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Black Lives Matter demos and protests UK, 2020-2021

Ive been reading the link put up by butchersapron

The statue was funded and erected at a time of open class warfare in Bristol. The local wealthy business elites were feeling threatened. The statue of Colston was attempt to attempt to revitalise the cult of Colston. A man who had died 1721. The elites of Bristol had uccessfully set up Colston as a "moral saint" and successful entpreuneur who used his wealth to help the poor some decades before the idea of statue. Colston day was a big event in Bristol. It was not really about Colston it was to show that these Victorian bourgeoisie were the best to run society.

Yes, its a very good article that provides some important context. There are more than a few echos of what is happening with the Confederacy monuments in the US at the moment. Its not enough to simply know who the person was we really need to understand why there is a statue there, when was it erected, who wanted it, who paid for it and for what reasons?

I don’t know if you guys know this person but he is a constant source of ridicule here in NI.

He was arrested during the flag protests back in 2012 and spent a short time in prison. Whilst there he decided to go on hunger strike....which lasted 8 hours when he stopped and asked the screws could he order an Indian takeaway. His own side even labelled him ‘Jamie Biryani’.

He’s now passing himself off as someone sort of legal expert and Loyalist spokesperson. The man is an absolute clown of the highest order.
The fact you work with someone like that is depressing. One of those silent racists who'd never dare to say it to my face.
Sadly there seem to be a lot of them from Barnsley, You don’t get much of it at all in Rotherham or Doncaster.
The thing is the works convener, a nice British Pakistani lad from Sheffield is compiling evidence against them when I came off sick.
I thought the bloke sent from the Council to clean it was black?
Yeah, called Winston if the ITN bloke can be trusted. But what's really comical is that the tory MP quarter-wits who started scrubbing at the plinth were stopped by a Westminster heritage bloke rushing over to tell them they may do more harm than good...then the official cleansing team were deployed. Fucking attention seeking right-wing clowns.
Sadly there seem to be a lot of them from Barnsley, You don’t get much of it at all in Rotherham or Doncaster.
The thing is the works convener, a nice British Pakistani lad from Sheffield is compiling evidence against them when I came off sick.
is the british pakistani bit really necessary? i don't care about his passport or his forebears' nationality, i just want to know if he's doing good work
is the british pakistani bit really necessary? i don't care about his passport or his forebears' nationality, i just want to know if he's doing good work
It is because he knows from before he became convenor from his interactions with the Barnsley brigade and their snide comments toward him. Not enough to get them disciplined but enough to make him and some of the other minorities that there may be conflict ahead.
And yes he is doing a far better job than the management lickspittle beforehand, who by coincidence is now a supervisor.
I was looking for hot takes on black lives matter and found this from a frankly hatstand Boris Fangirl tory account. View attachment 216815

Eta - she does look good for being in her 90s

It is hatstand comment. But the idea of "White Privilege" shoud not just be accepted uncritically.

Anti Racism isn't just one thing. Coincidently to the recent demo as part of my lockdown reading Ive been reading Paul Gilroys book "Against Race: Imagining Political Culture Beyond the Colour Line".

Not an easy read as it assumes a knowledge of cultural studies. So Ive watched some of his lectures on Youtube which helped.

He is critically supportive of anti racist politics.

What he does not support are ideas that divide people.

Ive heard comments over my time in London like Jews are white so have easier time than Black People, what about the "Black Holocaust", mixed race relationships never work.

One of my problems with the common use of term "White privilege" or White Supremancy" is that it gets into a competition to who was most harmed by racism.

Paul Gilroy , in his rather acedemic way of writing , looks at how racism comes in different forms and the commonalities between different kinds of racism.

In his book he discusses the history of anti semitism and the parallels in racism against Black people. So his writing shows that different kinds of racism are not in competition.

Im three quarters of the way through after almost giving up, watching a few lectures and going back to it.

In his lectures he ( studied here in UK) disusses a concept of "Cosmopolitanism" that is not liberal avoiding of history ( the Holocaust , the Transatlantic Slave Trade) but is positive of the future built on a mixing. In his lecture he talks of his own background as mixed race. Mother from Carribbean and white father of German descent. Replace idea of national culture with a cosmopolitan one.

Its a debate that needs to be had.

On Black Lives Matter. His book was written before this. But the movement/ slogan fits into his idea of the "infrahuman" Those who look human but are categorised in western thought ( Jews and Black people) and history as not quite human. So liable to be abused/ murdered more easily.
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I've no interest what so ever in some imported white privilege American liberal bollocks . I'm for black and white unite and fight. A united working class .

I’m in agreement with you, although It is still a shit sign. the privilege comment by me was more tongue in cheek.
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