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Beauty products that actually work

I think the gradient of the flick is quite important, if that makes sense :hmm: Maybe you'd need less of a flick than the women in the videos?

Thank you! Can you not just use an oil as a cleanser?
I think you can use olive oil etc but I prefer a balm. Uma Brennan also does a Vitamin C cleansing oil which is good. I sometimes use almond oil as a facial oil but tbh the bespoke ones are better.
The Independent have recently put up a review of oil-based cleansers, they don't feature the one I'm about to bang on about but for anyone with skin that's even a little dry or a little aged or stressed or, in my case, very reactive, I can't recommend them highly enough. I think something like the Elemis melting gel cleanser is worth the outlay, mine lasts easily 3-4 months and by shopping around I recently got two for £30. IMO its worth spending on the cleanser and using a less spendy moisturiser.
My skin is also much happier since my grown up regime. I do still (frustratingly) have a lot of blackheads but the general spots/dry patches have definitely decreased :)
This stuff is the bomb.http://www.drbrandtskincare.com/product/mobile/pores+no+more+vacuum+cleaner.do

Some of the blackhead removers have a satisfying ick factor but they come back and, completely unscientifically, I always wonder if they make them worse by being too harsh. This stuff is less satisfying, and you have to use it religiously twice a week for about a month before you see a difference... But I have been using it for 3 months now (same tube, you use a tiny bit) and my skin is loads better
I've been trying out Kiehl's biological peel and it's really really good. It does make your skin look fresher and brighter and I think it's really helped some of my spots to heal faster as well. And it's not drying at all. So that one's a keeper.

I'm getting so pissed off with my shitty skin now though. I think maybe i should go to the GP and see if there's anything they can do to help (I've got PCOS and have constant spots). I know that they will say to go on the pill but I don't want to risk the weight gain and the last time I tried hormonal contraception I got these fucking spots. And got pregnant :D
I've been trying out Kiehl's biological peel and it's really really good. It does make your skin look fresher and brighter and I think it's really helped some of my spots to heal faster as well. And it's not drying at all. So that one's a keeper.

I'm getting so pissed off with my shitty skin now though. I think maybe i should go to the GP and see if there's anything they can do to help (I've got PCOS and have constant spots). I know that they will say to go on the pill but I don't want to risk the weight gain and the last time I tried hormonal contraception I got these fucking spots. And got pregnant :D
There is a topical antibiotic- zineryt- that I have been given as I can't use any of the pills that suit me while I'm breastfeeding. It has a short life- the pharmacist mixes it up from a powder so it's a pita- you keep having to get repeat prescriptions- but after three months of it my skin was much clearer and I stopped using it for a bit. You need to be v careful with sun while you're using it, but it isn't too drying/ weird smelling
I'm not up for doing an elaborate skin routine, but wouldn't mind some advice for one tiny problem. I have pretty good/bright skin, with one slight problem - slightly red patches on my cheeks. I think they are tiny blood vessels. Is there anything that is good on those? They are extremely easy to cover with a bit of makeup so they've never really bothered me so far, but I'm wondering if something could actually get rid of them since I'm not bothering with makeup quite a bit these days.

I'm thinking of trying that Dr Brandt stuff for my nose too, despite the price. Is that link you put up the best place to buy it, Manter? (Sorry, I don't know how to do linky usernames).
I'm not up for doing an elaborate skin routine, but wouldn't mind some advice for one tiny problem. I have pretty good/bright skin, with one slight problem - slightly red patches on my cheeks. I think they are tiny blood vessels. Is there anything that is good on those? They are extremely easy to cover with a bit of makeup so they've never really bothered me so far, but I'm wondering if something could actually get rid of them since I'm not bothering with makeup quite a bit these days.

I'm thinking of trying that Dr Brandt stuff for my nose too, despite the price. Is that link you put up the best place to buy it, Manter? (Sorry, I don't know how to do linky usernames).
I has a lot of luck with an oatmeal/ cucumber (just blend them up) facemask. But the redness was more like a surface burn iykwim.

It might sooth the blood vessels though? Could be worth a try and it's very cheap and easy.
There is a topical antibiotic- zineryt- that I have been given as I can't use any of the pills that suit me while I'm breastfeeding. It has a short life- the pharmacist mixes it up from a powder so it's a pita- you keep having to get repeat prescriptions- but after three months of it my skin was much clearer and I stopped using it for a bit. You need to be v careful with sun while you're using it, but it isn't too drying/ weird smelling
Urgh - that stuff gave me THE most intense all-over-body-itchiness!! I scraped myself fucking raw with it. Went the docs several times, she didn't know what caused the itching, until I read the leaflet again and saw it was a fucking side effect. You'd think they'd fucking know eh?! :mad:
I'm not up for doing an elaborate skin routine, but wouldn't mind some advice for one tiny problem. I have pretty good/bright skin, with one slight problem - slightly red patches on my cheeks. I think they are tiny blood vessels. Is there anything that is good on those?
electrolysis - seriously. The woman that treated me said I may have to have it done again in about a year but I'm about three years in and no problem at all, love my skin now. Kinda seals up the veins, I can recommend someone in Somerset if this isn't too far away from you and you pm me.
I did begin trawling through this thread to see if there were any recommendations for under eye dark circle concealers but then gave up as cannot be arsed.

I've always had very dark circles under my eyes inherited from my grandmother, over the years I've spent a lot of cash on concealers targeted for that area which never quite do the job.

I now have the added problem of maturing/drying skin and so not only need good coverage but a concealer that doesn't sit heavy and exaggerate my wrinkles!

Many products promise the earth but don't deliver the results :(

Am I searching for the Holy Grail?
fizzerbird - I asked similar a way back. I don't have too much of a problem with the wrinkle aspect but dark circles and bags are my nemesis.

I use the no.7 stuff sojourner recommended which really does help the skin condition but the damn things still need concealing. If im going out I start with Anusol to reduce the bags (works better than Prep H imo), foundation ( i really like one of the no.7 ones - can't remember what it's called unless I go and look) and whatever concealer I happen to be trying atm. I've not found the perfect one yet.........
So I'm a twat.

It's official.

I decided to do my roots. I've very versed with using Brown dyes but not bleach. So I got a bleach, I have peroxide already, and bleached my roots. I now am back to the bloody yellow tinge to my blonde. So I bought a white bleach kit as a toner to rid my yellows. Nope. So now I'm sat here with directions silver and conditioner on and have ordered a toner from USA so that won't be here for a few weeks.

God I wish I was rich so I could just keep getting it done properly.

Yours, yellow crested bird from twatville
Bought a tangle teaser today and it is amazing; even with lots of conditioner on I used to find getting knots out really hard but this just glides through, awesome product.

Also bought lots of new stuff for my hair that I am hoping will make it look less like a birds nest. Trevor Sorbie curls and waves shampoo and conditioner, umburto gianni curls mousse and hair repair spray and lee stafford argon oil miracle shine spray. Had a lovely bath with bubbles and a good scrub with soap and glory 'flake away' and a glass of wine and feel all pampered. My hair smells lush. :cool:
I did begin trawling through this thread to see if there were any recommendations for under eye dark circle concealers but then gave up as cannot be arsed.

I've always had very dark circles under my eyes inherited from my grandmother, over the years I've spent a lot of cash on concealers targeted for that area which never quite do the job.

I now have the added problem of maturing/drying skin and so not only need good coverage but a concealer that doesn't sit heavy and exaggerate my wrinkles!

Many products promise the earth but don't deliver the results :(

Am I searching for the Holy Grail?
I have similar issues. ATM I use an eye cream to moisturise well before using an orange toned corrector for the darkness followed by a concealer. The corrector is by Bobbi Brown, the concealer is Clarins, which is one of the best I've found. Spendy, but you only need a tiny amount so lasts for ages.
I have a problem with under eye cream in that it makes my mascara melt so i get a black line across my cheeks, about 8mm below my lower lashes. Of course no one tells me and i only spot it when i get home :rolleyes:
So I'm a twat.

It's official.

I decided to do my roots. I've very versed with using Brown dyes but not bleach. So I got a bleach, I have peroxide already, and bleached my roots. I now am back to the bloody yellow tinge to my blonde. So I bought a white bleach kit as a toner to rid my yellows. Nope. So now I'm sat here with directions silver and conditioner on and have ordered a toner from USA so that won't be here for a few weeks.

God I wish I was rich so I could just keep getting it done properly.

Yours, yellow crested bird from twatville

Oh no! Have you asked D what she'd recommend? She might offer a touch up.

Bought a tangle teaser today and it is amazing; even with lots of conditioner on I used to find getting knots out really hard but this just glides through, awesome

I love them too. I only brush my hair when washing it and it's great with a bit of conditioner. I was very sceptical, especially for the price. [emoji4]
Bought a tangle teaser today and it is amazing; even with lots of conditioner on I used to find getting knots out really hard but this just glides through, awesome product.

Also bought lots of new stuff for my hair that I am hoping will make it look less like a birds nest. Trevor Sorbie curls and waves shampoo and conditioner, umburto gianni curls mousse and hair repair spray and lee stafford argon oil miracle shine spray. Had a lovely bath with bubbles and a good scrub with soap and glory 'flake away' and a glass of wine and feel all pampered. My hair smells lush. :cool:
The guy who invented them was on R4 talking about them a few weeks ago. He invested a lot of his own money and took massive risks to get them on the market- it was pretty impressive. It was a programme about inventors, and one of the other guys invented artificial snow. Which is irrelevant but interesting!http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b052lt1l
Oddly - since I have a spot, I got complimented on my glowing skin at the weekend at a party (I think it was the Laura Mercier powder tbh) but when asked - "ooh what do you use", I replied "Lidl" and got a look of horror... I found myself mumbling.. erm.. "it's got that hyurolonic acid stuff in it though". Followed by a weak.. "and I put oil on top".

I do seem to be getting more spots recently - but maybe that's because I'm making more of an effort to wear make up?
The guy who invented them was on R4 talking about them a few weeks ago. He invested a lot of his own money and took massive risks to get them on the market- it was pretty impressive. It was a programme about inventors, and one of the other guys invented artificial snow. Which is irrelevant but interesting!http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b052lt1l

I saw him on dragons den and they didn't invest and then they did one of those 'where are they now' programmes and they all said he was the one who got away and they regretted not investing.
Oddly - since I have a spot, I got complimented on my glowing skin at the weekend at a party (I think it was the Laura Mercier powder tbh) but when asked - "ooh what do you use", I replied "Lidl" and got a look of horror... I found myself mumbling.. erm.. "it's got that hyurolonic acid stuff in it though". Followed by a weak.. "and I put oil on top".

I do seem to be getting more spots recently - but maybe that's because I'm making more of an effort to wear make up?
Makeup shouldn't give you spots- wash your brushes and sponges to be on the safe side and throw out anything that smells odd or has separated/discoloured.

May be stress, may be accumulated gunk working it's way out, or may be the dust diet- it's quite bad for skin and hair I am told (which puts me off trying it, as I am having enough problems with them already).... Or it may be that you haven't got the right combination of stuff for your skin- I would remove one thing at a time and see if your skin improves and gets worse again if you reintroduce it- but I am a bit cautious about my skin as it can go massively wrong!
Makeup shouldn't give you spots- wash your brushes and sponges to be on the safe side and throw out anything that smells odd or has separated/discoloured.

May be stress, may be accumulated gunk working it's way out, or may be the dust diet- it's quite bad for skin and hair I am told (which puts me off trying it, as I am having enough problems with them already).... Or it may be that you haven't got the right combination of stuff for your skin- I would remove one thing at a time and see if your skin improves and gets worse again if you reintroduce it- but I am a bit cautious about my skin as it can go massively wrong!

I've always found it really good for my skin tbh - also nails (although I appreciate current evidence suggests not - it can cause hair to fall out though).

I say I'm getting lots of spots - I've had 3. But I almost never get spots normally - but I think this is because normally I put nothing at all on my skin - now i'm suddenly paying it a bit of attention!
I did begin trawling through this thread to see if there were any recommendations for under eye dark circle concealers but then gave up as cannot be arsed.

I've always had very dark circles under my eyes inherited from my grandmother, over the years I've spent a lot of cash on concealers targeted for that area which never quite do the job.

I now have the added problem of maturing/drying skin and so not only need good coverage but a concealer that doesn't sit heavy and exaggerate my wrinkles!

Many products promise the earth but don't deliver the results :(

Am I searching for the Holy Grail?
I've never been brave enough to try this, but apparently you can cover your under eye area with BRIGHT RED lipstick and then use foundation. Seriously, look for it on YouTube. You probably feel like you're wearing a clay mask afterwards but it is a "thing".
Are you cleansing properly, gg? I always used to get spots on holiday and only recently worked out that it was the SPF that was causing them. :oops: You should double cleanse if you're wearing make-up and/or SPF.
@gajingirl where are you getting the spots? If ts all the t-zone or an area that you usually experience oiliness then maybe you could cut back on an oil rich product you are using so as not to overload the skin. If it's in any creases (chin, or nose or whatever) then maybe pay extra attention while cleansing to make sure you get all the make up off properly. Are you exfoliating?

My skin is quite sensitive as well as oily so when I change my routine I do find an increase in outbreaks. Also if I overstimulate it with exfoliators, masks, serums and moisturisers it goes a bit nutty. Maybe pare you routine back a little and then reintroduce the products you like 2-3 times a week.
Or get a spot treatment.
I think I'm doing everything right - but no doubt there's room for error - and I really don't think it's a coincidence that I've gone from doing absolutely nothing to using lots of stuff and now getting spots. I'll stick with it though as I think apart from the odd spot I'm looking better overall.
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