Where's the bloody sun?
*pages our resident expert in the field of foraging*
i fear he is hors de forage at the moment.*pages our resident expert in the field of foraging*
i fear he is hors de forage at the moment.
i would be astonished if it lasts you six months let alone a yearIve stockpiled some sherry.
Manzanilla oloroso and palo cortado on sale at Morrisons. Top quality Lustau shiz.. you cant even get it that much cheaper in Spain!
Cant see the price going down in the next year or two so It's a sure bet.
I'd rather that than be a "whore de Farage" - "the whole things a ghastly nightmare" to quote Billy Connolly.i fear he is hors de forage at the moment.
Long time passing.Where has all the tonic gone?
Thought that was satire but no 48% preppers is real!?A Facebook group called the 48% Preppers, named after the proportion of people who voted to remain in the EU in the 2016 referendum, suggests stockpiling more everyday items. In the group, which has around 1,600 members, a 16-page leaflet called Getting Ready Together is being circulated.
it is not satireThought that was satire but no 48% preppers is real!?
The relentless march towards making us eat insects continues...
Bug grub: Sainsbury's to stock edible insects on shelves in a UK first
I'd suggest snails* but they're a bit FrenchSeems like the right thread for this, only they are imported from the EU. Maybe midges could be harvested, in the manner of krill, to produce a nutritious domestic sludge? Well, at least until Scottish independence.
Better learn how to foraige in the woods or bins
Urban needs to try harder as we're 33 posts behind Mumsnet.Meanwhile a "Prepping for Brexit" page on Mumsnet has more than 250 posts with members saying they plan to stock up on everything from medication, toiletries and nappies to hair dye and tobacco.
it may be time to fit a cheap (as little as £15) bidet squirty thing