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Biker gangs / "patch clubs"

I wish they'd leave the planet, permanently!
Here's a little anecdote:
I bought a wiring loom for a bike from an ebay seller. The wiring loom arrived and it wasn't what I bought. It was a wiring loom for 20 year older bike, so I contacted the seller and made him aware of his 'mistake'. He replied with, and I paraphrase,
"If you don't like it, I'll meet you at 'X' place with my brothers, and we can discuss it.
I replied with "Fuck off you fucking tool. Your Harley branded assless chaps don't scare me"
I opned a Paypal dispute, and they insisted I had to send the wiring loom back (at my expense) in order to receive a refund, so I packaged the wiring loom with a freshly laid dog egg, and sent it back to the 1%er prick, and got a refund. I also received a few threatening messages from the prick, but, unsurprisingly, despite him having my address, I never received a knock on the door from his 'brothers'.
Blokes who tell these sort of revenge fantasy stories always come off looking way worse than the people they think they're getting one over.

Dude you what scooped up an actual dog shit? You nestled it into/on the loom. Christ then you put it in a box or something? Didn't it stink? How big was the dog? If it was anything like mine you'd need a pretty big box. What did you wrap it in? The poor postie.

Fuck man. How much was the loom? I'm sure there's a couple of steps in between words on a screen and postal shitbomb.
Blokes who tell these sort of revenge fantasy stories always come off looking way worse than the people they think they're getting one over.
If you say so, but I figured that him sending me shit was sufficient justification for a reciprocal exchange.
Dude you what scooped up an actual dog shit?
You nestled it into/on the loom.
Christ then you put it in a box or something?
Didn't it stink?
How big was the dog? If it was anything like mine you'd need a pretty big box.
Have you seen the size of a modern bike's wiring loom? It was a big box.
What did you wrap it in? The poor postie.
It was well insulated.
Fuck man. How much was the loom? I'm sure there's a couple of steps in between words on a screen and postal shitbomb.
The loom was about 200 quid. The words on the screen ended when he threatened me.
If you say so, but I figured that him sending me shit was sufficient justification for a reciprocal exchange.





Have you seen the size of a modern bike's wiring loom? It was a big box.

It was well insulated.

The loom was about 200 quid. The words on the screen ended when he threatened me.
If only there were some legal recourse available :(

200 quid though. Fucking dogshitbomb the cunt(s) immediately :mad:
If only there were some legal recourse available :(

200 quid though. Fucking dogshitbomb the cunt(s) immediately :mad:
Legal recourse never satisfies the feeling that you've been fucked over. The best you can hope for is a refund, whereas knowing that some piece of shit has put his hand into a piece of shit, is quite satisfying.
He could be an existing member demoted to prospect as punishment for something. Or someone just wearing a jacket like that for fashion (although unlikely if an actual biker).

I doubt he'd be a fashion man wearing a bottom rocker, cause he'll have heapsa problem if he met up with proper outlaws, who like to cut patches off people doing that kind ofthings, in my humble experiences.
Appropriation of others' cultural property can get a violent reaction in New Zealand, too. As for wearing MM or BP patch for fashion, the police would arrest you for your own safety.
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Not sure what is like now, but when I was a young man the levels of aggression on the streets were palpable, with the shoulder-shove technique frequently used against another male walking by as a challenge for a fight. Gangs dropped right into this sort of culture.
Well I was in Wellington for a year in 99, not much there, more across at Hutt. But the weekends wen we go up to Auckland sometimes there was an air of violence around.

I think the big problem with the kiwis would be when they hop over to Oz. but then to be fair I know nothing of the gangs back home or in NZ. When I was a kid life was simple, there were the biker and the surfie dudes, with the inner city unemployed. Kinda like Chisel vs Crawl music wise, but I'm sure it has all changed from those happy, and really rather innocent days of youth!
Maori form a more contiguous group than the aboriginal peoples of Australia. I guess that forms a difference in their experience of oppression and the concomitant affiliations sought by young men. Loads of other stuff, of course, and the martial history of many iwi is a point of pride in resisting colonisation.

The two biggest gangs in NZ have a strong local stamp and if you could remove the gangs a chunk of culture goes with it.
Hells Angels Euro-run ride through Surrey and Sussex on Saturday, couple of 'em got nicked yesterday at Clakett Lane Services for possession of an offensive weapon.

In Surrey there's curry ;)
Its all a bit Blue oyster bar really with flick knives:D
Some fuckwit tried to give the British legion bunch of bikers a warning for their badges looking too much like a biker club and rapidly realized nobody took them terribly seriously and monstering the odd biker you can get away with.
picking a fight with the largest military charity with links to the establishment isn't going to end well for a few hundred easily identifiable criminals:facepalm:
From their FAQ:

“Should the Hells in Hells Angels have an apostrophe, and be Hell's Angels? That would be true if there was only one Hell, but life & history has taught us that there are many versions and forms of Hell“
That doesn't make sense unless it's a list and if it's a list it needs at least a comma and preferably the word 'and'.
From their FAQ:

“Should the Hells in Hells Angels have an apostrophe, and be Hell's Angels? That would be true if there was only one Hell, but life & history has taught us that there are many versions and forms of Hell“

Apparently a seamstress in California didn’t know what an apostrophe was and presumably neither did the first bunch of divs, so it stayed as Hells Angels.
Give it time. We might even get some more macho posturing.
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