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BrewDog: yet another hip company using 'rebel' language to sell its stuff

A factual reminder to those who applaud law-breaking companies with bosses who abuse their power in the workplace and make female staff feel uncomfortable:

It included accounts given by several former BrewDog employees who spoke about their experiences of Mr Watt's alleged personal misconduct and abuse of power in the workplace.
Former Brewdog USA workers said Mr Watt's behaviour made female bartenders feel "uncomfortable" and "powerless".

The BBC Scotland Disclosure team started investigating the company after almost 300 former and current Brewdog employees signed a letter accusing Mr Watt of presiding over a toxic culture of fear.
The programme included claims that Mr Watt was witnessed by staff kissing an intoxicated customer on a roof terrace bar; that female bartenders were advised how to avoid unwelcome attention from Mr Watt; and that managers would try to schedule certain female staff to be off to avoid Mr Watt's visits.
One bartender said she felt "powerless" to prevent unwelcome attention from Mr Watt, who was also alleged to have left staff feeling uncomfortable by taking women on late night brewery tours while on trips to his US bars.

A complaint by Brewdog about a BBC documentary that highlighted allegations of inappropriate behaviour against the beer giant's chief executive has been rejected by Ofcom.

A factual reminder to those who applaud law-breaking companies with bosses who abuse their power in the workplace and make female staff feel uncomfortable:
Nobody here has 'applauded' such behaviour. Unfortunately, loads of companies treat their staff shockingly. Even companies that haven't had BBC documentaries made about them.
Nobody here has 'applauded' such behaviour. Unfortunately, loads of companies treat their staff shockingly. Even companies that haven't had BBC documentaries made about them.
But no comparable breweries that you can actually name, despite being asked repeatedly for evidence of similar workplace harassment by creepy bosses or companies presiding over a toxic culture of fear.

Nobody here has 'applauded' such behaviour. Unfortunately, loads of companies treat their staff shockingly. Even companies that haven't had BBC documentaries made about them.

One might even venture that the vast majority of establishments who treat their staff appallingly have never had a BBC documentary made about them!
But no comparable breweries that you can actually name, despite being asked repeatedly for evidence of similar workplace harassment by creepy bosses or companies presiding over a toxic culture of fear.

Okay, we'll have to agree to disagree. I think most companies treat their staff as badly as they can possibly get away with, whereas you think only Brewdog does.
Wetherspoons aligns itself with the indie rock scene.

Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 16.36.17.jpg

Most reasonable people would agree that indie music is more sub-cultural than punk.

Punk is one of the most mainstream music genres of the 20th century.

Maybe urban75's Wetherspoons fanboys are happy to turn a blind eye to the pub chain's appropriation of Derby indie bands' cultural cache because Derby is in the provinces, while punk is a London-centric phenomenon and they therefore think it's more important.
Wetherspoons aligns itself with the indie rock scene.

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Most reasonable people would agree that indie music is more sub-cultural than punk.

Punk is one of the most mainstream music genres of the 20th century.

Maybe urban75's Wetherspoons fanboys are happy to turn a blind eye to the pub chain's appropriation of Derby indie bands' cultural cache because Derby is in the provinces, while punk is a London-centric phenomenon and they therefore think it's more important.
This is an article about a music promoter, AFAICS; are you sure it makes the point you're attempting to make?
This is an article about a music promoter, AFAICS; are you sure it makes the point you're attempting to make?
It's from Wetherspoon's self published propaganda magazine. I note that none of the thread's Wetherspoons fanboys have condemned this publication in the strongest terms, which I can only take to mean that they are happy to accept its contents as absolute truth, perhaps even on a higher strata than BBC documentaries.
It's from Wetherspoon's self published propaganda magazine. I note that none of the thread's Wetherspoons fanboys have condemned this publication in the strongest terms, which I can only take to mean that they are happy to accept its contents as absolute truth, perhaps even on a higher strata than BBC documentaries.
Yes, I get that it's a pub- chain corporation trying to pretend that they're just like any old ordinary pub that puts on live music, but what's that got to do with BD's very overt appropriation of sub-cultural values/tropes etc?
Okay, we'll have to agree to disagree. I think most companies treat their staff as badly as they can possibly get away with, whereas you think only Brewdog does.
Nope, that's not what I said. But you keep on insisting that there's loads of comparable breweries with the same grim history of creating a toxic workplace culture, run by sleazy bosses that make young women feel uncomfortable but despite multiple requests, you've yet to name a single one.
Nope, that's not what I said. But you keep on insisting that there's loads of comparable breweries with the same grim history of creating a toxic workplace culture, run by sleazy bosses that make young women feel uncomfortable but despite multiple requests, you've yet to name a single one.
Whataboutery without the what! :D
Nope, that's not what I said. But you keep on insisting that there's loads of comparable breweries with the same grim history of creating a toxic workplace culture, run by sleazy bosses that make young women feel uncomfortable but despite multiple requests, you've yet to name a single one.
Do I? Could you quote my posts where I keep on insisting that?
I'll take that as a No, you can't quote any posts where I insist that there's loads of comparable breweries with the same grim history of creating a toxic workplace culture, run by sleazy bosses that make young women feel uncomfortable.

Or can you?
I'll take that as a No, you can't quote any posts where I insist that there's loads of comparable breweries with the same grim history of creating a toxic workplace culture, run by sleazy bosses that make young women feel uncomfortable.

Or can you?
I've asked you the same fucking question more times that I can remember and each time you trot out the same excuse that they're no worse than other companies. You going to back that assertion up now or keep on wriggling around?
I've asked you the same fucking question more times that I can remember and each time you trot out the same excuse that they're no worse than other companies. You going to back that assertion up now or keep on wriggling around?
Yes, that's more accurate. Now we're getting somewhere. I take it you now agree that you were talking shit when you claimed that I keep on insisting that there's loads of comparable breweries with the same grim history of creating a toxic workplace culture, run by sleazy bosses that make young women feel uncomfortable.
Yes, that's more accurate. Now we're getting somewhere. I take it you now agree that you were talking shit when you claimed that I keep on insisting that there's loads of comparable breweries with the same grim history of creating a toxic workplace culture, run by sleazy bosses that make young women feel uncomfortable.
We've been discussing Brewdog's specific behaviour. And you've been repeatedly asserting that they're no worse than other companies.
Watching you continue to wriggle about is beyond embarrassing now, and I'm fed up shooting fish in a barrel, so for the sake of what's left of your dignity, I'm going to put you on ignore for a while.
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