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BNP Threatened with Winding-Up Order

Didn't know about that, ta.

This is a video of the Panorama team turning up to what they thought was going to be a 'private' interview with Griffin at some hotel, only to find they had walked into a BNP meeting, whereupon both Griffin & Darby set about making complete twats of themselves - for some reason they think they got one over on the BBC. :facepalm:

Genius claim from Griffin that he had pointed out to the authorities the exact gang that were going to do 7/7 the exact area and when.
Which then leaves the question of why Brons has decided to steal the post he's linked to 99% word for word, and who set up the arthur kemp site with one post over 7 years? What evidence does Brons have the the old claims make in the kemp site are true? He can't have any can he - unless he set up that kemp site 7 years ago? He's just bullshitting. If he had more than some anon claims on an anon site (that may not even be kemp) he'd have now posted it.

I call total try-hard shenanigans.

It's certainly an odd one.

At first the Brons site only 'reported' on the claims & linked to the other site, whereas now the content has been copied over & re-published - leaving Brons more open to legal action if it's totally false.
Genius claim from Griffin that he had pointed out to the authorities the exact gang that were going to do 7/7 the exact area and when.


I am amused by the state of Griffin in the introductory bit, judging by his unkept look & bags under his eyes, he hasn't been getting much sleep recently. :D

So short of cash - he's flogging the full video on DVD for £10 via the BNP site.
This is a video of the Panorama team turning up to what they thought was going to be a 'private' interview with Griffin at some hotel, only to find they had walked into a BNP meeting, whereupon both Griffin & Darby set about making complete twats of themselves - for some reason they think they got one over on the BBC. :facepalm:

It's reminiscent of Scientology and Me thing.
I'd argue that firstly, they haven't really got national brand recognition - and if they have, it's not of the sort that helps build serious political parties, and secondly, what they most certainly do not have is any sustainable roots in working class communities that can be converted into votes and political influence. And that's exactly what someone looking to step into the BNP's shoes will need to to have.
See my last post in the EDL thread.
Why? It's irrelevant bollocks.
You don't find it significant that Frank Gaffney's Center for Security Policy is offering succour & support to form a 'new right' political party in Britain, just as they did with Vlaams Bloc > Vlaams Belang? You don't find it signifiicant that the directors of a CSP project CVF (now ICLA) nurtured the astroturfing of EDL from BNP members?
I think it's utterly irrelevant and anyone who think is it relevant is too deep into the youtube and facebook conspiracies of that thread. It means - and let me spell this out - FUCK ALL.
I think it's utterly irrelevant and anyone who think is it relevant is too deep into the youtube and facebook conspiracies of that thread. It means - and let me spell this out - FUCK ALL.
No - it means they're considering merging all the little rightwing parties into one big one along the lines of PVV, DPP, Vlaams, SD etc, which might then stand a chance then of beating the other two (Labour and Conservatives) instead of competing for votes against each other. Do pay attention.
How big does the gap need to be between me and thee for you to reslise that what you say means nothing. Does my street tremble? Does yours?
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