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Black Lives Matter demos and protests UK, 2020-2021

Hoddeston in Hertfordshire where the DFLA and mates turned up to protect some statue with a shout of 'go back to Africa', 'There's only one Lee Rigby'

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Don't need BLM to turn into a battle of the statues but these twats need confronting when the times right.
Could they have picked a place and statue that was less likely to be subject to a BLM protest? It's pretty lame. But yes. They need confronting. Put them back in their box.
1. Turn up somewhere that BLM has no interest in but your mythology says they want to destroy.
2. No BLM people go there obviously.
3. "We defended our English culture, we scared them off"
It was chosen as Hicken has some Spurs ‘lads’ in Hertfordshire and was up there over the weekend
It is hatstand comment. But the idea of "White Privilege" shoud not just be accepted uncritically.

Anti Racism isn't just one thing. Coincidently to the recent demo as part of my lockdown reading Ive been reading Paul Gilroys book "Against Race: Imagining Political Culture Beyond the Colour Line".

Not an easy read as it assumes a knowledge of cultural studies. So Ive watched some of his lectures on Youtube which helped.

He is critically supportive of anti racist politics.

What he does not support are ideas that divide people.

Ive heard comments over my time in London like Jews are white so have easier time than Black People, what about the "Black Holocaust", mixed race relationships never work.

One of my problems with the common use of term "White privilege" or White Supremancy" is that it gets into a competition to who was most harmed by racism.

Paul Gilroy , in his rather acedemic way of writing , looks at racism comes in different forms and the commonalities between different kinds of racism.

In his book he discusses the history of anti semitism and the parallels in racism against Black people. So his writing shows that different kinds of racism are not in competition.

Im three quarters of the way through after almost giving up, watching a few lectures and going back to it.

In his lectures he ( studied here in UK) disusses a concept of "Cosmopolitanism" that is not liberal avoiding of history ( the Holocaust , the Transatlantic Slave Trade) but is positive of the future built on a mixing. In his lecture he talks of his own background as mixed race. Mother from Carribbean and white father of German descent. Replace idea of national culture with a cosmopolitan one.

Its a debate that needs to be had.

On Black Lives Matter. His book was written before this. But the movement/ slogan fits into his idea of the "infrahuman" Those who look human but are categorised in western thought ( Jews and Black people) and history as not quite human. So liable to be abused/ murdered more easily.
I met him and had a long conversation with him when I was at the Polytechnic of North London. Thought his book was useful and thought provoking , didn’t agree with him on some things but we managed to chat for nearly an hour . Nice fella .
As we all know profits from the slave trade, slavery and the compensation paid following the abolition of slavery, financed most of the industrial revolution. William & Glyns Bank, GWR, George Orwell’s and Graham Green’s ancestors for certain, but connections to the royals could be well hidden.
im sure the impoverished lives of their teapickers and the poverty wage they get paid #matters fuck all to them
continuity plantation business

well, yes - and some people are making that point in their direction on tweeter.

Still good that they say this, though. I'm trying now - and not always succeeding - not to be too cynical when dodgy politicians or companies, or even coppers, express support for BLM in unequivocal ways. At the very least, they've now set up a level for themselves that we can hold them to in the future. Ah, you agree with this? Ok, so do better then.

yes - likewise the way lots of organisations (including old bill and MI5 :facepalm: ) try to jump on pride month and so on.

on the specifics though, if racist twats are going to take organisations not saying anything as showing support for racism (which is how this particular thing started) then those racists need telling to fuck off...
well, yes - and some people are making that point in their direction on tweeter.

yes - likewise the way lots of organisations (including old bill and MI5 :facepalm: ) try to jump on pride month and so on.

on the specifics though, if racist twats are going to take organisations not saying anything as showing support for racism (which is how this particular thing started) then those racists need telling to fuck off...
Yeah. PR-wise, I would think both Yorkshire tea and PG really only had one action to take once such things had been drawn to their attention, and that was to do what they did. But they didn't mince their words - please don't buy our tea (you racist cunt) is a good response.
1. Turn up somewhere that BLM has no interest in but your mythology says they want to destroy.
2. No BLM people go there obviously.
3. "We defended our English culture, we scared them off"

like this lot in plymouth? pwopa nowty firm protecting some monument or other from...??
reminds me of "i don't see no tigers"pwopa.jpg

* jeff at the back forgot his mask so had to stay out of the photo
I read that as the DVLA :facepalm:
Reminds me of when the EDL came to Bristol in 2012 and took something of a spanking despite the best efforts of the police to keep everyone else away from them.

Whilst passing by some unawares drinkers outside a bar (right by where Colston went for a swim, so it happens), on seeing countless little skirmishes developing all over the harbourside and (mis)hearing various chants, one turned to the other and asked “But I just don't understand, I thought they did electricity?”
Did any of the Georges or William IV own slaves?
Would it not be fair to assume that all monarchs during the time of slavery no doubt obtained advantage either directly or indirectly and furthermore didn't use their considerable powers to help to bring the abomination to the end? Guilty until proven otherwise should be the default position.

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