I use a brunette one, and think it’s quite good. YMMV obviously. I use it in the morning just on my fringe and scalp, then brush it into a highish ponytail or bun. It’s not effective enough to get away with wearing my hair down, but my hair is really long at the moment. It looks great on my fringe though. Haven’t noticed it transferring or leaving dirty marks from any overspray either
Apart from when it’s bleached, my hair is really prone to being greasy.
However, I hate washing it more than twice a week, so I have a range of strategies:
Dry shampoo
Washing just the fringe, or fringe and T section, quickly over the sink.
Conditioner only on the ends.
No styling products.
No heat (hairdryers, tongs etc) - which is probably more because it invites more brushing and general scalp action.
Putting it in a plait for sleep. Keeps it from rubbing and tangling, needs less detangling/brushing in the morning.
Basically, the more you brush / comb, the greasier it gets.
I don’t buy special shampoos or conditioner for greasy hair, because I usually have sections of my hair that are colour-treated - currently the bottom half is a really bleached balayage, and that bit needs more moisture, not less.