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I'll give it another go. It seemed detailed without being intricate when I played. I think you have to know the character types a bit.
Played Kingdom Death: Monster on Tabletop Simulator the other day. It was pretty cool. I liked it. The actual game costs about £400 though, so maybe going to try a few more levels on that first. :D
can anyone tell me what this is? My mate claims it’s a bagatelle board, but it’s nowt like one I’ve ever seen

Looks like one of those patience games where you hop over to take away a piece. Maybe it's a two player version.
Been getting back into MtG over the last 6 months, fairly regular plays of commander with a couple of friends, bought a few pre-cons, been updating them with singles and putting a fair amount of time into Arena. After a near 25 years break it feels good to be back, even though I've become that old gamer 'I remember when all this was fields' type!🤣
How's everyone's tabletop gaming going?

I want to buy Sushi Go Party!, played it a few times now and it's great. One of those 'take a card and pass the hand to your left' games. Around £20.
Also Qwirkle - a tile building game, like a cross between Sudoku and Scrabble, only actually fun. Pricier but there's a cheaper travel version with wooden tiles, which is probably what I'll go for when I next have some money. Also also - The Three Musketeers: The Queen's Pendants, which is co-operative when played in a group and in which Milady de Winter is a wandering honey trap.

With my main group I'm playing Call of Cthulhu, a 1920s horror in which I'm playing a sort of Jessica Fletcher character, also my first character ever that just doesn't do guns or fighting of any sort. We're coming to an end and will probably go on to a cross between Blades In The Dark and Cyberpunk.
How's everyone's tabletop gaming going?

I want to buy Sushi Go Party!, played it a few times now and it's great. One of those 'take a card and pass the hand to your left' games. Around £20.
Also Qwirkle - a tile building game, like a cross between Sudoku and Scrabble, only actually fun. Pricier but there's a cheaper travel version with wooden tiles, which is probably what I'll go for when I next have some money. Also also - The Three Musketeers: The Queen's Pendants, which is co-operative when played in a group and in which Milady de Winter is a wandering honey trap.

With my main group I'm playing Call of Cthulhu, a 1920s horror in which I'm playing a sort of Jessica Fletcher character, also my first character ever that just doesn't do guns or fighting of any sort. We're coming to an end and will probably go on to a cross between Blades In The Dark and Cyberpunk.
We're playing Blades in the Dark at the moment, I've enjoyed it so far. I'm running Horror on the Orient Express for Call of Cthulhu but we're taking a break for Blades. Boardgames wise we're playing stuff like Jaws, Dune and Hellboy, although Bandito is getting a lot of play.
Dungeon! To get my boy away from the console and into some board gaming. He enjoyed it but still prefers Minecraft lol. Got Mice and Mystics for him also but haven’t played it yet. Wondering if he’s too young to introduce to Talisman yet. 🤔
Dungeon! To get my boy away from the console and into some board gaming. He enjoyed it but still prefers Minecraft lol. Got Mice and Mystics for him also but haven’t played it yet. Wondering if he’s too young to introduce to Talisman yet. 🤔
My memory of Talisman is it wasn't too hard for a 10-12 year old, so maybe also good for a "mature" 9YO? Why not try, and if he doesn't like try something else.
My memory of Talisman is it wasn't too hard for a 10-12 year old, so maybe also good for a "mature" 9YO? Why not try, and if he doesn't like try something else.
Thinking about it I first played when I was about ten so maybe 🤔 I see there’s a Star Wars version so he’d definitely like that. Although no option for expansions with that.
This thread hasn't been active in a while, so what better way to revive than a festive whinge about an online retailer not replacing or refunding the game I ordered that Yodel mishandled.

If anyone here is pals with the managers over at Zatu Games, I'd be every so grateful if you could persuade them to get their finger out and sort me out. Their explanation: we are conducting our own investigation into what happened with the delivery and only when that's completed will we help you. This could take days/weeks/well after xmas. Dunno what the law says.

If no one can help, fair enough. Please ignore and ludo on!
Did you use PayPal? Because they tend to give the buyer the money back while it's being resolved. Or they do with eBay.
Amazon Pay. There you have to give them a couple of business days notice and then, 15 days from date of purchase (20th), you can make a claim. So hopefully I should eventually be covered, but it will be too late for Christmas.
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