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BNP Threatened with Winding-Up Order

i don't think they can. the electoral path no longer looks so attractive after their dire performance last year. they've been in grave internal difficulties - let alone financial ones - for several years, difficulties which were partially masked by the electoral success which now seems to have evaporated. the debts which the bnp face could largely have been avoided. neither on an organisational level nor a financial one can a serious and persuasive case be made for investment in the bnp, the only card griffin might successfully play being an emotional one.

however, even if the bnp manage to raise £45,000, even if they manage to pay off their creditors, a bnp led by nick griffin is going to run into financial difficulty in the future. it's been years since they submitted accounts satisfactorily. there's a track record of financial blemishes over griffin and the bnp. they may survive this crisis thanks to people's generosity. but what about the next? or the one after that? or the one after that? at some point potential donors are going to dry up.

One thing is pretty clear, Griffin needs some sort of ground clearing public victory very soon, or the scenario you suggest is on the cards will be happening sooner rather than later.
and there's paul golding's britain first. but they all face a great problem of recognition and they seem to have taken a decision to follow in the griffinite bnp path rather than the tyndallite bnp path. that is, they are chasing popular acclaim through the ballot box which may be rather less forthcoming than they desire.
Exactly, look at how long it took the NF and the BNP to build up serious national brand name recognition.
One thing is pretty clear, Griffin needs some sort of ground clearing public victory very soon, or the scenario you suggest is on the cards will be happening sooner rather than later.
i can't see where such a victory would come from. there's no elections coming up for months, the legal defeats can't readily be overturned. the only other game in town's the edl and they're unable (and unlikely) to provide griffin with a victory if they can't provide themselves with one.

so it's ending more with a whimper than a bang.
On the other hand, it took EDL only a few years to build 'national brand recognition'.
I'd argue that firstly, they haven't really got national brand recognition - and if they have, it's not of the sort that helps build serious political parties, and secondly, what they most certainly do not have is any sustainable roots in working class communities that can be converted into votes and political influence. And that's exactly what someone looking to step into the BNP's shoes will need to to have.
On the other hand, it took EDL only a few years to build 'national brand recognition', so it's entirely possible that BF will be ready by the next national election.
building up national brand recognition and getting people to vote for you are not necessarily the same thing. looking at beackon's election in the isle of dogs, which was the template for subsequent bnp successes, there needs to be a group of people who are willing and able to go canvassing at least several times. that is, they have to be prepared to get off their arses and do some work, sober, polite and convivial. this may happen in some bf branches, it may happen in some britain first branches. but the people left in the bnp seem to me to be generally the people who don't have sufficient gumption to do this sort of thing off their own back. so many of the ablest bnp members - butler, golding, etc - have gone. brons is halfway gone. even people like barnbrook (r, not m) have gone, leaving the party with little representation outside strasbourg, icing without a cake. so these parties should be looking to the circa 2020 elections for westminster and the 2014/2018 elections for london, plus 2013 and onwards local elections elsewhere. do these people have the patience? i don't think so.
I'd argue that firstly, they haven't really got national brand recognition - and if they have, it's not of the sort that helps build serious political parties, and secondly, what they most certainly do not have is any sustainable roots in working class communities that can be converted into votes and political influence. And that's exactly what someone looking to step into the BNP's shoes will need to to have.
I'd argue that the CounterJihad Europa project are most interested in UKIP, but British Counterjihadis are very interested in BFP as they tend to view UKIP as toff-ex-tory atlanticists. Given that BFP have been building over the last two years via BNPReform even with their Lee Barnes handicap, it's best not to negate them as not in the running due to lack of 'national brand recognition' since they're more working class than UKIP and are modelling themselves on the European Right (i.e. PVV, DPP, VB, SD).
If you're looking for the replacement to the BNP, then imo we still need to watch the BFP closely, despite the potential for UKIP to scoop up ex-BNP votes.
I'd argue that since the CounterJihad Europa project are most interested in UKIP, but British Counterjihadis are very interested in BFP as they tend to view UKIP as toff-ex-tory atlanticists. Given that they've been building over the last two years even with their Lee Barnes handicap, it's best not to negate them as not having 'national brand recognition' since they're more working class than UKIP. If you're looking for the replacement to the BNP, then imo it's the BFP we should be watching closely.
i don't know about you, but i'm able to keep abreast of developments within several organisations at the same time. so we can keep an eye on the bfp, britain first and a third eye on the edl (including the various infidels) and another on the rump bnp - with space left for the nf too.
And the meltdown continues with more resignations, a total of four, 2 Regional Organisers, 1 Deputy Regional Organiser and 1 Sub-Regional Organiser, all on Friday.

On Saturday, South West RO Mike Howson announced his resignation. “The financial mismanagement has had disastrous consequences for the region that I have the honour to administer, a region that had up to that time an excellent record in financial best practice,” Mr Howson wrote in his resignation letter.

“I lost three good branches and a lot of good people because of non-payment of bills, not because of the actions of individuals in the local area, but because of the incompetence of well paid officials at Head Office.

“The impositions of the 20p in the pound letter* had further consequences in a region where many party managers, are also managers in their own right.

“How can we who already ask much of those business people who do support us then turn to those good people and short change them? Although this decision was not his alone, he must as the party chairman bare much of the responsibility for this.


* This refers to the offer that the BNP has made to most, if not all, of it's creditors that they should accept 20p in the pound for full & final settlement of outstanding invoices.
yup.. settled out of court.. not sure of the figures...
if you want giggles check out scumfront

According to The Mirror it was a sum somewhere between £70k & £170k.

BNP caved in and the amount claimed is put by insiders at between £70,000 and £170,000.
Former National Organiser Eddy Butler has said the BNP is “on the brink of bankruptcy”.

Read more: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2010/07/18/bnp-hate-party-face-ruin-over-joke-marmite-ad-115875-22420867/#ixzz1XjuhMj99
while it may bring about the end of the british national party, i don't doubt that the personnel involved will carry on within british nationalist circles. the major problem they may face is that if the bnp name is unavailable they have effectively to start from scratch to raise any new party's name to the levels achieved over many years by john tyndall and nick griffin.

yeah it is the brand 'BNP' that griffin succesfully built up. i hope that the various clowns will drift into the alphabetic confusion of ED, BF, NF, UKIP, UPP, and that. griffin shd be credited for making them almost an establishment name which was thankfully undermined by his wilful destruction of the party. the thing is he made so many blunders, operated nepotistically and so obviously corruptly that it is hard NOT to think there was a hidden agenda. its not like he's daft you know!
does it look like herr griffin can raise the funds in time if he passes the collection plate round?

no chance! the fash forums are full of what they call 'compassion fatigue' and have been milked every other week or so. it really is a question of watching it all collapse and griffin nicking off to croatia where he has a place far removed from them nasty bailiffs! (great name by the way dot!).
no it doesn't - all it states is a distinction (in your post) between the UAF and the active/constructive opposition to fascism

it implies nothing else
yeah it is the brand 'BNP' that griffin succesfully built up. i hope that the various clowns will drift into the alphabetic confusion of ED, BF, NF, UKIP, UPP, and that. griffin shd be credited for making them almost an establishment name which was thankfully undermined by his wilful destruction of the party. the thing is he made so many blunders, operated nepotistically and so obviously corruptly that it is hard NOT to think there was a hidden agenda. its not like he's daft you know!
I agree, because disorganisation, especially as a minority group, is incongruous to achieving one's political aims in the society we live.

no it doesn't - all it states is a distinction (in your post) between the UAF and the active/constructive opposition to fascism

it implies nothing else

Fair enough. Just wanted clarity on your brief post. Hence the ? .

so you are now implying those who actively/constructively oppose fascism, contributed nothing to the downfall of the BNP?
are you thick?

if a post doesn't contain the implication that:-

those who actively/constructively opposed fascism contributed to the downfall of the BNP

does that automatically mean that it must contain the implication that:-

those who actively/constructively oppose fascism contributed nothing to the downfall of the BNP

perhaps you could read what is written along with the subsequent comment by myself that other that what it explicitly stated it implies nothing else
I lol'ed at these 2 posts on the democracyforum...

I heard from a reliable source down at the rose and crown that the BNP have a secret plan that is more cunning than the most cunning plan that a cunning fox has ever thought of!!!!

Yes, so cunning a plan, that even they dont know what it is....
Can't they just say "Fuck the car, impound it, sell it, crush it" and not have to pay the £45k?
are you thick?

if a post doesn't contain the implication that:-

those who actively/constructively opposed fascism contributed to the downfall of the BNP

does that automatically mean that it contains the implication that:-

those who actively/constructively oppose fascism contributed nothing to the downfall of the BNP

perhaps you could read what is written along with the subsequent comment by myself that other that what it explicitly stated it implies nothing else
I'm just trying to get an opinion from you ABOUT THE TOPIC of this thread. Why won't you give us your opinion on a question of interest to many people?

BTW, editing my comments just makes you look stupid. You do know the meaning of '?'?
Can't they just say "Fuck the car, impound it, sell it, crush it" and not have to pay the £45k?


Any money from the sale of the car will only reduce the amount owed, they will still be looking to recover the balance of the £45k, plus, of course, all the other debts too. :D
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