I don't have to stay at the computer to crow over the embarrassing wriggle I've ever seen here on urban75. So, it's ridiculous for me to suggest that the BBC lost the masters! Because I must have been referring to the masters which are impossible to go astray. Yes, those masters. Of course, the other masters, you know, the ones which might have gone astray, you knew for sure I wasn't talking about those, but doubtless they are ones Richard Porter was talking about when he said that they'd been mislaid.pk said:If your medication worked, you would be able to see quite clearly that I am referring to two entirely different sets of tapes.
One set would be the clean feeds from NYC.
The other set would be the recordings from BBC World's output.
Please try to keep up, and perhaps consult your doctor in the morning if you are having trouble concentrating on simple text.
By the way Jazzz - what does "JO911B" actually mean?
I ask because I noticed you are selling t-shirts with that printed on them, on behalf of the holocaust-denying website you belong to.
JO911B is a puzzle. Let's hope you do get it. Heaven knows... I help you guys out quite enough
A few people get it by themselves: Annie Machon took a little while. William Rodriguez got it straight away.