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Black Lives Matter demos and protests UK, 2020-2021

has anyone ever suggested bringing down memorials to those slaughtered in the wars? madness

Someone brought down the plaque on a war memorial near me a few years back. I say "brought down" it would be accurate to say he nicked it for scrap metal. Still, that sounds less tabloidy.
I noticed they were City, would it have been different if it was the other lot? I definitely remember GHS running around with the EDL back a few years. I'm well out of everything for years so have no idea what they're like these days. cheers
Not much difference really. Elements of the two did get together over the edl visit to the city in 2012 but they ended up falling out a bit as the gas came out of the pub to fight while city didn't.

Other new: I have heard that the Captain Thomas Phillips plaque in Brecon was took down and river-ed yesterday. Our roving reporter hasn't yet been able to get there to confirm in person though. That one was a fucking disgrace, honouring a slaver specifically for anti-racism.
Once is too many in my experience.
Whilst I don't think it is a great (or even a good) film, it does have visual, almost painterly flair at times, and it certainly not the worst of its subject matter, not by far. I just know that Frank Harper has a much better, more interesting story in him than this.
Whilst I don't think it is a great (or even a good) film, it does have visual, almost painterly flair at times, and it certainly not the worst of its subject matter, not by far. I just know that Frank Harper has a much better, more interesting story in him than this.
If you are into that kind of thing Dagenham Dagenham (2018) - IMDb is worth a watch.
If you are into that kind of thing Dagenham Dagenham (2018) - IMDb is worth a watch.
I shall give it a go, cheers.

It's not so much the type of film, as the type of actors, who all too often end up in an ever-decreasing spiral of genre roles. Harper's best performances have been when he has stepped outside of this - A Room For Romeo Brass, Between The Lines.

Craig Fairbrass is another - I just know he's got some depth to him, but we so rarely see even a glimmer. But I know Villain has had good reviews, and I was looking forward to checking out Gerard Johnson's latest, Muscle, though COVID put the kibosh on that.
our young un's in Ilfracombe are having a BLM sitting protest tmmrw lunchtime, after a call for 'BLM' to be mowed into the big ( Capstone ) Hill , ( like 'NHS' was last month ) turned into a pile on shit show on local FB, up to and including some racist goading and the like.

All v unprecedented for round here, lead by ordinary white kids ( about 99.9 % white here ) , kids who seem to visibly identify with and embrace black culture / sub culture, and who are now putting their money where their mouths are. Feels like another sign of things starting to change a bit here, in an area that has been in stasis since the early 70's.

( consensus seems to be Verity's not going in the drink )
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Massive split here in Leeds, BLM and Black Voices Matter. Huge car crash stuff going online. FFS. :facepalm:
Brixton demo today

In photos: Campaigners Takes The Knee in support of George Floyd, Windrush Square, Brixton, Weds 10th June 2020

In photos: Campaigners Takes The Knee in support of George Floyd, Windrush Square, Brixton, Weds 10th June 2020

Could you summarise/give links - I'm a div w.r.t. social media.

Yeah, I'm not on any either - apart from here.

My understanding is it's between Black Lives Matter (BLM, which has been going for a while) mostly being driven by one personality (who's FB page looks slightly ... odd ... edited something out, sorry, trying not to use that term), and Black Voices Matter (BVM) which was set up (also by mostly one person I think) in response to BLM being conservative and refusing to organize any street stuff recently. BVM seems to be mostly the people behind the Caribbean Carnival and West Indian Centre in Chapeltown.

They both originally organized 2 demos for Saturday at different locations, then it looks like someone faked the BVM flyer to redirect their demo to the BLM one. Cue: massive kick off online. Leeds BLM are also trying to raise a huge amount of money (I think £100,000) with no oversight or accountability to where that might get spent, so more trouble is brewing for sure. BLM also approvingly posted some West Yorkshire Police kneeling pics. Also some people have posted making some criticisms and been rounded on for having white privilege and that they should shut the fuck up.

TBH I think this is a really interesting and illustrative issue with them both. It's largely (as was noted in one of the early idpolitics posts on that thread) an issue of representation and desire for being the authentic voice of a community that comes from drawing this imagined 'community' together on the basis of the shared characteristic of skin colour, and without any underlying politics or shared material position and interest.
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No-one has - but there's clearly a perception from some that war memorials are in danger of being damaged or vandalised by people involved in the protests, as that guys says. I don't think they are much - the only thing close I can think of is that lad swinging off a flag on the cenotaph about a decade ago
He made a lasting impression.
Other new: I have heard that the Captain Thomas Phillips plaque in Brecon was took down and river-ed yesterday. Our roving reporter hasn't yet been able to get there to confirm in person though. That one was a fucking disgrace, honouring a slaver specifically for anti-racism.
Yes, I noticed this local suggesting the plaque have been removed and given a new home in the River Usk - no picture unfortunately.

TBH I think this is a really interesting and illustrative issue with them both. It's largely (as was noted in one of the early idpolitics posts on that thread) an issue of representation and desire for being the authentic voice of a community that comes from drawing this imagined 'community' together on the basis of the shared characteristic of skin colour, and without any underlying politics or shared material position and interest.

Could also be a function of the fact the first person to set up the (insert name here) (insert city here) facebook page ends up with way too much power.
First they came for the statues, and we did not speak out... Now they're removing such massive film family favourites (and 100% historically accurate of course) as Gone with the Wind. Where will it all end???!!! :mad:

Gone with the Wind removed from HBO Max

Can't fucking wait for the fash's reaction on Twatter.... :D
Well my reaction ito the removal of Gone with the Wind is one of confusion tbh. I'd have been more impressed if HBO had put some money into a new series that tackled police racism in the States or a historical anti racist campaign.
Yes, I noticed this local suggesting the plaque have been removed and given a new home in the River Usk - no picture unfortunately.

The town council put this statement out now so it's def gone:

Earlier this year, the Town Council committed itself to review the plaque located on Captains Walk which noted Captain Thomas Phillips’ connection to the town.

Work to remove or review the plaque was unfortunately delayed due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

As the plaque has now been removed before the Town Council could complete its work, the Town Council, in consultation with the...blah blah
The Colston statue has now been removed from the river by the council - who are now, it seems also claiming ownership by declaring/mapping it 'highway' (which may have been what happened to the paving at St Pauls during Occupy there thus giving the Corporation of London the right to evict) - and placed in safe keeping before going to a museum. This would presumably be the proposed Abolition Shed on the harbourside whose organisation committee the deputy mayor and mayors' voice whilst chairing demanded that the Merchant Venturers (Yes, Colston's lot!) be involved in, and then got the group of identity-entrepreneurs she and the mayor have stuffed the group with to turn on dissenting voices whilst rubbishing their involvement in counter-colston campaigns - some for near 40 years now. Of course they're tripping over themselves to claim the credit for the anti-colston campaigns and to highlight their own personal and principled opposition to the venturers. Not everything in bristol is at it first appears.
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The Colston statue has now been removed from the river by the council - who are now, it seems also claiming ownership by declaring/mapping it 'highway' (which may have been what happened to the paving at St Pauls during Occupy there thus giving the Corporation of London the right to evict) - and placed in safe keeping before going to a museum. This would presumably be the proposed Abolition Shed on the harbourside whose organisation committee the deputy mayor and mayors' voice whilst chairing demanded that the Merchant Venturers (Yes, Colston's lot!) be involved in, and then got the group of identity-entrepreneurs she and the mayor have stuffed the group to turn on dissenting voices whilst rubbishing their involvement in counter-colston campaigns - some for near 40 years now. Of course they're tripping over themselves to claim the credit for the anti-colston campaigns and to highlight their own personal and principled opposition to the venturers. Not everything in bristol is at it first appears.
Knowing people involved in the Colston Hall renaming, some of them are pretty frustrated with how the mayor's office and council (who own the building) effectively washed their hands of any involvement in it, leaving Bristol Music Trust to take the flak and do the heavy lifting for the last three years, with those same councillors/individuals in the mayor's office now suddenly super interested in re-evaluating Colston's legacy.
Knowing people involved in the Colston Hall renaming, some of them are pretty frustrated with how the mayor's office and council (who own the building) effectively washed their hands of any involvement in it, leaving Bristol Music Trust to take the flak and do the heavy lifting for the last three years, with those same councillors/individuals in the mayor's office now suddenly super interested in re-evaluating Colston's legacy.
Indeed, and such is the number of pies the venturers and the like have their fingers in locally this was/is happening across nearly all aspects of political/cultural/economic/educational/etc life in bristol - and has been for decades now regardless of the administration. They all bend the knee to the venturers behind the scenes while publicly...
our one was v impressive, fun, encouraging .... young, chaotic, pure grass roots / self organised energy .... we were chatting with the organisers, and know that a year ago would have been inviting them to our ( reasonably fun / drink assisted, totally pro Corbyn small local group ( not CLP) - now I cldn't even be arsed trying to divert that energy of theirs into what is Starmer -world)

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