Pickman's model
Starry Wisdom
We've had our bacon
We've had our bacon
What is ractopamine? GooglesBut US pig farmers are allowed to follow practices banned in the EU including treating animals with the controversial growth stimulant ractopamine. Studies have linked ractopamine with adverse effects in pigs, especially hyperactivity, trembling, and broken limbs.
I suppose the buyer is crapping himself.it's not so much the quantity of food and wine that astonishes, as the provision of toilet paper
dodgy takeaway on the way home perhapsI suppose the buyer is crapping himself.
I had a sixth sense that Brexit would happen so have been piling on the fat reserves for ten years or more.I'm stockpiling fat.
On me.
Heard some tale of bog roll shortages predicted, this could be the boost of sales that newspapers have been waiting for.
it's not so much the quantity of food and wine that astonishes, as the provision of toilet paper, maybe 96 rolls of toilet paper. how long are they panic buying for?
not to mention disinfectant and cleaning clothsWhen the shit hits the fan, you'll need lots of toilet paper.
My stocks have been severely depleted thanks to having the flu.
I had to unsubscribe from the preppers facebook list - some of the people on there were getting distressingly obsessed - but then I live in a part of town well-served for calories - and I don't have a family to look after,,
not to mention disinfectant and cleaning cloths
Nah these are all perfectly nice people some of them deeply anxious - and it's made me think of those people who can't afford their food on a daily basis - let alone stockpile...I've been reading this thread and it was actually beginning to remind me of some of the prepping arguments I saw on those kinds of boards. At least they haven't started threatening each other with their guns yet, or revealed a hidden white supremacist forum.
Might I suggest, if you have £600 to splurge on panic buying, you don’t need to panic buy.
or at least the wurst will beI spent my last dosh on a few provisions. I'm skint now, but at least I have enough food in the house to last me (according to my calculations) till April 12th. The worst should be over by then.
Rice, lentals, beans, noodles and powdered egg.all we've bought for the coming calamity is some tinned tomatoes, some rice and pasta and a couple of fajita kits
oh and a big bottle of tabasco
Stock rotation. Use the shortest dates and replace.So what are people going to do with their mountains of panic bought food that they no longer need? Save it till haloween just in case? eat it all in one big sitting? give it to foodbanks?