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Tried playing the console version of Settlers Of Cattan yesterday (though they have now dropped ‘Settlers Of’ from the name).
It’s supposed to be the best boardgame ever or summat, but I didn’t even last the inital instruction video explaining the rules. :oops:
I suspect I will never enjoy these kinds of games, so should probably stop trying.
Some friends boardgame regularly - one has a whole wardrobe full of them, so I feel envious of the fun they have playing it in the pub.
But I just don’t have the right brain (ADHD) to concentrate on anything more complicated than snakes n ladders.
Quizzes and word/wordplay games are more my kind of thing, but they seem to be falling out of fashion in favour of overcomplicated strategic games. Shame! :(
Nah - Settlers of Catan is a really important boardgame, the start of the modern hobby board games scene and is lauded for that reason, it was also most people's first game which got them playing boardgames again, but not generally seen as the best (was great for the time but there's better games which do similar things nowadays)

Have you played codewords or decyrpto? These are both puzzle word games that are really good, and they can both be fairly quickly learnt through playing, especially codewords.

There's also a whole genre of games called "Roll and Write" games which intimately involve wordplay, but the one or two I tried didn't tickle me so it's not a genre I've got into, might be of interest to you though.
The wife is getting back into board games after a few years which is nice, I kept hold of Funghi and Halfling Feast from last time so we can play those of an evening

HF probably needs a couple more players I feel but it’s doable.
I bought a copy of Flamme Rouge for me sis' Christmas pressie, but ended up getting her summat else instead so still have it in its shrink-wrapped box. Meant to be good, has a bit of a look of Totopoly about it. May as well keep it now, I hope its good.

Been playing Heat on there. Such a well designed game. By the same guy who did Flamme Rouge. I almost bought it in real life over the weekend but then discovered it's on BGA.

It's a racing game. You pick cards, like in Flamme Rouge, but you also have a pile of heat cards and, similar to exhaustion in FR, if you start using that up then cards start appearing in your deck that you can't play. But, you can get rid of them by using lower gears. Which is great for corners, but not on straights. And if you go through corners too quick then you also get heat cards, and eventually you'll crash. So you're constantly trying to get through corners as quickly as you can, and in as high a gear as you can (so you can accelerate immediately on the straights), but also having to use lower gears to get rid of the heat - otherwise you can't go fast on the straights cos all your cards are heat cards.

It takes the stuff in Flamme Rouge and makes it better. Great stuff.
I bought a copy of Flamme Rouge for me sis' Christmas pressie, but ended up getting her summat else instead so still have it in its shrink-wrapped box. Meant to be good, has a bit of a look of Totopoly about it. May as well keep it now, I hope its good.

did a review of it a while ago... Back in the Saddle - Flamme Rouge
Been playing Heat on there. Such a well designed game. By the same guy who did Flamme Rouge. I almost bought it in real life over the weekend but then discovered it's on BGA.

It's a racing game. You pick cards, like in Flamme Rouge, but you also have a pile of heat cards and, similar to exhaustion in FR, if you start using that up then cards start appearing in your deck that you can't play. But, you can get rid of them by using lower gears. Which is great for corners, but not on straights. And if you go through corners too quick then you also get heat cards, and eventually you'll crash. So you're constantly trying to get through corners as quickly as you can, and in as high a gear as you can (so you can accelerate immediately on the straights), but also having to use lower gears to get rid of the heat - otherwise you can't go fast on the straights cos all your cards are heat cards.

It takes the stuff in Flamme Rouge and makes it better. Great stuff.
It's a neat system. I played Heat on BGA. Interesting website
I bought a copy of Flamme Rouge for me sis' Christmas pressie, but ended up getting her summat else instead so still have it in its shrink-wrapped box. Meant to be good, has a bit of a look of Totopoly about it. May as well keep it now, I hope its good.

Great game! The new game from them Heat is also excellent.
do jigsaw puzzles count? I found my old man had a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle out last time I was round, which was a first. and I found it incredibly addictive!
:mad: did a review of it a while ago... Back in the Saddle - Flamme Rouge
We finally played it tonight. Just a couple of rounds, but really got into the swing of it and can see how you can introduce more complex elements as you get used to it.

At the same time, I am infuriated that in all three games we played I only lost because someone else snuck into the right hand lane at the last minute :mad:
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