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Is there another proof that none of them work and we're all silly airheads taken in my crafty marketing type thing?
Is there another proof that none of them work and we're all silly airheads taken in my crafty marketing type thing?
No, quite the opposite. I've spent the last two weeks travelling the country as part of the audio visual team doing the internal launch for the new No.7 anti wrinkle serum thingy. It's a new version of the stuff that caused a big fuss back in 2007 after a BBC Horizon program showed that it actually did something positive. The big TV ad* for it debuts tonight and it goes on sale tomorrow. They're expecting huge demand for it apparently...

*which is quite good, they took 8 women and removed all mirrors from their lives for 4 weeks, every time we showed it large parts of the audience cried :D
No, quite the opposite. I've spent the last two weeks travelling the country as part of the audio visual team doing the internal launch for the new No.7 anti wrinkle serum thingy. It's a new version of the stuff that caused a big fuss back in 2007 after a BBC Horizon program showed that it actually did something positive. The big TV ad for it debuts tonight and it goes on sale tomorrow. They're expecting huge demand for it apparently...
It was a bit of a coup for them last time. Hope it does well for them
What are parabens?
They are a chemical often used as a preservative in cosmetics. I have been trying to reduce the number of chemicals I use in cosmetics on the basis that I don't want additives in my food and I don't really want them on my skin either. This Sanex product is not perfect but handmade soap has got a bit boring so I'm going to use it next.
They are a chemical often used as a preservative in cosmetics. I have been trying to reduce the number of chemicals I use in cosmetics on the basis that I don't want additives in my food and I don't really want them on my skin either. This Sanex product is not perfect but handmade soap has got a bit boring so I'm going to use it next.
some people are allergic to parabens, but otherwise they're pretty harmless.
from the lush website:

Parabens are some of the oldest cosmetic preservatives and have been used since the 1920s.

They are used globally and are permitted by every world health authority (500 independent safety studies have been carried out over the decades). Scare-mongering ‘studies’ into their potentially negative effects have now been widely debunked.

Parabens occur naturally in some fruits and vegetables, including blueberries.

No, quite the opposite. I've spent the last two weeks travelling the country as part of the audio visual team doing the internal launch for the new No.7 anti wrinkle serum thingy. It's a new version of the stuff that caused a big fuss back in 2007 after a BBC Horizon program showed that it actually did something positive. The big TV ad* for it debuts tonight and it goes on sale tomorrow. They're expecting huge demand for it apparently...

*which is quite good, they took 8 women and removed all mirrors from their lives for 4 weeks, every time we showed it large parts of the audience cried :D

Ah, I was in boots today and they were plugging something but I took no notice.

Damn, might have got a sample. I do have a No7 voucher...
so, after seeing it on here courtesy of spanglechick I'm thinking of signing up for birchbox, is it worth it?
Birchbox you say? OOoo that looks nice. I'm feeling better so have started wearing make up again. Benefit stuff really does seem to suit my skin but I know it's a bit Marmite. And I rather like Sleek stuff. I'm off to the Benefit counter in a couple of weeks for a makeover and some hints and tips cos I like make up, I'm just rubbish at applying it. Anyone know of any other brands that suit drier, paler skin?
I got a Body Shop voucher for a birthday present and bought one of these:

Polynesia Monoi Miracle Oil. I consider myself very impressed. Skin like a baby's bum and shiny hair. Aces.
I will be buying more of that. No danger.
I like it. It's not super value, but it's a good treat in the post and you'll never go short of travel sizes again.

I think I have a referral code for our mutual benefit, if anyone wants it.
I like it. It's not super value, but it's a good treat in the post and you'll never go short of travel sizes again.

I think I have a referral code for our mutual benefit, if anyone wants it.
Sling one my way please :) I've just got rid of graze boxes so this will be cheaper and better for weightloss :oops:
I am a big devotee of Protect & Perfect but it's expensive, so I've started using Lacura serum from Aldi which apparently did better than P&P in blind tests, and I can report it's really good, and under a fiver.
Birch box has arrived, although the postie left it in the rain outside the wrong door :mad: I'm actually quite impressed. I'm off camping next month and the dry shampoo and mascara are ideal so thanks spanglechick
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I threw a massive Twitter tantrum at Tesco, because they have discontinued the Barbara Daly compact powder foundation I've been wearing for 10 years, only to discover Max Factor Facefinity in Porcelain, which is actually better :oops: It's slightly moisturising, which my old skin needs these days, and a much better match for my skin tone.


[gritted teeth]Sorry Tesco [/gritted teeth]
oh similar, they discontinued (and then reintroduced!) the Barbara Daly compact powder (powder only) a while ago and i discovered the no7 powder is massively superior. massively.
La Roche Posay Effaclar cleanser has totally sorted out my hideous angry red neck spots.

Splendid. But in the awful event your skin does that to you again, I find the spotsticks from either superdrug or the body shop are just excellent for those, and angry mosquito bites as well.

I threw a massive Twitter tantrum at Tesco, because they have discontinued the Barbara Daly compact powder foundation I've been wearing for 10 years, only to discover Max Factor Facefinity in Porcelain, which is actually better :oops: It's slightly moisturising, which my old skin needs these days, and a much better match for my skin tone.


[gritted teeth]Sorry Tesco [/gritted teeth]
Thanks for this recommendation. Bought some the other day (and managed to get it less than half price as the plastic seal wasn't on it :thumbs: ). Its great. Looks like it should be really drying but isn't and is the first thing I've found for ages that has SPF in it too.
La Roche Posay Effaclar cleanser has totally sorted out my hideous angry red neck spots.

La Roche Posay is ace. I just bought the Effaclar exfoliating toner and the Effaclar duo to zap the pesky blemishes that aren't quite spots on my chin.
I've been trialling the Nip + Fab Glycolic fix pads and I'm most impressed. My skin is looking less tired and more glowy.
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