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Boomtown 2018

To be honest to those that couldn't make it you've missed from worst Boomtown yet.

Every single toilet roll in artist's camping is the wrong way around with the end going towards the wall not away from. It's completely ruined Boomtown for me.
I had a great time, they've obviously scaled back in some areas, but it looks very much like they've scaled back to a point where they can start working on the details again in the future. I am worried about the year on year price increases, its getting ridiculously pricey now, this year was £305 for me an my campervan, but its undoubtable that the production levels were off the chart as always. The new sound baffling system didn't seem to make too much difference, but I wonder if the scale of the stages its most needed on is the reason for that.

I actually had a much more band focussed time this year, saw some of my teenage favourites (Soulfly), saw bands I've wanted to see for ages (Die Antwoord), and had some new discoveries (Jaya the Cat). Danced to a lot of Soca, and thats something I want to listen to some more of and missed a few things I wanted to see, but hey ho.

Security confiscated my pen knife which means I didn't have anything to cut my avocados and tomatoes with in my campervan, but then were letting people through with 7/8 inch kitchen knives, thats the only real piss take I thought all weekend. They gave me a receipt and told me I could pick it up, but then it took nearly 2 hours to get out the campervan field, by which time the pick up point was closed.
I read that thread on fb, some people were proper nasty about it though to be fair her reactions weren't very nice either.
I read that thread on fb, some people were proper nasty about it though to be fair her reactions weren't very nice either.
I think people were predominantly taking the piss because he got his mum to write a message begging for replacement stuff, because he was clearly too lazy to carry it all home.
Fuckit! I'm reached a decision. I'm almost certainly up for Boomtown 2019 -- festivakdeb isn't keen :( , but I'll somehow make it on my own, with any friend(s) who can secure me a lift :p
I'm debating trying something different..... maybe balter again, or illusive.

Boomtown itself is a great festival, but the crow has changed to people who think its ok to dump their rubbish where they stand, and that shouting "NICE ONE BRUVAAAAA" at each other is the pinnacle of comedy. In effect, the crowd are feeling more like I'm at Reading than the UK's biggest festival for underground music.
Boomtown 2019 tickets go on sale soon, £200 is the cheapest option.

I've decided with the massive changes going on, and the reality of it costing me £300 for my ticket and campervan (at least), that I'll give it a miss next year. I think for the same price I can afford to go to Balter (which I think is great), and Illusive (which I've been wanting to try for a while)....... but some of my friends are trying to sway me to go to Noisily.....
Boomtown 2019 tickets go on sale soon, £200 is the cheapest option.

I've decided with the massive changes going on, and the reality of it costing me £300 for my ticket and campervan (at least), that I'll give it a miss next year. I think for the same price I can afford to go to Balter (which I think is great), and Illusive (which I've been wanting to try for a while)....... but some of my friends are trying to sway me to go to Noisily.....
I've really enjoyed every Boomtown festival but unless I get a gig as a DJ/band next year, I'll probably give it a miss too.
I've really enjoyed every Boomtown festival but unless I get a gig as a DJ/band next year, I'll probably give it a miss too.
Its just getting to be silly money now isn't it?

Its such a shame as I still think production wise its the best festival in the UK>
Its just getting to be silly money now isn't it?

Its such a shame as I still think production wise its the best festival in the UK>
I think when they bumped up the attendance a few years back it lost a little bit of its charm. That said it's still a bloody amazing, incredible festival.
I think when they bumped up the attendance a few years back it lost a little bit of its charm. That said it's still a bloody amazing, incredible festival.
Its just got that slight Reading/Glastonbury vibe amongst the crowd now.... Its the crowd I dislike, rather than the festival, it seems to get less friendly and more about "bants" each year.

The festival itself is incredible, although a little too big possibly.
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