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BBC announced collapse of WT7 before it happened!

Jazzz said:
... but that's exactly the point, and why all those quotes are on 'conspiracy sites'. How come all the officials knew (were told) it was coming down before it happened, and then no-one has a clue about it afterwards?
I suggest you get an adult to explain it to you.
Jazzz said:
... but that's exactly the point, and why all those quotes are on 'conspiracy sites'

Firehouse magazine and the nytimes are conspiracy sites?

. How come all the officials knew (were told) it was coming down before it happened, and then no-one has a clue about it afterwards?

Just having a punt now. But maybe, just made, firemen with decades experience, can hear the sound of metal stress, watch support walls buckle, and probably a dozen other tell tale signs after years of watching buildings collapse, and they made an educated guess.

And people do have a clue about what happened. Don't conclude that people* waiting for the NIST exhaustive report having speculated on the collapse.

*By people I mean engineers, structural engineers, civil enigneers, fire safety enigneers, not batshit conspiracy sites.
Also, given the circumstances, having just seen two buildings fall down, I'd be ready to see loads more, just from pure instinct. I'd be scared as hell that some building's gonna fall on me, so I'd be extra cautious.
Augie March said:
I again ask the question... why would these journalists be involved in this? What would they have to gain? If simple basic questions of motive of the people involved can't be answered then the whole arguement falls flat on it's face.

Simply to answer this question, if they were involved in this, then they'd keep quiet not to gain something, rather to simply not lose something, namely their lives.
fela fan said:
Simply to answer this question, if they were involved in this, then they'd keep quiet not to gain something, rather to simply not lose something, namely their lives.

Crap, if the NWO were threating or killing whistle blowers, how can the truth movement exist? Why hasn't Dylan Avery and his moronic cohorts who made loose change been eliminated in a car crash? Or David Ray Griffin in a mysterious blender explosion? Or Any of them?
8den said:
Crap, if the NWO were threating or killing whistle blowers, how can the truth movement exist? Why hasn't Dylan Avery and his moronic cohorts who made loose change been eliminated in a car crash? Or David Ray Griffin in a mysterious blender explosion? Or Any of them?

Do you really need me to answer this? Can't you work it out for yourself?

And if you can't understand that someone with knowledge that can bring down the extremely powerful will decide to keep quiet because they fear being assassinated, then go back to the drawing board den. It's happened countless times in history.
fela fan said:
Do you really need me to answer this? Can't you work it out for yourself?

No really explain this to me. How are the journalists in the BBC cowed under fear of assasination, when dozens of hair brained morons can produce documentaries, like press for truth, the pentacon, oil smoke and mirrors, 911 mysteries and loose change, without fear of assasination.

And if you can't understand that someone with knowledge that can bring down the extremely powerful will decide to keep quiet because they fear being assassinated, then go back to the drawing board den. It's happened countless times in history.

Well I'm sure you can rattle off a few examples of the countless times in history this has happened for me then.
8den said:
No really explain this to me. How are the journalists in the BBC cowed under fear of assasination, when dozens of hair brained morons can produce documentaries, like press for truth, the pentacon, oil smoke and mirrors, 911 mysteries and loose change, without fear of assasination.

Well I'm sure you can rattle off a few examples of the countless times in history this has happened for me then.

Well, there was the russian man the other day who was slowly poisoned to death. There was dr kelly a couple of years back who was suicided to death. There's two off the top of my head from a man with a dodgy memory for details.

Just accept in theory for one moment den that there were elements of the US elite that let or made 911 happen. The best possible thing for them to keep the truth from outing is to have this whole lexicon of 'conspiracy theory', and to have people out there promoting conspiracies and to have people out there rubbishing them.

And look it's worked. No-one, no-one anywhere is following the angle on intelligence, and why those responsible in the US apparantly managed to suffer from an attack of intelligence-fatigue and ignore all the warnings that 911 was going to happen.
Oh, another one my memory cells have brought up, the israeli nuclear scientist who was bunged in prison for a decade or two, and has been recently released, but only if he never opens his mouth.
fela fan said:
Well, there was the russian man the other day who was slowly poisoned to death. There was dr kelly a couple of years back who was suicided to death. There's two off the top of my head from a man with a dodgy memory for details.[/qupte]

Right so we've got a guy who commited suicide, and an odd character who's suspicious death hasn't been pinned on anyone. And I'm the one who's believability meter is less stringent of the two of us?

Just accept in theory for one moment den that there were elements of the US elite that let or made 911 happen. The best possible thing for them to keep the truth from outing is to have this whole lexicon of 'conspiracy theory', and to have people out there promoting conspiracies and to have people out there rubbishing them.

Oh come on. Thats the fucking plot of a Mel Gibson movie.

And look it's worked. No-one, no-one anywhere is following the angle on intelligence, and why those responsible in the US apparantly managed to suffer from an attack of intelligence-fatigue and ignore all the warnings that 911 was going to happen.

Who says no one is going after the angle of intelligence?
fela fan said:
The best possible thing for them to keep the truth from outing is to have this whole lexicon of 'conspiracy theory', and to have people out there promoting conspiracies and to have people out there rubbishing them
So....We're all in on this? :eek: :D
8den said:
Right so we've got a guy who commited suicide, and an odd character who's suspicious death hasn't been pinned on anyone. And I'm the one who's believability meter is less stringent of the two of us?

Oh come on. Thats the fucking plot of a Mel Gibson movie.

Who says no one is going after the angle of intelligence?

qed. You have accepted the media's account that kelly killed himself. I have not accepted it. You believe the media, i don't.

Truth is often stranger than fiction.

I say no-one is going after the intelligence angle in the mainstream media.

Show me i'm wrong.
fela fan said:
qed. You have accepted the media's account that kelly killed himself. I have not accepted it. You believe the media, i don't.

What evidence leads you to believe Kelly didn't kill himself?

Truth is often stranger than fiction.

Wow you should like totally get that on, like, a t-shirt.

I say no-one is going after the intelligence angle in the mainstream media.

Show me i'm wrong.

Tell me what you mean by "intelligence" first.
Funnily enough, I was also accused of wanting to cover up events by some people who don't post here, when I challenged their missile/Pentagon theories, they knew I worked for BBC news and assumed I was in on it.

I laughed.
fela fan said:
Do you really need me to answer this? Can't you work it out for yourself?

And if you can't understand that someone with knowledge that can bring down the extremely powerful will decide to keep quiet because they fear being assassinated, then go back to the drawing board den. It's happened countless times in history.
How can you believe that a country that has managed to comprehensively fuck up in every major operation that they've taken part in (Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Beirut, the Iran Hostage 'Rescue', Grenada, Irangate,...) has managed to pull off this perfect mission to secure the conditions that they wanted and managed to keep it perfectly secret?
MikeMcc said:
How can you believe that a country that has managed to comprehensively fuck up in every major operation that they've taken part in (Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Beirut, the Iran Hostage 'Rescue', Grenada, Irangate,...) has managed to pull off this perfect mission to secure the conditions that they wanted and managed to keep it perfectly secret?

Yes, you can paint the US like that if you wish.

But you cannot deny that it is the only superpower, and arguably the biggest empire the world's seen. That can't come about by chance and cock-up.

I don't believe the scenario you point out. I believe al q (or whatever they might be called) done it.

I also believe that the original plan came from US elites, and i have also pointed out that only a few people would need to have been involved from the US.
8den said:
What evidence leads you to believe Kelly didn't kill himself?

Wow you should like totally get that on, like, a t-shirt.

Tell me what you mean by "intelligence" first.

Den, this is getting too tedious. Get this in yer 'ead: i have no facts and i have no evidence. I believe very little of what i read.

If you have facts and evidence, then lucky you.

And no i can't fucking tell you what intelligence means. Learn by yerself man.
fela fan said:
Den, this is getting too tedious. Get this in yer 'ead: i have no facts and i have no evidence. I believe very little of what i read.

What a fun little world you live in. You've no proof, no evidence. You've never even bothered to look into it. You don't know about the paramedics who where surprised at the lack of blood at the scene, or thee four doctors who wrote into the Guardian questioning his death. You just have your own little world where you decided it is, and LO it is so.

If you have facts and evidence, then lucky you.

There was a very good documentary on his death a few weeks ago.
And no i can't fucking tell you what intelligence means. Learn by yerself man.

Jesus christ so lets be clear on this. You think that all the conspiracy theories are out there to disguise the fact that there was "intelligence" failures, and they were ignored. But you cannot even tell me what this "intelligence" was, or even is, but you think people should be investigating it. Is that right?

Fela. You've never been on a jury right? You've not had any interaction with a legal system have you? I worry.
Lock&Light said:
TBF, Fela Fan has always made his disdain for facts and evidence very clear.

You've got that somewhat wrong lock.

I've made clear that none of us have any with regard to 911. It's all conjecture. I mean, if anyone of us had any fact at all, do you think a 911 thread could go on for over a hundred pages???

Fucking hot air man. And a lot of entertainment for the folk.

Now, when are the media gonna investigate the apparant intelligence-fatigue that so many succumbed to in the days and weeks leading up to the attacks? Then we might start getting nearer a bit of evidence and a few facts.
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