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BNP Threatened with Winding-Up Order

You're right, it's finally been listed, I've posted a 'heads up' thread -
HEADS UP - BNP: The Fraud Exposed - Panorama BBC1 Mon 10/10/11 - 8.30pm

I must say I am looking forward to this, I suspect a bit more than Mr Griffin is.
Well, i remember what happened last time the BBC tried to 'expose' the BNP. Not saying that this will be a similar own goal (which isn't to say me and the BBC are on the same team) but the possibility is there, it always is when the sort of people behind these programs try to do stuff like this.
Well, i remember what happened last time the BBC tried to 'expose' the BNP. Not saying that this will be a similar own goal (which isn't to say me and the BBC are on the same team) but the possibility is there, it always is when the sort of people behind these programs try to do stuff like this.

I did a post (well, actually more of a grumble) along similar lines about this on the(I think) "Griffin and BNP Strategy" thread a couple of weeks ago. I'll more than likely watch the thing, but I'm definitely not holding my breath for it to be any good, if it's going to have the same framing as that "The Secret Agent" thing.
I'll wait and see what's within, before speculating on any similarities, or possible consequences.
I can't make any comparison to something I ain't seen yet, but I'll hazard a guess it's not what you're expecting.
How was 'Secret Agent' a home goal for the BBC?

Admittedly it was about 10 years ago, but I seem to remember it was a good exposure.
How was 'Secret Agent' a home goal for the BBC?

Admittedly it was about 10 years ago, but I seem to remember it was a good exposure.

I was pissed off on finding out that in "Secret Agent", one of the BNP members making the most virulent and inflammatory comments was an agent provocateur with later-proven Searchlight connections. I'm sure I don't need need to waffle on about how incredibly dodgy inciting people to violence is, knowing that said inciter will also most likley get a free pass from Plod etc for doing so? Also, the Searchlight connection to this programme hardly makes it an impartial, independent production, does it?

Also, hearing Griffin and Co making Islamophobic comments was hardly a surprise, was it? I mean, Griffin's enough of a wily sod to know that Islamophobia plays much better to his supposed "audience" than anti-Semitism (hence the BNP's concentration on this once Griffin was elected leader in '99). Also, the "killer blow" of hearing Tyndall giving yet another tub-thumping racist speech seems ridiculous to sell if you have even a bit of an idea about him. So the "Secret Agent" docu gave us the stunning revealation that a political organisation with a deep-rooted fascist history & fascist links is prone to come up w/racist tosh? Uh, OK then...
How was 'Secret Agent' a home goal for the BBC?

Admittedly it was about 10 years ago, but I seem to remember it was a good exposure.
Please don't say home goal.

Griffin trial, his acquittal, the posturing as the voice of the man in the street that the political establishment were trying to shut down, the flag planting as the one and only group to oppose Islam...all fed into their success in those years. And all for a program that told us fuck all we didn't already know.
Is much known about Darragh Macintyre? (The BBC bod who's conducting this expose)?

I'll be watching it next Monday as much out of curiosity (and schadenfreude :D ) as anything else.
mega lulz to be had @scumfront...

and their old treasurer, Dave Hannam, recently kicked the bucket... boo hoo... only in his thirties! :D suppose he will be the fall guy....

much mourned by the one eyed one:

Originally Posted by @nickgriffinmep
Shocking news that Dave Hannam has died of a heart attack. While frankly not a good treasurer, he was . . . a good & sincere nationalist & a singer/song writer of considerable talent. . . To remember Dave as he should be remembered, google Corporal Fox. His tune, his talent.

John Walker is panicing too... http:// bnpideas.com/ ?p=2355

loving it!
rats scum deserting the sinking ship.... lol the NF recent AGM had the grand total of 60 at it!

Indeed. However, it will be interesting to see if the EHRC go after them regarding their membership policy, as they did with the BNP. Griffin had hundreds of thousands of pounds of his members' money to squander and a relatively large support base to call on for donations t fight the legal case. The NF does not have this and their stubborn (and narrow) mindedness means they will refuse to comply with any EHRC or court order.
Edmonds was only in the party to bring down Griffin. Griffin will be very pleased with this.

I wonder if Richard Edmonds and Croydon BNP would have marched off to the NF if Eddy Morrison and Tom Linden were still effectively running the show? The idea of Captain Carlsberg and Edmonds being in the same party would have led to the inevitable bunfights, splits and semi-libellous allegations all over the shop....but anyway, tis all mere speculation.

What's more interesting is how an organisation, which is now so marginal and disorganised it's been reduced to advertising its "events" and wares on VNN (as they no longer have an official web presence, plus no print publications to speak of), hopes to capitalise on any long-term fallouts/splinters from the BNP. All its main players (Terry Blackham, Tom Linden, Tom Holmes et al) have since flounced or "retired", and there seems to be no organisational capability to speak of, save for putting up stickers and trying to jump on the coat-tails of a couple of EDL protests in recent times. Edmonds may be able to "rally the troops" with rabble rousing speeches, but does he have any organisational nous these days? It's been a long time since he was number 2 in the BNP, and even in the late 90's, he was unable to see how the wind was changing in the party itself w/regard to presenting a more "acceptable" form of "nationalism", not to mention the move away from anti-Semitism towards Islamophobiaas as being more "in tune" with their potential followers on the ground...Whilst the NF certainly isn't dead, it is doing a fine impression of being in a coma, with seemingly the only thing keeping it going being the (obvious) notoriety of the NF "brand"...
Is this a desperate attempt to paper over the crevasse?


All part of Griffin's last stand, meanwhile Brons lot (well those that haven't already departed the BNP for the half a dozen or so 'new homes') are now setting-up a parallel 'party machine' with it's own local BNP branches, local/regional & national officers, bank accounts, databases, etc., etc., so they are ready to take-over if Griffin steps down or the BNP finally & totally implodes, in which case they will launch under a new name.
just a word of caution - for everyone patting themselves on the back about the supposed implosion of the BNP as an organisation, they should stop and ponder for a moment as to whether the underlying social conditions that led to nearly a million people voting for the BNP a year or so ago have also disappeared/collapsed, or indeed deepened. That might temper some of the glee at the internal organisation problems of the BNP (which in essence was probably a toxic mix of growing pains and state intervention rather than any kind of substantial rejection of the underlying politics)

just as the tactical/non-political response that was put up by the political mainstream and the liberal left at the last general election was nowhere near an actual effective political response to the conditions that lead to support for the far right in the first place, the internal implosion of the BNP as an organisation in no way indicates the removal of the underlying threat of a substantial actual & latent support for far right politics going ahead (in whatever form they may manifest themselves)
LD, you are absolutely right. I'm still smiling and laughing though.. gotta take pleasure in the small things.. I don't think anyone will stop campaigning because the BNP are going, I know I'll still work against whatever electoral party/parties take their place if/when they do finally die.
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