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BBC announced collapse of WT7 before it happened!

pk said:
If your medication worked, you would be able to see quite clearly that I am referring to two entirely different sets of tapes.

One set would be the clean feeds from NYC.

The other set would be the recordings from BBC World's output.

Please try to keep up, and perhaps consult your doctor in the morning if you are having trouble concentrating on simple text.


By the way Jazzz - what does "JO911B" actually mean?

I ask because I noticed you are selling t-shirts with that printed on them, on behalf of the holocaust-denying website you belong to.
I don't have to stay at the computer to crow over the embarrassing wriggle I've ever seen here on urban75. So, it's ridiculous for me to suggest that the BBC lost the masters! Because I must have been referring to the masters which are impossible to go astray. Yes, those masters. Of course, the other masters, you know, the ones which might have gone astray, you knew for sure I wasn't talking about those, but doubtless they are ones Richard Porter was talking about when he said that they'd been mislaid.


JO911B is a puzzle. Let's hope you do get it. Heaven knows... I help you guys out quite enough ;)

A few people get it by themselves: Annie Machon took a little while. William Rodriguez got it straight away.
Jazzz said:
I don't have to stay at the computer to crow over the embarrassing wriggle I've ever seen here on urban75. So, it's ridiculous for me to suggest that the BBC lost the masters! Because I must have been referring to the masters which are impossible to go astray. Yes, those masters. Of course, the other masters, you know, the ones which might have gone astray, you knew for sure I wasn't talking about those, but doubtless they are ones Richard Porter was talking about when he said that they'd been mislaid.


JO911B is a puzzle. Let's hope you do get it. Heaven knows... I help you guys out quite enough ;)

A few people get it by themselves: Annie Machon took a little while. William Rodriguez got it straight away.

What wriggle? You of all people, complaining about a supposed "wriggle"??

If I thought for a second you weren't some mentally ill joke person, I'd actually dignify your comments with a serious response, but as it is you're a thirty-five year old man who takes musty-smelling hand puppets to parties, in order to gain some attention.

I'll wait for TAE to come back, he's not obviously trying to deflect attention away from the obvious delusions you suffer.

I put it down to your Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or medication you might be taking for it.

Oh and William Rodriguez is a proven fraud, but I guess you don't like hearing that about one of your "heroes" do you?

I've explained perfectly from the beginning the different tapes involved - but you'll see what you want to see as long as it's Looney Tunes....
Oh - and for the record - the TX logs recorded from BBC World would never be classed as "masters", they're just low band recordings kept for legal reasons for a specific period in case of ensuing legal action.

Masters are the tapes recorded from the sat feeds from New York.

Well it's the tapes of the broadcast that everyone was referring to, so let's note that you've totally retracted your attack on me in post #484.
And I'd appreciate it if you stopped making childish smears and references to medical conditions. :rolleyes:
Jazzz said:
Well it's the tapes of the broadcast that everyone was referring to, so let's note that you've totally retracted your attack on me in post #484.

I have never retracted an attack on you in my life.

I think you are a mental, you have repeatedly claimed to have had proof that the WTC buildings were destroyed by holograms, or black ops helicopters, and have been banned several times rather than apologise to you for taking you to task over it.

I was referring of course to master tapes, not tx logs... the masters would probaby hold the evidence and timescales you seek, but no fucker is sad enough to go through them on the basis of your fairy tales.

Because "Huntley Was Innocent", right?

Fuck off. The real reason you hate the BBC is because they sacked your mate David Icke.

Jazzz said:
And I'd appreciate it if you stopped making childish smears and references to medical conditions. :rolleyes:

I'd appreciate it if you stopped posting bullshit 9/11 threads based on "facts" collected from anti-semitic websites.

But as long as you do, I'll be here.

How is your hand-puppet, by the way?

Still smelling of sweaty adolescant desperation, is it?
pk said:
I think you are a mental, you have repeatedly claimed to have had proof that the WTC buildings were destroyed by holograms, or black ops helicopters, and have been banned several times rather than apologise to you for taking you to task over it.

Your posting is so distasteful that I don't want to encourage you further but have to correct you so no-one believes your lies.

I've never claimed to have 'proof that the WTC buildings were destroyed by holograms or black ops helicopters' - I've never even stated that I believe that is what happened.

And I've never been banned from urban75, just in case people thought you were saying I have been.

You should rightly be banned for the very personal insults you throw. How you are allowed to run riot with the kind of stuff anyone else would be banned for is quite beyond me.
pk said:
Come back when you're prepared to explain what "JO911B" means, Jazzz.


Do you think it might mean that 911 was an inside job pk? You're probably blind to such an obvious meaning due to your obsession over jazzz.

You are disgraceful human being. I cannot understand why the editor allows you to come here and continuously be so verbally violent and disgustingly personal.

If anyone round here needs medication it's you pk. Thank god i never have to meet people like you. You're a thoroughly nasty piece of work.
Jazzz said:
Your posting is so distasteful that I don't want to encourage you further but have to correct you so no-one believes your lies.

I've never claimed to have 'proof that the WTC buildings were destroyed by holograms or black ops helicopters' - I've never even stated that I believe that is what happened.

And I've never been banned from urban75, just in case people thought you were saying I have been.

You should rightly be banned for the very personal insults you throw. How you are allowed to run riot with the kind of stuff anyone else would be banned for is quite beyond me.

Mate, i'd simply ignore the person if i was at the receiving end of his disgusting abuse. No doubt at the heart of it is jealousy!

And as i just mentioned, i too cannot understand why such violence is allowed on this website.
fela fan said:
And as i just mentioned, i too cannot understand why such violence is allowed on this website.
I cannot understand why I let someone regularly accuse thousands of people of being liars and complicit in a vile, murderous plot when he hasn't a shred of evidence to support his claims.
fela fan said:
Mate, i'd simply ignore the person if i was at the receiving end of his disgusting abuse. No doubt at the heart of it is jealousy!

Jealousy, that's it, yup. I'm like SO ENVIOUS of Jazzz and his t-shirts... and his hand puppet...

And as i just mentioned, i too cannot understand why such violence is allowed on this website.

What violence are you talking about, exactly?

Have I threatened violence???

No, you will not find a single example of me threatening violence.

Stop stirring it up Fela Fan.
pk, thank you for providing with information on standard protocols I have absolutely no clue about.

If I followed it correctly: If the BBC for some reason wanted to invest time, effort -and money- in this then they can retrieve what is said to be "lost" since the only thing that got "lost" is (part of) the output the BBC decided to broadcast -along with additionally recorded commentary or whatever additional material they saw fit - of all the material they received as input.
If I then conclude correctly, it means that in reality only this additional material to the original incoming source recordings is what effectively got "lost"?

Jazz's theories are mad, but I really don't like this personal abuse. Stop it now, pk. It makes you look like a shit. Argue the facts, not the man, if you can.
Aldebaran said:
pk, thank you for providing with information on standard protocols I have absolutely no clue about.

If I followed it correctly: If the BBC for some reason wanted to invest time, effort -and money- in this then they can retrieve what is said to be "lost" since the only thing that got "lost" is (part of) the output the BBC decided to broadcast -along with additionally recorded commentary or whatever additional material they saw fit - of all the material they received as input.

If I then conclude correctly, it means that in reality only this additional material to the original incoming source recordings is what effectively got "lost"?


That is absolutely correct.
Crispy said:
Jazz's theories are mad, but I really don't like this personal abuse. Stop it now, pk. It makes you look like a shit. Argue the facts, not the man, if you can.

I am simply concluding with you that Jazzz is mad.

And additionally taking the piss out of his hand-puppet.

I take Jazzz's anti-semitic "inside job" theories personally, and I won't apologise for slagging him off.

If you or other moderators deleted his bullshit threads this wouldn't happen.
Jazzz... Do you have the intention to debate this properly or are you going to dismiss all I bring forward on forehand?
Up to now you see to do just that; you avoid to answer my questions.
Posting "I don't know" or "it is not for me to answer this" is no answer if you want me to believe you *do* know that what I take for common knowledge is completely incorrect.

To leave the explosions etc.. aside for a moment, and return to the planes from which you say they were empty, remote contrlled duplicates of what was said to be passengers planes: Do you have an idea of flight protocols and flight control?

pk said:
OK, fair point - if the live recordings on the day from New York were interspersed with a reporter giving occasional bulletins, then these would be on the same tapes as the ongoing live footage, unless they booked seperate lines for the reporters... entirely possible but as it was over 5 years ago I don't remember.

Ok, I'm talking about the following:
(Ignore the introduction)

This is clearly a live feed coming into the BBC from NYC and going out live to the viewers.

If you are saying that the live incoming feed is preserved somewhere in the archives but the outgoing broadcast was not kept, then I would find that quite astonishing, but more importantly it would also mean the the BBC blogger was rather economical with the truth when he stated that the BBC had lost those recordings.
TAE said:
Ok, I'm talking about the following:
(Ignore the introduction)

This is clearly a live feed coming into the BBC from NYC and going out live to the viewers.

If you are saying that the live incoming feed is preserved somewhere in the archives but the outgoing broadcast was not kept, then I would find that quite astonishing, but more importantly it would also mean the the BBC blogger was rather economical with the truth when he stated that the BBC had lost those recordings.

You've no way of knowing that recording was taken from the BBC archive or if it wasn't made by another person, not the BBC.

The clean feed is what the station will want in the years to come. Not the outgoing broadcast plastered with Astons, and the clock and ticker.

Why are you so incredulous that its standard operating procedure for stations not to keep the outgoing feed.

Its not just BBC. It's standard practice in CNN, Sky, and Al Jazeera.
8den said:
You've no way of knowing that recording was taken from the BBC archive or if it wasn't made by another person, not the BBC.
No, I don't. But that's really not the point - the BBC blog claims that they've lost their own recordings due to a cock-up.

8den said:
The clean feed is what the station will want in the years to come. Not the outgoing broadcast plastered with Astons, and the clock and ticker.
Right now I'm happy to just talk about the clean incoming feed.

8den said:
Why are you so incredulous that its standard operating procedure for stations not to keep the outgoing feed.

Its not just BBC. It's standard practice in CNN, Sky, and Al Jazeera.
Didn't CNN recently replay several hours of their outgoing feed from 9/11 ?
Funny all this fuss about stuff like this. I'm sure Marx forecast the collapse of capitalism many years ago. Does it ever strike anybody that this 'war against terror' is just the knee-jerk reaction of the capitalist state to historical forces which could potentially force such a change?

Incidentally, whether there was a conspiracy before 9.11 that implicated US government is pretty much beside the point: there was certainly conspiracy by US government after the event that attempted to:

1/ Hide the facts of the authorities own incompetence.
2/ Sway US public opinion to take position behind a declared war against an invisible enemy.

So why not just look at those conspiracies first, and track them back?
bluestreak said:
shut up rocketman, we can't have sensible ideas on a 911 thread.


OK then: What US authorities have been hiding is that global warming will destroy US infrastructure within 10 years, and that flooding across the planet will see the deserts of the Middle East transformed into the last habitable land for humans, and this whole affair has been engineered in order to conolise the middle east, kicking the existing population out in order that 'selected' people from the US. UK et al will be able to live there, while the rest of the world falls apart.

Is that tinfoil enough?

NB: This plan was first put together during Abe Lincoln's historic meeting with the alien overlords, unfortunately he refused them this plan,which is why he was assassinated.

Kennedy was also aware of this, and against it, which is why he died.

Hitler was working with the aliens, but US/UK axis is working with a different set of them, hence WW2.

This whole thing was planned during the crusades- it's the hidden agenda of the Knights Templar. The bloodline of Jesus is that of an alien.

Happy now?
rocketman said:
This whole thing was planned during the crusades- it's the hidden agenda of the Knights Templar. The bloodline of Jesus is that of an alien.

Happy now?

It all makes sense now, thanks rocketman.
editor said:
I cannot understand why I let someone regularly accuse thousands of people of being liars and complicit in a vile, murderous plot when he hasn't a shred of evidence to support his claims.
I don't accept this interpretation of my posts at all, but let's stop this gutless shabby excusal for allowing pk to indulge in defamatory personal smearing right now. If you have a problem with my posts you must deal with that, with me.

If you have a problem with pk's posts you must deal with that, with him.
Aldebaran said:
Jazzz... Do you have the intention to debate this properly or are you going to dismiss all I bring forward on forehand?
Up to now you see to do just that; you avoid to answer my questions.
Aldebaran I've given two quite lengthy replies to questions you have posed. If you're upset because I haven't named names (!) or specified details that I'm in no position to know about, I'm sorry but there's little I can do about that.
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