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BBC presenter Huw Edwards suspended over paying for sexual pics.

Well as much as I know you can't trust what's written in the Sun (back in the day my Mum never recognized her stories when they bought them) .
was this a joke, or did yr mum really sell stories to the sun, i can't tell . ?
I know this will sound like I'm a small guy in a white suite standing on the beach, declaring the arrival of a flying machine but wouldn't it be wonderful if the whole thing was a set up to bring down the shit rag that should of been cunted off years ago.
They’ve been careful not to libel anyone despite setting up a circus based on what someone’s mam had to say. Egg on their faces but I doubt any more than that.
I think it’s fascinating from a media culture point of view - same as the Schofield circus. I really couldn’t give a toss who it is, the gossip side is of limited interest to me. The press in the UK is unreal - they aren’t happy until they kill someone, which depending on how it’s measured they’ve done a few times, and then after a day or a drip feed of obsequious shite they feed on the corpse.

It seems more invidious because it’s dressed up as seriousness, when most of it is celebrity gossip. In other countries where I’ve taken an interest in what’s going on and how things are reported this kind of stuff is alongside the alien conspiracies and the chewing gum. Here, we have helicopters buzzing above the BBC, just weeks after a daytime chat show host having a work affair became a matter of national concern, and of course we all remember the soap star who licked his finger on camera and saw his career crash around him for it.
and of course Stuart Hall, Rolf Harris and Jimmy Saville. Who did they work for again....
Media lawyer on Sky News earlier was using "she" to refer to the 20 year old. After about the third time the presenter had to remind him that "Of course we don't know the sex of the 20 year old.." :D
OK, now I'm totally confused because it sounds like young person's lawyer is saying they retracted and the story is bollocks?! But the parents are saying it happened, but they're estranged from their son?!

Surely the young person hasn't retracted anything because they didn't appear to have made any allegations in the first place. It was the parents who made the allegations which may or may not be true and may or may not be any of their/our business but appear not to be supported by their child. 🤷‍♀️
OK, now I'm totally confused because it sounds like young person's lawyer is saying they retracted and the story is bollocks?! But the parents are saying it happened, but they're estranged from their son?!

Mother and Stepfather. I hope the Sun paid them in advance. Otherwise their Kerching will be disappearing like the morning mist.

Actually I don’t, this seems more likely an attempt to simply cash in on a family member…
Media lawyer on Sky News earlier was using "she" to refer to the 20 year old. After about the third time the presenter had to remind him that "Of course we don't know the sex of the 20 year old.." :D
That's actually quite a faux pas. There's a thing known as 'jigsaw identification' whereby they're not supposed to disclose any information that could lead to people putting together pieces of the jigsaw and end up identifying the (alleged) victim, and that might include things like age or gender or where they live.
Surely the young person hasn't retracted anything because they didn't appear to have made any allegations in the first place. It was the parents who made the allegations which may or may not be true and may or may not be any of their/our business but appear not to be supported by their child. 🤷‍♀️

Aye that seems to be a decent summary of what appears to be going on (although who knows 🤷‍♂️ )

Makes some of my ridiculous and damaging family blowups look positively tame (at least no-one tried to sell the story to The Scum).
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