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Black Lives Matter demos and protests UK, 2020-2021

I was wondering about this placard. A bit of digging and it refers to Layleen Polanco an Afro Latin Transgender woman.

“Layleen’s interactions with the criminal legal system exemplify the ways in which our state sanctions violence against trans and gender non-confirming communities of color,” said a statement from Decrim NY, a coalition working toward the full decriminalization of consensual sex work in New York state.

Example of how the State polices sex workers. Race, class and sex all intersect.


I think the real tasteless side to it is the Police using horses.

The horse has no say in it.

The cop who got knocked off the horse choose to join the cops.

Why should an innocent animal be used as a weapon without its consent?

The police are specifically using horses for riot control.

Fortunately from the footage looks like the horse is ok. I couldnt give a shit about the cop.
I think the real tasteless side to it is the Police using horses.

The horse has no say in it.

The cop who got knocked off the horse choose to join the cops.

Why should an innocent animal be used as a weapon without its consent?

The police are specifically using horses for riot control.

Fortunately from the footage looks like the horse is ok. I couldnt give a shit about the cop.
Tbh I think demonstrators are really very kind and dare I say liberal in response to horses in comparison to previous generations eg demonstrators at grosvenor sq who deployed marbles in response to police horses. Once an animal is being used as a weapon, when its role in life is to be used for oppression, then it stops being poor boxer and becomes, through no fault of its own admittedly, something of a target itself when used as a weapon. The screams you can hear on the video of the horse charge show the fear such use can engender. I'd say that people are quite right to take measures necessary to defend themselves from such a threat and with regret if that hurts a sentient being in the process, well it's not something I would cheer but it's not something I'd be particularly exercised about either. If the police care about the safety of these creatures they shouldn't be putting them into use as weapons and using them to attack demonstrators.
Bit sad, the cops seemed to have tried hard to keep it low key, I was surprised TBH to see the thin blue line outside Downing Street, just in normal uniforms, then the bottles & other objects came raining down on them, and they were pulled back & replaced with others in protective clothing & helmets, followed by mounted cops & others in full riot gear turning-up.

The normal uniform of a racist mob. A racist mob who chose to spend their day protecting mass murderers.

But yeah I guess they're the real victims here.
It looks like the horse is already bolting out of line from the others at that point. I don't think that's a controlled charge.

Good reason not to use horses in crowded urban environments I reckon. By doing so they're accepting a non-trivial risk of serious harm to both the animals and innocent (or non-innocent; being trampled by a horse is not a suitable punishment for any crime) members of the public.
Fucking hell, still some people doing the #AllLivesMatter thing, including people I thought were relatively intelligent. Only slight mitigating factor is that it's in response to the potential spreading of covid via protest.
Good reason not to use horses in crowded urban environments I reckon. By doing so they're accepting a non-trivial risk of serious harm to both the animals and innocent (or non-innocent; being trampled by a horse is not a suitable punishment for any crime) members of the public.

So you think horse riders should be banned from London's streets? Charming.
I would like to go on BLM protests, but probably shouldn't because of age and health conditions. I'd actually be more worried about having to travel on public transport than the actual protest where I could stay on the fringes. I thought I might go to the protest outside US Embassy this afternoon as public transport should be less crowded on a Sunday.
I was looking for details of BLM protests and was surprised to see the Sun's online site listing them. I wonder why that is? I won't link to their page, but here's a screenshot of the list:

Screenshot 2020-06-07 at 08.35.00 - Edited.png

Great photos, thanks for sharing.

One small point about that last placard quoting 163 black people have died in police custody in the last ten years, that's actually the total deaths, of which 140 were white, 13 black, and 10 other minorities. That's not to take anything away from the fact that proportionally it's still over twice as many blacks compared to whites, which is unacceptable, as are all such deaths. SOURCE

I just happened to have looked at that the other day, because I was interested in the comparison between the UK & US, they seem to average around 700 total deaths per year, so about 7,000 in 10 years, adjust that by population and you are close to 10 times the number per year, compared to the UK.
Tbh I think demonstrators are really very kind and dare I say liberal in response to horses in comparison to previous generations eg demonstrators at grosvenor sq who deployed marbles in response to police horses. Once an animal is being used as a weapon, when its role in life is to be used for oppression, then it stops being poor boxer and becomes, through no fault of its own admittedly, something of a target itself when used as a weapon. The screams you can hear on the video of the horse charge show the fear such use can engender. I'd say that people are quite right to take measures necessary to defend themselves from such a threat and with regret if that hurts a sentient being in the process, well it's not something I would cheer but it's not something I'd be particularly exercised about either. If the police care about the safety of these creatures they shouldn't be putting them into use as weapons and using them to attack demonstrators.
Almost certainly a high level decision to up the ante, send in the horses and generate the headlines wanted. Groundswell of goodwill for BLM divided.

Best angle yet. That's brutal.

We had a peaceful protest down here in Exeter yesterday, 500 people or so, maybe more, always hard to judge when you're on the ground. It was hard to get close enough to hear many of the speakers as we were all doing a good job of social distancing, but those I did hear were fantastic and the level of support was heartening. One lad struggling to talk about his experiences growing up, constantly met with shouts of "you're alright mate' and thunderous applause whenever he had to take a moment to gather himself.
All organised by just a few locals via Facebook, they've promised to keep it going.

Oh, FFS, this is a problem with lockdown & not using Facebook, I didn't hear about the planned demo yesterday in Worthing. :facepalm:

I like this placard...




It's difficult to tell, but with the amount of the beach & prom being used in the photos, I would guess at around 1,000 protesters.
Disappointing, yet predictable, to see the plethora of "I supported BLM but X is unacceptable and I can't anymore" opinions emerging.

2020's "I'm not racist but..."
So they're saying they supported blm but because of the decisions made by the police commanders eg yesterday they no longer feel able to. I'd have no confidence in any of their opinions
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