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BBC presenter Huw Edwards suspended over paying for sexual pics.

The way Ganymede was conveniently locked in a time bubble to save it from the Daleks just before the Doctor was due to be at a hearing on safeguarding for all these earthling youths he kept randomly abducting is rather suspicious.
You're trying to up my post count on this thread, aren't you? I counted to 100, but damn you, I can't stop myself yelling GALLIFREY! Ganymede is a moon of Jupiter.
Ganymede is also Zeus’s adolescent cup-bearer, I’ve only heard the name spoken in as you like it, pronounced ganny mead, which is how I read it. But should it be ga nimmy dee?
I doubt they will be billing anyone. It will be an investment for a share of any future massive pay out and publicly. They will have got a couple of very bright young things on decent pay and stupid hours to research and draft the letter and a partner on stupid money to check and sign it. All opportunity costs…

Are they not on ChatGPT yet?
The director general of the BBC has not spoken to the person in question but why has he not spoken to this presenter when he is charge of the corporation?
Honestly this all sounds pretty overhyped this compated to all the other wrong shit BBC employees have done and have had covered up.

Sent a rude message to a 22 year old. Not quite noncing kids and shagging corpses.
A more serious discussion, and not one for this thread because having it here would only muddy the waters of that serious discussion, is around porn, the relative agency of sex workers, the effect of the trade on their lives, and on wider societal attitudes, the power of porn users, and misogyny. But the suggestion that this could perhaps be an Only Fans type transaction does raise those questions. (To which I don't have definitive answers).

I agree it would be a shame to ruin a thread full of gossip and wild speculation with anything resembling serious debate but this is an important point.

Depending which survey you read up to half of men and a not insignificant number of women regularly watch porn and I doubt many of them are too concerned whether the person on the screen is in their late teens or very early 20s - or whether they spend the money they earn on crack or not. There are 18-20 year olds on onlyfans and other platforms with thousands of followers and these sites are coercive machines employing all the dopamine stimulating tricks of social media with the added enhancement of money and the fact that the next message might come from some dodgy old celebrity who could spend 10 grand or more over the next year. Many businesses still routinely entertain clients at lap dancing bars which exist in every town and city and are full of 18-20 year olds. And young people, predominantly women, are routinely sexualised and objectifed even in more mainstream culture.

If this is an online sex work thing, and on some level that looks very likely, then what this man has allegedly done is little different to what a very large number of men are doing every day, including no doubt some of those now ferociously attacking him.
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