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BBC announced collapse of WT7 before it happened!

There's no point naming names in this. The 'Shadow People' operate through different engines, using every tool they have, including possession. So names don't matter - fact is that the evidence is hard to find because THE ALIENS have covered it all up using a Darkstar Thought-Ray machine they got from the ninth dimension.
fucking nutter. it was from the twelfth dimension. i bet you're one of them *angry*
Kid_Eternity said:
Ok, once more with feeling:


:mad: :mad: :mad:

Leave him alone, Drjazzzzz's posts never fail to brighten up my day. There's not enough conspiraloonacy in this world.
tim said:
Leave him alone, Drjazzzzz's posts never fail to brighten up my day. There's not enough conspiraloonacy in this world.

Don't for one second believe that this poster believes we have been given access to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth with regard to 9/11.
Jazzz said:
I don't accept this interpretation of my posts at all
I don't care what you 'accept' or not, but it's a simple fact.

All of your fuckwitted theories involve you accusing thousands of people of lying, cheating and being willingly complicit in the murder of their fellow countrymen.
Jazz, you posted something that was no reply at all, and now you don't asnwer my question about your knowledge on flight protocol and flight control.

So far we got absolutely nothing that clarifies, let alone underscores or justifies, your position.

It would be rather productive to answer the following:
a) were there explosions or were there none?
b) in a former post you said the planes were only used to drive up the “dramatic effect”, so to speak. Now you seem to retract that comment. Why?
c)if you can only “speculate”, yet you dispute every research done and every conclusion published by people with an – I suppose - academic expertise. Why? Where does your speculation comes closer to the truth then what specialists in the various fields can provide for?

On the location of those who controlled this demolition, you said

I would guess WTC7. But without a view they'll have been able to manage it anyway.

Why were they ready to position themselves in a building that most obviously risked to get hit by debris the WTC?
On the other hand, if they were not so suicidal, you say they would have been able to “manage it”.
Well yes, that is what I asked. You should know the answer or admit -for yourself, not me- that you believe something to have happened while in fact you have no clue what exactly you believe. No?

PNAC stated they needed such an event therefore we can ascribe to them the motive for it.

No, we can not. You can't declare someone to be guilty until proven guilty.
An other poster already highlighted there is no word about “needing” such an event in the whole of the lengthy PNAC papers.

In relation to planes added to the scene, where I said explosives would have produced the same horror effect:
No it wouldn't.

Yes it would.

If a world trade center towers were simply imploded, the TV crews would certainly miss the first altogether. They might catch the second, but the story would be a confused narrative. With the way 9/11 happened we got three events happening live (South Tower impact and two collapses) plus the drama of the burning buildings

There were amateur recordings from the plane hitting the tower. They were shown world wide, time and time again. Why wouldn’t there have been any such “amateur recording” staged by the conspiracy group to catch the collapsing first tower, and why wouldn’t they have the second one collapse at a moment the media, fireworkers, medics etc.. etc.. were at location?

No comparison with tuning in to find out that two WTC towers had come down for no reason whatsoever (and how do you then blame the collapses on muslims?).

An explosion big enough to bring such buildings down would have gone “unnoticed”? Was the very light first attack on the same target “unnoticed”? Why do you think planes make a difference in “blaming Muslims”, especially in the light of that earlier attack?

I'm very sorry to hear about your friend.

Thank you for your sympathy.

As I said, the FBI have not come up with an acceptable list since eight or so of the guys they named turned out to be still alive!

I heard these stories too, I even saw interview with them. I’m not researching any of these issues, hence my purely personal interpretation goes as follows:
a) in concordance with was declared somewhere during the early days afterwards, stolen passports were used
b) much more plausible: People with the same names are indeed “still alive”.

In my part of the world conspiracy theories popped up like mushrooms the second the first tower collapsed and they still flourish on fertile soil. Don’t you find it very odd that if b) was not the case, the “living so-called terrorists” would be very popular by now? Why don’t they write, give TV and other interviews, make money of their ability to undermine the US government? Because the US – and especially the Bush Clan - is so immensely popular in the Middle East today?

Exactly what was witnessed by radar operators that day is a crucial question Aldebaran.

What was noticed by them?

Remote control technology for directing planes has been around since the 1950s, and indeed switching a passenger plane for a 'drone' aircraft to be shot down was part of the plot for Operation Northwoods all those years ago.

I have no clue what you refer to, but you should be able to give the detailed, step by step operation making it possible to switch fully staffed and loaded planes for “remote controlled” on very busy airports, let them take off, enter, and fly through very busy air corridors and bringing not one, but several control towers into action when shifting from one section to the other. To name only one little detail I expect you to clarify: How did they manage to fake the normal, but necessary, communication between pilots and ground control before and during take off? What about all the rest of the communication?

I cannot say where the original planes got to or how dead passengers met their fate.

You formerly said the planes were “replaced”, now you think they are all dead; and you have no idea where planes of the format we discuss about can be gone.
Into the air, I suppose.

Richard Porter - Head of News, BBC World

2 Mar 07, 04:43 PM

So how did the BBC report that Building 7 at the World Trade Centre had collapsed around half an hour before it did so?
We've been doing more investigating within the BBC to put together the sequence of events.

Five and a half years have passed so it's quite difficult to answer every outstanding question. But we do know quite a bit more than we did on Tuesday, as a result of checking the BBC archives and what other media were doing at the time. I've also read through some of the reports published after 9/11 to help put together the sequence of events.

Back to 11 September itself. The Twin Towers had collapsed. Other buildings were known to be damaged. Building 7 was on fire. But this was also a very confusing picture - remember we had started the day with reports that a light aircraft had struck the first tower, and at one stage there was talk of ten hijacked jets in the air. It's in the nature of rolling news that events unfold in front of you and confusion turns to clarity. It's important to remember that context when looking more closely at what happened between about 4.10pm (EDT) and 5.20pm when Building 7 finally collapsed.

CNN's chronology of events published at the time confirms they reported the building on fire and a clip from a CNN bulletin, widely available on the web, hears from a reporter at about 4.15pm EDT, 9.15pm in the UK, who says: "We're getting information that one of the other buildings... Building 7... is on fire and has either collapsed or is collapsing... now we're told there is a fire there and that the building may collapse as well."

Other American networks were broadcasting similar reports at this time and the reports from FEMA and NIST both make it clear the building was on fire during the course of the day.

One senior fire officer was quoted in a subsequent interview as saying there was a "bulge" in the building and he was "pretty sure it was going to collapse". During this time, our staff were talking directly to the emergency services and monitoring local and national media… and there was a fairly consistent picture being painted of Building 7 in danger of collapse. Producers in London would have been monitoring the news agency wires - the Associated Press, Reuters, etc - and although we don't routinely keep an archive of agency reports, we're sure they would have been reporting the same as the local media.

At 4.27pm, a BBC reporter, Greg Barrow, who is in New York, appears on our radio news channel, BBC Radio Five Live, and says: "We are hearing reports from local media that another building may have caught light and is in danger of collapse." He then responds to a follow-up question by saying "I'm not sure if it has yet collapsed but the report we have is talking about Building 7."

At 4.53pm, on the same radio station, the programme's presenter, Fi Glover says "25 minutes ago we had reports from Greg Barrow that another large building has collapsed just over an hour ago."

At 4.54pm, the BBC's domestic television news channel, BBC News 24, reports the same thing. Presenter Gavin Esler says: "We're now being told that yet another enormous building has collapsed... it is the 47-storey Salomon Brothers building."

And then at 4.57pm on BBC World (according to the clips available on the web) presenter Phil Hayton says: "We've got some news just coming in actually that the Salomon brothers building in NY right in the heart of Manhattan has also collapsed."

Because three BBC channels were saying this in quick succession, I am inclined to believe that one or more of the news agencies was reporting this, or at least reporting someone saying this.

At 5pm, News 24 repeated the news in its top-of-the-hour headlines sequence and then at about 5.10pm (again according to the clips on the web), Phil Hayton on BBC World says "More on the latest building collapse in NY - you might have heard I was talking a few moments ago about the Salomon building collapsing and indeed it has... it seems this wasn't the result of a new attack but because the building had been weakened during this morning's attack."

Some of the respondents to my earlier blog have suggested this must mean he had inside knowledge - that not only did he know the building had collapsed, he knew why.

Well in one sense that's true - for about an hour, it had been reported that the building was on fire and in danger of collapse. But he did qualify it by saying "it seems" and once again I think there's a danger of reading too much into what I believe was a presenter merely summarising what everyone had been saying during the previous hour.

Of course, with hindsight we now know that our live shot showed the building still standing in the background. But again I point to that confusing and chaotic situation on the ground - the CNN reporter who had talked about the building "either collapsed or is collapsing" also had it clearly in shot behind him, but he acknowledged he couldn't see very clearly from where he was standing. As we know, the building did collapse at 5.20pm, with the first pictures of that being broadcast on News 24 at about 5.35pm.

So that's what we know we reported. To me it paints a consistent (and reasonably conclusive) picture.

I should also mention the missing tapes. As you'll see from the details above, the absence of the BBC World tapes hasn't made much difference to our ability to look back at what happened. We have all the tapes of other BBC channels (and I now know that quite a few of you have your own copies of BBC World, which is an interesting discovery... ).

Some of you find it hard to believe we didn't keep the BBC World tapes... but we had several streams of news output running simultaneously on the day, both on radio and television as well as online and we have kept all the tapes from BBC News 24 and Radio Five Live, as well as all the BBC One bulletins. Obviously I wish we'd kept hold of the World tapes alongside all the others, but we didn't... and I don't know whether they were destroyed or mislaid. But as a result of this week's events, I have asked our archivists to get hold of copies of our original material from the organisations which do have them.

And just to be clear, the BBC policy is to keep every minute of news channel output for 90 days (in line with the Broadcasting Act in the UK). After that we are obliged to keep a representative sample - and we interpret that to mean roughly one third of all our output. We also keep a large amount of individual items (such as packaged reports or "rushes" - ie original unedited material), which we use for operational reasons - such as when we come to broadcast fresh stories on the subject. We do not lack a historical record of the event.

I've spent most of the week investigating this issue, but this is where we have to end the story.

I know there are many out there who won't believe our version of events, or will raise further questions.

But there was no conspiracy in the BBC's reporting of the events.

Nobody told us what to say.

There's no conspiracy involving missing tapes.

There's no story here.

A perfectly reasonable explaination to this whole issue. A TV station makes a few mistakes in their news reporting on the most manic news day in modern history.

Or is Mr Porter lying? Is he in on the conspiracy too? Could an English journalist really be covering up information in order to aide an American government's attack on it's own people?


Is this man here complicit in a plot of mass murder?

Or prehaps not. Like all conspiracy theories this one falls apart when you look at it logically. The basic idea that the BBC was somewhow involved in this whole plot is utterly ridiculous beyond belief. Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, WHY on earth would English journalists happily help play a part in this conspiracy.... it doesn't make any sense whatsoever! :confused:
There is no cock up either.

If someone who was not directly involved at the time with BBC news recording protocol tries to look into it and comes up with nothing, that's just the BBC for you.

But like I said before, I'm in a better position to know exactly what was likely to have happened than most, seeing as I was actually there at the time, working for BBC World.

The logical explanation, no matter how bizarre, is always going to be more likely than the BBC being part of the "inside job carried out with holograms by lizards" that some oddball people insist really happened.

Why should they have kept the BBC World recordings?

They definitely kept the national news recordings, and probably kept the News24 recordings, BBC World carries pretty much the same stuff only with different aston info and different presenters... er... that's it.
pk said:
There is no cock up either.

If someone who was not directly involved at the time with BBC news recording protocol tries to look into it and comes up with nothing, that's just the BBC for you.
Ok, so the BBC blog was wrong to call it a cock-up?

pk said:
Why should they have kept the BBC World recordings?
Why not? I would have thought it was standard procedure. Software companies keep a copy of everything they release and as far as I am aware so do the newspapers.

No matter.

I'm still not quite clear about the live feed issue though. You seemed to be saying that all incoming stuff (not pre-recorded but live) was archived. So coming back to the blog, is that BBC guy simply wrong in stating that they do not have any copies of what the reporter in NYC said on live TV ?
No reasonable person is saying that the BBC were 'in on it'. However they are now playing a role in covering up where the foreknowledge of WTC7's collapse came from. Where did the report that it had collapsed come from? This is the question.
TAE said:
Ok, so the BBC blog was wrong to call it a cock-up?

Not if the BBC World off-air tapes were never meant to be archived on a daily and kept forever, which they were not.

Why not? I would have thought it was standard procedure. Software companies keep a copy of everything they release and as far as I am aware so do the newspapers.

I already explained why not. You would need a football field sized warehouse to keep all the off-air tapes for more than five years.
You have to remember that the BBC are unlike most TV companies and routinely scrap material that many people would love to keep, it's one of the most frustrating things about working there.
You would not believe the gross fucking incompetance that goes on, and the utter waste of resources taking place daily.

I'm still not quite clear about the live feed issue though. You seemed to be saying that all incoming stuff (not pre-recorded but live) was archived. So coming back to the blog, is that BBC guy simply wrong in stating that they do not have any copies of what the reporter in NYC said on live TV ?

Well, I don't know what I can do to explain it better to you - Aldebaran worked it out. 8den also gave you an additional explanation.

The BBC guy could be wrong - I doubt he's checked the feed tapes for that day - but I can't be sure that the BBC World reporter is on them, it depends on many factors.

Incoming material from NYC was archived, and is still being used.

Not much call for BBC World reports with all the timestamps and all the rest.

Seems to me this is yet another tenuous link jumped on by people eager to blame the Jews or whatever, and any explanation is dismissed by the ultra-paranoid "yeah but you would say that if it was an inside job".

The building (WTC7) was about to collapse, it had been utterly fucked by the adjacent collapses and fires, and word got out that the firemen got out of there... this if anything proves that the conspiranoids with their chronically fatigued ideas got it wrong again - the building didn't just collapse from fire, and neither did WTC buildings 1 and 2.

But you can't convince a David Icke fan that it wasn't the Jews' fault.

Also - and this is important - at the time the BBC news services were going through a major technical upheaval... a shitty inferior system called "Omnibus" was being used to transfer video and sound clips from edit suites to transmission areas for the first time, it was PC based crap, and a lot of the video used in BBC World stuff wasn't actually on a tape, it was held in hard drives, dialled in via SCAR in the same way as I described before.

I can't be totally sure of the operational events on 9/11 itself, but I know for a fact that much of the "package" input to BBC World was not derived from tape archive, that it was a series of clips found on the Omnibus traffic channels that were not required to be on tape as it was assumed and accepted that they would have been recorded for News24 and the national news.

This techie shit probably makes no sense to most, but I'm not surprised that:

a) the BBC guy couldn't find the specific off-air recording

b) the conspiraloons are jumping on this as if they've made some all-important proof of an "inside job", when in fact it's just a simple matter of things like TX logs not being kept forever, they aren't normally.

After all - are there archives available of Urban75 threads such as "9/11 - Here's How They Did It!" where Jazzz pleads to be taken seriously with a holographic plane theory, or "Huntley Is Innocent!" where he tries to prove that the Soham murders were carried out by shadowy US air force personnel and covered up, and Huntley framed for reasons of diplomacy.

Does that mean Urban75 is complicit in some kind of "inside job"?

Does anyone have archived copies of Jazzz's old bullshit threads from 2002, where he was comprehensively ridiculed in much the same way he is being now??


Oh well, obviously this means the site is run by lizards and Bilderbergs...

pk said:
Not if the BBC World off-air tapes were never meant to be archived on a daily and kept forever, which they were not.

He wasn't wrong to call it a cock-up if it wasn't a cock-up ?

pk said:
Well, I don't know what I can do to explain it better to you - Aldebaran worked it out. 8den also gave you an additional explanation.

We are clearly not getting anywhere here. What Aldebaran said seemed to indicate to me that the BBC blog incorrectly stated that they cannot verify whether the reporter (live on TV) was standing in view of WTC7 while she reported that it had already collapsed.

pk said:
The BBC guy could be wrong - I doubt he's checked the feed tapes for that day - but I can't be sure that the BBC World reporter is on them, it depends on many factors.
So you are saying perhaps not everthing which came in live was archived?
Jazzz said:
No reasonable person is saying that the BBC were 'in on it'. However they are now playing a role in covering up where the foreknowledge of WTC7's collapse came from. Where did the report that it had collapsed come from? This is the question.

It wasn't foreknowledge though was it? It was merly conjecture from one reporter that was relayed as a fact by another reporter.

And ok, so you may not be suggesting that the BBC were 'in on it' per se, but you're still suggesting that Mr Porter and some of his colleagues are witholding information that may be related to the mass murder of innocent civillians.

I again ask the question... why would these journalists be involved in this? What would they have to gain? If simple basic questions of motive of the people involved can't be answered then the whole arguement falls flat on it's face.
pk said:
You have to remember that the BBC are unlike most TV companies and routinely scrap material that many people would love to keep, it's one of the most frustrating things about working there.

You would not believe the gross fucking incompetance that goes on, and the utter waste of resources taking place daily.
I'm clearly having trouble believing it.
TAE said:
What Aldebaran said seemed to indicate to me that the BBC blog incorrectly stated that they cannot verify whether the reporter (live on TV) was standing in view of WTC7 while she reported that it had already collapsed.

I didn't read "the blog" but what I said was that if a reporter was added to a view of material of the input, then it should be possible to retrieve that input even if the version including the added material (reporter and comments) got lost.

So you are saying perhaps not everthing which came in live was archived?

The version with the added material is possibly not archived.

Aldebaran said:
I didn't read "the blog" but what I said was that if a reporter was added to a view of material of the input, then it should be possible to retrieve that input even if the version including the added material (reporter and comments) got lost.
Have you watched the item I'm talking about (post #531 )? It was a reporter in NY talking live on TV, not a pre-recorded news report.
TAE said:
Have you watched the item I'm talking about (post #531 )? It was a reporter in NY talking live on TV, not a pre-recorded news report.
That live report would be going out on several BBC channels at the same time with each channel having their own subtitles / captions added to the feed.

As this live feed was been shown simultaneously on several channels there is no need to keep a copy of each channels transmission as the only thing different is the captions at the bottom of the screen. The actual content is the same.
Apparently that live report only went out on BBC World. In any case, you seem to be suggesting that the live report was preserved in some shape or form.

And my question is really why, if all incoming live feeds would have been preserved as pk seemed to be indicating, they would have said they've lost that live report.

Unless ...

... the blogger did not want to get into a lengthy 'yes we could find it but we can't be bothered to find it' discussion, which would be fair enough even if slightly dishonest.


... the blogger wrongly stated that the loss was a cock-up and the loss was in fact standard procedure.

If there was a live report sent down the fixed NYC/London line, it would be recorded along with everything else.

I would not be surprised if this had not occurred to people at the BBC, given the lack of communications and Brazil-esque triplicate form-filling required to even fart.

Richard Porter was Breakfast editor in 2001 anyway, so might not be quite as au fait with operations back then as I was.

Maybe I'll send him an email to remind him the recording might still be on tape with the feed archives.

pk said:
If there was a live report sent down the fixed NYC/London line, it would be recorded along with everything else.

I would not be surprised if this had not occurred to people at the BBC

That answers my remaining questions.
Augie March said:
I again ask the question... why would these journalists be involved in this? What would they have to gain? If simple basic questions of motive of the people involved can't be answered then the whole arguement falls flat on it's face.

No answer then?

Is this the point where the prosecution team gets laughed out of court for failing to establish the most simplest, most vital of points in their case?
Jazzz said:
No reasonable person is saying that the BBC were 'in on it'. However they are now playing a role in covering up where the foreknowledge of WTC7's collapse came from. Where did the report that it had collapsed come from? This is the question.

Jesus fucking christ Jazzz do you need me to link to another couple of dozen firefighters and EMT workers, talking about the collapse and how people on the ground saying they knew the building was coming down. No one is covering up foreknowledge of WTC7s collapse.

Well no one with a fucking brain and reading skills.
8den said:
Jesus fucking christ Jazzz do you need me to link to another couple of dozen firefighters and EMT workers, talking about the collapse and how people on the ground saying they knew the building was coming down. No one is covering up foreknowledge of WTC7s collapse.

Well no one with a fucking brain and reading skills.
... but that's exactly the point, and why all those quotes are on 'conspiracy sites'. How come all the officials knew (were told) it was coming down before it happened, and then no-one has a clue about it afterwards?
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