know you want to :D
This is me.
I don't have to choose a favorite film, song, TV show so I won't.
Some genres are just too incompatible to choose between.
How am I supposed to pick between The Wizard of Oz, The Philadelphia Story and Natural Born Killers :D

You pick The Wizard of Oz! Obv :D
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