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Brighton Mayday? Are you coming to the seaside?

I have no problem with taking the rough with the smooth,

But I am still sceptical about a day of action in Brighton.

Going back to the original post, do you really think that there can be no cuts at all? The dire situation that we find ourselves in cannot be sustained without them. Whether we like it or not, we have been living beyond our means. Would it not be better for everyone to agree that there needs to be some cuts. My first choices would be defence, overseas aid and the ludicrous amount we pay to the EU and my last choice would be the NHS.

Something needs to be done - I don't think a Brighton protest is the answer
I agree - my first choice would be a reduction of funding to the armed forces, including a withdrawal from all theatres of combat in which we are currently engaged. We cannot afford to be in these places
I thought we were debating in an honest fashion. Being told to fuck off is offensive to me - to me it shows a weakness in the argument of the person who uses the phrase. Be a little bit more civil!

Misrepresenting what I say is offensive to me. Please do me the courtesy of accurately reading my posts. Please also provide evidence of your assertions.
I have no problem with taking the rough with the smooth,

But I am still sceptical about a day of action in Brighton.

Going back to the original post, do you really think that there can be no cuts at all? The dire situation that we find ourselves in cannot be sustained without them. Whether we like it or not, we have been living beyond our means. Would it not be better for everyone to agree that there needs to be some cuts. My first choices would be defence, overseas aid and the ludicrous amount we pay to the EU and my last choice would be the NHS.

Something needs to be done - I don't think a Brighton protest is the answer

Back this up.
good plan. other than that, the cuts are uneccesary. of course we can afford to have good public services this is the 1st world ffs.

After my last post, I am not sure what you are asking me to back up.

Direct question - Do you think there should be no cuts at all?
I am no doctor either but you must be extraordinarily naive to think that there are not people out there playing the system at the expense of the honest tax payer.

I am one of those tax payers and frankly am getting pissed off with the spongers that take my hard earned when I could be spending it on my own kids.

I agree completely, just look at the scrounger who got a knighthood, "Sir" Philip Green. Stole £285 Million from us hard working taxpayers in just 1 year!

I really, really hope you get more worked up by tax avoiders (£25bn) and tax evaders (£70bn - and directly comparable to benefit cheats) than you do benefit cheats (£1.5bn)*

I also think that you need to go and do some research into ATOS and the exactly what is going on with assessments of people on DLA/ESA, how many people are getting thrown off it despite what their GPs say, the vast number of appeals that are being won, the two suicides apparently linked to people having their benefits removed, the consequences for genuine claimants who incorrectly have their benefits removed etc. and ask yourself whether all of this grief to those who you say should get benefits is actually worthwhile, what does it actually achieve..

*those figures are iirc cos I'm off out in a minute and don't have the time to source them, but I'm pretty sure they are about right
Apparently local council & security getting agitated - may do something silly. If folks can, get down there today.
we have a military step up for annoying other countries and or turning Moscow into a radioactive car park.
we are continuing to fund that plan.
even though its a fur coat and no knickers affair.
building a carrier battle group to storm burno aires beaches is fucking madness.
we have generals obsessed about fighting THE WAR rather than a collection of police action peace keeping thats more likely.
using a warship that can shoot down 50 cruise missiles in a minute to chase hald a dozen starving blokes with aks or drug runners is bonkers. etc etc.
Nice pics ^

Fuck loads of police basically. Seemed like overkill to me.

there was a good crowd out from the london fit, notably ek127 alan 'perjurer' palfrey, seen on 1/4/09 near pc harwood's shove of one ian tomlinson; co5466 ryan cowlin and sx32 david casson
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