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Beating the Fascists: The authorised history of Anti-Fascist Action

tap in AFA battle of waterloo then go to blood and honour website. (oddly, both nazi and tabs B&H are toxic brands). there are some very 'enthusiastic' antifascists on there particularly the feller with the gegs and the blue top. amusing!
scan here of an article in Red Pepper based on a much lengthier interview

It kind of lacks the punch (and structure) of the full interview - although the whole transcript is due to go up on the RP site at some point (or elsewhere if not there)
scan here of an article in Red Pepper based on a much lengthier interview

It kind of lacks the punch (and structure) of the full interview - although the whole transcript is due to go up on the RP site at some point (or elsewhere if not there)

excellent, thanks for that LD! did you clock the waterloo pix mentioned earlier up there ^ ? good stuff, bad website!
in matthew collins' hate he quotes someone saying red action 'look like us, talk like us.' a case in point here. if anyone can say whose side some folk are on that wd be pretty helpful esp regarding skins. the bloodied skin is gary mitchell (as sen in white noise).
In picture 5 the tall fella with his back to the camera is G McD who was a RA member at the time, you can just make him out in the middle of pic 4 as well.
is it online anywhere mate?
no, our website has been hacked. One of the articles was published in Mayday issue 4 originally - "Only the realists are out of touch with humanity - Marxist Humanism, E. P. Thompson, & Popular Front Anti Fascism" Press released here; http://mayday-magazine.vpweb.co.uk/ but no article I am afraid. You need hard copy for that. There maybe copies of the anti fascist pamphlet at Freedom and/or Housmans still (i haven't checked recently).

Andy newmans article British fascism past and present is here; http://www.socialistunity.com/?p=5293

Autonomous Anti Fascism is in the magazine here; http://platypus1917.home.comcast.net/~platypus1917/mayday_uk_issue1_win2007-08.pdf
bloody faced number 3 from sunderland. in the footage I saw ages ago another one from sunderland get's knocked on his arse too.

Him there on the floor with the sheepish look, that's him after getting knocked down with 1 punch
Paul Krugman in the NY Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/12/opinion/krugman-depression-and-democracy.html?_r=1&ref=paulkrugman):

'Right-wing populists are on the rise from Austria, where the Freedom Party (whose leader used to have neo-Nazi connections) runs neck-and-neck in the polls with established parties, to Finland, where the anti-immigrant True Finns party had a strong electoral showing last April. And these are rich countries whose economies have held up fairly well. Matters look even more ominous in the poorer nations of Central and Eastern Europe.

'Last month the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development documented a sharp drop in public support for democracy in the “new E.U.” countries, the nations that joined the European Union after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Not surprisingly, the loss of faith in democracy has been greatest in the countries that suffered the deepest economic slumps.

'And in at least one nation, Hungary, democratic institutions are being undermined as we speak.

'One of Hungary’s major parties, Jobbik, is a nightmare out of the 1930s: it’s anti-Roma (Gypsy), it’s anti-Semitic, and it even had a paramilitary arm. But the immediate threat comes from Fidesz, the governing center-right party.

'Fidesz won an overwhelming Parliamentary majority last year, at least partly for economic reasons; Hungary isn’t on the euro, but it suffered severely because of large-scale borrowing in foreign currencies and also, to be frank, thanks to mismanagement and corruption on the part of the then-governing left-liberal parties. Now Fidesz, which rammed through a new Constitution last spring on a party-line vote, seems bent on establishing a permanent hold on power.

'Taken together, all this amounts to the re-establishment of authoritarian rule, under a paper-thin veneer of democracy, in the heart of Europe. And it’s a sample of what may happen much more widely if this depression continues.'
I remember the same man leaping across the counter at Kings Cross Burger King to get at the NF colour party. Fucking top bloke.
the skinhead lad with his right arm extended (no, not that way)? He was afa as far as I know as his face is blanked out in FT.
Paul Krugman in the NY Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/12/opinion/krugman-depression-and-democracy.html?_r=1&ref=paulkrugman):

'Right-wing populists are on the rise from Austria, where the Freedom Party (whose leader used to have neo-Nazi connections) runs neck-and-neck in the polls with established parties, to Finland, where the anti-immigrant True Finns party had a strong electoral showing last April. And these are rich countries whose economies have held up fairly well. Matters look even more ominous in the poorer nations of Central and Eastern Europe.

'Last month the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development documented a sharp drop in public support for democracy in the “new E.U.” countries, the nations that joined the European Union after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Not surprisingly, the loss of faith in democracy has been greatest in the countries that suffered the deepest economic slumps.

'And in at least one nation, Hungary, democratic institutions are being undermined as we speak.

'One of Hungary’s major parties, Jobbik, is a nightmare out of the 1930s: it’s anti-Roma (Gypsy), it’s anti-Semitic, and it even had a paramilitary arm. But the immediate threat comes from Fidesz, the governing center-right party.

'Fidesz won an overwhelming Parliamentary majority last year, at least partly for economic reasons; Hungary isn’t on the euro, but it suffered severely because of large-scale borrowing in foreign currencies and also, to be frank, thanks to mismanagement and corruption on the part of the then-governing left-liberal parties. Now Fidesz, which rammed through a new Constitution last spring on a party-line vote, seems bent on establishing a permanent hold on power.

'Taken together, all this amounts to the re-establishment of authoritarian rule, under a paper-thin veneer of democracy, in the heart of Europe. And it’s a sample of what may happen much more widely if this depression continues.'

The number of people not on the voting register in Britian has risen by almost 5 million in just 10 years.
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