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Boomtown 2014 - new plans

the Lion's Den stage looked absolutely amazing last year. probably my favorite stage design / decor i've seen so far and i've seen a few... and while i do think a folk / world music stage that size could be a giggle, it could just as well end up looking pretty empty unless you manage to find 5000 or so folk fans who want to come...

i'd love a decent chillout area, early Glade ID Spiral style up on a hill somewhere looking down on it all.

and a cheese and champagne bar obviously.
thanks for the feedback guys ! keep it coming !

Its probably worth noting, and i'm sure general BoomTowners will confirm that this new venture will be no ordinary stage / area as you can only imagine ;-)

ddraig - Kaptin says hi BTW, he's currently face first in a very new and exciting world of pirate music :)
the Lion's Den stage looked absolutely amazing last year. probably my favorite stage design / decor i've seen so far and i've seen a few... and while i do think a folk / world music stage that size could be a giggle, it could just as well end up looking pretty empty unless you manage to find 5000 or so folk fans who want to come...

i'd love a decent chillout area, early Glade ID Spiral style up on a hill somewhere looking down on it all.

and a cheese and champagne bar obviously.
It's a fessie, you could actually rob the "sorted for cheese and fizz" line wholesale.
The largest crowd I saw all weekend was at the Lion's Den Stage thingy on Sunday afternoon for some pretty lightweight roots music, that may be playing a part in the thinking of the organizers. I see no problem with this idea at all, can't see how it will change the festival for the worse its not like there isn't enough choice.
Can we get an Urban café together and actually call it "sorted for cheese and fizz", can we? Please? We can all wear gentrifier fancy dress and serve fizzy pop in plastic champers glasses with cheese string swizzle sticks. :D
Well, I've already got quite a few music hall-style acts I could call on, so I'd love to get involved.

I noticed their application system for venues is open now...... if you haven't spoken to the organisers already ed?
OMG! Dunkelbunt! My current favourite-band-who-I-really-want-to-see-at-a-festie!!!!

Best news I've had all year. :D :D :D
RECYCLING! kitten refund bond upon return of a bag full of kittens to me at the end of the festival.

will there be a cat cafe? :hmm:

So you'll be there then ... cos I'm not going to drag a bag of kittens off site for you ... you have to be there to collect!
I reckon the first wave of acts has confirmed my attendance :cool:

It wasn't in much doubt anyway, just that I haven't been able to buy a ticket yet. May work it :hmm:
Cracking lineup there, enjoy it all everybody! :) :cool:

(We'll be at other-festival-where that particular w/e, but we're old, laid back, drunk, and lazy ;) :D )
Wow, that line-up looks amazing. I assume Tinariwen and Bellowhead are playing the new folk/world stage? Just sent an application for that stage The Mayor - fingers crossed. :)
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