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Black Lives Matter demos and protests UK, 2020-2021

Would it not be fair to assume that all monarchs during the time of slavery no doubt obtained advantage either directly or indirectly and furthermore didn't use their considerable powers to help to bring the abomination to the end? Guilty until proven otherwise should be the default position.

Yeh I was just coming to post that. So it's surely goodbye to statues of monarchs from Charles I on
like this lot in plymouth? pwopa nowty firm protecting some monument or other from...??
reminds me of "i don't see no tigers"View attachment 216892

* jeff at the back forgot his mask so had to stay out of the photo

wonder how many tory MPs will be queuing up to criticise their social distancing?

Why is the diminutive racist patriot in the middle with the black mask wielding a dildo? :hmm:

maybe he didn't think he looked a big enough dick already?
Yeh I was just coming to post that. So it's surely goodbye to statues of monarchs from Charles I on
And the biggie Victoria - that's going to leave a lot of plinths to be filled. Maybe time to fire up the Fourth Plinth project again - this time on a massive scale.

"Letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend is the policy for promoting progress in the arts and the sciences and a flourishing socialist culture in our land."

Would be great to see Queen Victoria toppled from her perch.

. One detail that has always struck me is how, when the British destroyed the centuries-old Summer Palace in Beijing in 1860 and gave a little dog they’d stolen as a gift to Queen Victoria, she humorously named it “Looty”. This is one of the long list of things we are content to forget while sucking on the opium of “historical integrity” we claim our colonial statues represent.

It's near the water as well. :(
I'm minded to forgive him for a historic lapse. The grapefruits could be construed as a trombone mutes with a good lawyer and he doesn't appear to have previous. It's the context that counts.
I read that as the DVLA :facepalm:

What does DFLA stand for?
Democratic Football Lads Alliance,. Briefly the FLA held some fairly big and peaceful demos against what they said was all extremism .Although the general mood was patriotic rather than rightwing some supporters didn't like the atmosphere thought it wasny even handed in tackling both fascists and Islamacists and dropped out. Some of them later joined FLAF ( football lads against fascism ). There was a split in FLA which ousted the leadership, on the surface the argument was about where the money went but underneath it was about loyalists , some supposed patriots linked with the far right hijacking the operation for both money and prestige. Numbers started to slowly dwindle despite the leadership supporting UKIP (with a few leaning towards Britain First) and they went for a somewhat premature smash the antifascists push on a London march at the peak time of Tommy Robinsons popularity Unfortunately for them a mixture of being attacked in the pubs by FLAF, some good stewarding by anti fascists at a key area when the DFLA tried to attack the counter demo and it must be said the Police losing patience with a load of drunk and mouthy right wing football supporters they got humiliated . The loyalists around the midlands did some street work around homelessness but that was designed to try and strengthen their involvement in the campaign around the Birmingham bombings.Their supporters might share some of Tommy Robinson's rhetoric but the leadership wont work with him, they attacked both the National Front and at the time one of TR's main gofers Danny Tommo and took his phone . They are a rump now ,they stand outside of the small nazi circles but believe that the left and anti racists are the problem. Their latest desperate stunt is supposedly the guarding of statues but their current leadership around Hicken ( an ageing Spurs hoolie ) is more about looking for soft targets to assault. to get credibility and reap in any dosh that it might attract through new members, File under had their day but keep a weather eye out for them.
Tweet from Ed Miliband just now. (sorry, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I struggle with copying stuff from Twitter)

"The bailout of slave owners of £20m was 40% of total expenditure when it happened in 1833 and was only paid off in 2015. I didn’t learn about this bailout at school but when I did the podcast on it a year ago. We need to teach our history in schools."

The fact that slave owners were bailed out, to use modern language, was not news to me, but the fact that we only paid it off in 2015 is staggering.
Reparations are owed to the descendants of slaves. not the slavers.
Tweet from Ed Miliband just now. (sorry, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I struggle with copying stuff from Twitter)

"The bailout of slave owners of £20m was 40% of total expenditure when it happened in 1833 and was only paid off in 2015. I didn’t learn about this bailout at school but when I did the podcast on it a year ago. We need to teach our history in schools."

The fact that slave owners were bailed out, to use modern language, was not news to me, but the fact that we only paid it off in 2015 is staggering.
Reparations are owed to the descendants of slaves. not the slavers.
At least he's not pre occupied with statues
As we all know profits from the slave trade, slavery and the compensation paid following the abolition of slavery, financed most of the industrial revolution. William & Glyns Bank, GWR, George Orwell’s and Graham Green’s ancestors for certain, but connections to the royals could be well hidden.

I think it would be hard to disentangle any profitable enterprise of the period from slavery in one way or another
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