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Black Lives Matter demos and protests UK, 2020-2021

Haven't read it , read Mockingbird at school and watched the film as a kid, hows the other book different? Is it by the same author?
I read some thing about it in the last few weeks - the gist of it was that the real person and book were not all that they seemed. I will try to find it now as it's important to get it right. It may even have been recently uncovered writing or something.
In Watchman (the mockingbird prequel), dad is a racist lawyer, tho not as bad as some of the other racists by any means, and Scouts disillusionment with him is one of the major themes. It’s far harsher in wider white society too (no nice neat ending). Mockingbird also is about whitey saving the black folk, although pops tells Scout about the importance of ‘walking around in someone else’s skin), we never really get to see any black person in that way. Calpurnia is the closest we get and she never gets to express an opinion.
I read some thing about it in the last few weeks - the gist of it was that the real person and book were not all that they seemed. I will try to find it now as it's important to get it right. It may even have been recently uncovered writing or something.
The second novel was by all accounts an early draft/version of the first - also lots of rumours that she was unable to properly consent to it's publication etc. She died not long after it came out.
I read some thing about it in the last few weeks - the gist of it was that the real person and book were not all that they seemed. I will try to find it now as it's important to get it right. It may even have been recently uncovered writing or something.
Which ‘real person’??
The second novel was by all accounts an early draft/version of the first - also lots of rumours that she was unable to properly consent to it's publication etc. She died not long after it came out.
It is the early version. The editor said it showed great promise, but that the interesting bit was the (very differently told) court scene/case and that she expand that bit.
The second novel was by all accounts an early draft/version of the first - also lots of rumours that she was unable to properly consent to it's publication etc. She died not long after it came out.
Yes, this seems to be the story, and that Atticus Finch was a straight up old southern racist in the draft/go set a watchman version - which may have led some to read into his behaviour in the TKAM as an example of that marvelous southern hospitality that needed to be preserved. Not read it myself, just going on this piece i read a few weeks ago.
This was probably the piece:

The Contested Legacy of Atticus Finch

Like any legal precedent, though, Atticus has faced challenges and dissents, and lately his status as a hero has seemed perilously close to being overturned. Criticisms of his accommodationist racial politics, his classism, and his sexism went mainstream a few years ago, after the publication of an earlier novel by Lee, “Go Set a Watchman,” which gave us an older Atticus, and a less admirable one: a grownup Scout came home to Alabama from New York City to find that, in his dotage, her beloved father was opposing the work of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and attending meetings of a white-supremacist group.
Still not sure if you mean Atticus or HLs dad, who was (partly) the model for Atticus. He sounds very like the Atticus in the first version.
Both - from that article: “Yes, Atticus was my father,” Harper Lee bluntly acknowledged in a letter to her former Shakespeare professor not long after “To Kill a Mockingbird” was published.


In these articles, the real-life Atticus begins as a New Deal Democrat and ends as a Dixiecrat, honoring Confederate veterans and their cause, supporting the prosecution of the Scottsboro Boys—nine black teen-agers who were falsely accused of raping two white women—and defending the poll tax. He praised law-enforcement officers who protected black prisoners from lynchings but opposed a federal anti-lynching law, writing that it “violates the fundamental idea of states rights and is aimed as a form of punishment upon the southern people.”
Tommeh is no longer coming to London to defend our war memorials, but this is definitely NOT because of threats he has received. It is because he wishes to foster good race relations and he feels that his presence may not achieve this, due to spin and dark forces at work against his honorable intentions.

Tommeh is no longer coming to London to defend our war memorials, but this is definitely NOT because of threats he has received. It is because he wishes to foster good race relations and he feels that his presence may not achieve this, due to spin and dark forces at work against his honorable intentions.
Yes, when I think 'Tommy Robinson', fostering good race relations is what immediately comes to mind.
Twats on the loose in Coventry

when you have a mob which appears hellbent on killing two people calling them twats doesn't really capture the severity of the incident.
No-one has - but there's clearly a perception from some that war memorials are in danger of being damaged or vandalised by people involved in the protests, as that guys says. I don't think they are much - the only thing close I can think of is that lad swinging off a flag on the cenotaph about a decade ago
Well some BLM protestor climbed on the cenotaph and tried to set light to one of the flags. Don't know if he even knows how disrespectful that is.Thats stirred a lot more anger than the Churchill statue.
No video that I can find showing any of those chased, but certainly stills claiming to show one of the pursuers with a knife, putting it in a bin, where one was found later.

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Well some BLM protestor climbed on the cenotaph and tried to set light to one of the flags. Don't know if he even knows how disrespectful that is.
He looks about 14 in the vid, I don't imagine he did know. All the protestors telling him to get down did though I guess.

Anyway, I'd missed that so thanks - something organisers of these actions need to be more on top of in future IMO.
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