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Beauty products that actually work

Having been mithered by redness around cheek/nose/forehead area and a-pondering it may be rosacea, I've been using an azaleic acid serum by the Inkey list for a fortnight. Started to see an improvement within a few days and about a fortnight in am hugely impressed. Suspect this one's a keeper :D
re: ballsack eyelids.

Any good products out there? I guess I need “collagen boosting” ones.

I hit 40 last year and immediately noticed that slowly the skin on my upper eyelids is losing elasticity and is starting to resemble the skin of balksack. Saggy and loose… and fucking loads of it.

I have hypermobility syndrome and long suspected it’s actually Elmer’s Danlos. Which means my body has problems producing collagen itself.

So yea. Short of surgery (it bothers me that much) is there anything out there that actually works?
Sadly I don't have a product recommendation I'm afraid but what I've found useful is to take a small amount of eye cream and massage it from the outer corner in towards the nose, then in the same direction over the top eyelid (eyes closed !) for, like, 20 - 30 circlings, if the cream doesn't dry out before. Doesn't take as long as you may think and obviously any effect is temporary.
Having been mithered by redness around cheek/nose/forehead area and a-pondering it may be rosacea, I've been using an azaleic acid serum by the Inkey list for a fortnight. Started to see an improvement within a few days and about a fortnight in am hugely impressed. Suspect this one's a keeper :D
I know it's not de rigeur to quote one's own posts but I have to say this serum is the poodle's plums WRT redness/rosacea. Very drying though so I'm after recommendations for a rich moisturiser, not too spendy. Anyone ?
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Did you find one? I have very dry skin and like The Inkey List Bio Active Ceramide moisturiser Ceramide Enriched Moisturiser to Restore & Hydrate Skin | The INKEY List - you could save on p&p if you're buying the serum 👍
Well !!! Skin journey ahoy, the rosacea/acne thing has gone, however I had an attack of shingles and I dunno, maybe the crappy skin was a harbinger of the shingles, any which way, I'm on a Cerave moisturiser at the moment which is both suited to my skin and cheap as chips, recommended by the awesome Sali Hughes.

Glad you can recommend the Inkey list though, they do seem to put out some good products which don't require selling a kidney.
Well !!! Skin journey ahoy, the rosacea/acne thing has gone, however I had an attack of shingles and I dunno, maybe the crappy skin was a harbinger of the shingles, any which way, I'm on a Cerave moisturiser at the moment which is both suited to my skin and cheap as chips, recommended by the awesome Sali Hughes.

Glad you can recommend the Inkey list though, they do seem to put out some good products which don't require selling a kidney.

I have no idea how old you are but perimenopause often does a number on your skin too, redness being a common complaint. Glad it's better anyway :)
I have no idea how old you are but perimenopause often does a number on your skin too, redness being a common complaint. Glad it's better anyway :)
Too kind ! You are totally correct on the peri thing but I blasted through menopause a few years ago 😀
Laura Geller Baked Balance 'n Brighten foundation. The holy grail for me - light/medium coverage, doesn't sit in the old lady lines, stays forever.
On top of E.L.F poreless primer it's bloody amazing.
That appears to be on sale for £18 at the mo, in the unlikely event you hadn't heard
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