That's not what I asked though - I was asking why you're trying to create a fantasy world where you can somehow disentangle the creative industries from advertising & marketing - what's the purpose?
My brother worked as an actor for his 20s - like most actors, this involved working in Waterstones or in a bar, and doing the occasional advert that his agent was able to find for him. Sometimes he'd get a walk on role in a British TV drama, or a part in a radio 4 drama, but 90% of the work was adverts, and most of those were in France or Italy or elsewhere in the EU for some reason. This is pretty normal for most actors, if his peers I know are anything to go by. And it's a similar story for all the other creative industries too - without the commercial work, most musicians, artists, actors and composers would not be able to make even the meagre living most of them make. In the end they already mostly drop out of the industry by the time they hit their 30s - less commercial work available would simply accelerate this process, or they won't bother at all.