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Boomtown 2014 - new plans

heya - it kind of depends what you personally come to boomtown for !!! a huge amount of people who attend have requested some more relaxed entertainment to the norm !!!

The West Holts stage at Glastonbury has never even threatened to engage me and given where it is, I pass by pretty often.

Its cider, hmmm, jez these are shit. Hey I can hear cassette boy.... Every time for about 10 years. You're going to have resurrect Amy Winehouse to get my attention.
That's the best festie line up I've EVER seen! wiskey how is Boomtown for kids?

Personally I wouldn't, we get rid of ours.

It does have a kids area, which I believe they have improved in the past few years. Thora took T a couple of years ago but the festival is twice the size now. It's not geared up for kids, there are only kids toilets in the kids field (which is right at the top of site away from half of the interesting stuff), stalls don't offer kids portions, and the punters really aren't wired into looking out for kids.

I took werv to Glade when he was 5mo, and that was ok ... but I wouldn't take him now. And he's fairly seasoned festival-wise.
Personally I wouldn't, we get rid of ours.

It does have a kids area, which I believe they have improved in the past few years. Thora took T a couple of years ago but the festival is twice the size now. It's not geared up for kids, there are only kids toilets in the kids field (which is right at the top of site away from half of the interesting stuff), stalls don't offer kids portions, and the punters really aren't wired into looking out for kids.

I took werv to Glade when he was 5mo, and that was ok ... but I wouldn't take him now. And he's fairly seasoned festival-wise.
Thanks for the honest reply but... SOB!

This is exactly how I feel about Beatherder.
Thanks both. I trust your opinion.

We can only afford to go to one festival (first world problem) so it's got to be one we all go to. We had to cancel our 2013 festival this year because of my extreme morning sickness.
Does anyone know if theyve got that rule about Cameras with detachable lenses being considered professional and not being allowed to take them in without press accreditation?

Im working a festival, then camping on the coast, then going straight too boomtown from camping, and dont want to drive home to drop my camera off, but if they'll confiscate it on the gate then Ill have to.
Does anyone know if theyve got that rule about Cameras with detachable lenses being considered professional and not being allowed to take them in without press accreditation?

Im working a festival, then camping on the coast, then going straight too boomtown from camping, and dont want to drive home to drop my camera off, but if they'll confiscate it on the gate then Ill have to.

I don't know whether security will stop you but I'd be very careful regarding taking anything if value in. Last year thefts from tents was rife, particularly on the Thursday.
I don't know whether security will stop you but I'd be very careful regarding taking anything if value in. Last year thefts from tents was rife, particularly on the Thursday.

This has been a real problem for every festival that has used the site since I can remember. Its not unique to Boomtown. There are fairly secure lockups onsite you can book.
Yeah, the lockups are great, for a tenner you get a very secure lockup with usb charging facilities. Well worth it.
I don't know whether security will stop you but I'd be very careful regarding taking anything if value in. Last year thefts from tents was rife, particularly on the Thursday.
Ive got a campervan and the camera fits very neatly in one of the lockable compartments.

Its my old camera, not my new camera too.
I just take my cameras everywhere I go. It's a bit of a pain but a lot less of a pain since I switched to a Micro Four Thirds system.
what's dodgy about that site?

1. Hampshire police couldn't give a shit about catching tent theives as long as the get their drug arrest quotas up.
2. The security used on the site also tend to be the dodgiest fuckers on site.
3. Its really easy to break into a festival on that site there, its open from every angle.
There is a team or teams of crims local to the Winchester area that target it by buying tickets and then going on a Thursday shopping spree to fund it. On Thursday, everyone is keen to wander around and they just wait till you piss off and do it then.

It dies down massively after Friday evening (though it doesn't go away)
There is a team or teams of crims local to the Winchester area that target it by buying tickets and then going on a Thursday shopping spree to fund it. On Thursday, everyone is keen to wander around and they just wait till you piss off and do it then.

It dies down massively after Friday evening (though it doesn't go away)

We arrived on Friday and started setting up camp and loads of people around us warned us because what had happened the previous night, a lot of stories of theft included people being in their tents when the thefts occurred.
that and the price makes me not want to go again :(

Thing is we didn't have any problems and none of our group has ever had any problems, the usual rules should apply at every festival. Keep your tent looking a mess, don't have everything in a bag, don't leave anything of value in the tent and at night have your valuables stuffed at the bottom of your sleeping bag (or similar).

The problems of thefts from tents seemed to go away for a bit and are now back with a vengeance, perhaps because people have got lazy with their security or there is a new generation of festival goer who isn't safety aware? I think that so many people seem to want to bring expensive electronic stuff to festivals hasn't helped either.
Thing is we didn't have any problems and none of our group has ever had any problems, the usual rules should apply at every festival. Keep your tent looking a mess, don't have everything in a bag, don't leave anything of value in the tent and at night have your valuables stuffed at the bottom of your sleeping bag (or similar).

I'm really glad someone else thinks that keeping your tent a mess is good practice. I was once asked by a couple of coppers with a camera for my top tip on how to not get robbed at a festival, I said to keep it messy and they both looked at me like I had two heads. I thought it was pretty obvious advice TBH.
I'm really glad someone else thinks that keeping your tent a mess is good practice. I was once asked by a couple of coppers with a camera for my top tip on how to not get robbed at a festival, I said to keep it messy and they both looked at me like I had two heads. I thought it was pretty obvious advice TBH.

Totally sensible imo.
Thing is we didn't have any problems and none of our group has ever had any problems, the usual rules should apply at every festival. Keep your tent looking a mess, don't have everything in a bag, don't leave anything of value in the tent and at night have your valuables stuffed at the bottom of your sleeping bag (or similar).

The problems of thefts from tents seemed to go away for a bit and are now back with a vengeance, perhaps because people have got lazy with their security or there is a new generation of festival goer who isn't safety aware? I think that so many people seem to want to bring expensive electronic stuff to festivals hasn't helped either.
i keep things messy in vehicles or tents and away from doors/windows
also tend to be paranoid and carry everything on me

someone did try and come in our tent and luckily i was awake enough to hear and see the arm so they could pretend they had the wrong tent

great if in a group as more off putting to casual thieves but often tis just me and partner
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