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Bands you refuse to listen to because their name is awful

For ages I avoided Akercocke because of their name. I still don't like it but their music is a lot better than their wtf even is that name.
I gave some of the one word 90s indie bands a swerve, not because their names were terrible, but just because the names attached them to a genre that didn't move me at all.

The national


The Books

El Vy

You'll never catch me listening to such nomenclature abominations, no sireee......... :)
Alright then> The Band. I eventually got round to listening to them and they're alright and the name isn't offensive in anyway, but it is... uninspiringly nonspecific.
Hence my general dismissal of individuals or band leaders who use their RL name as the stage name. OK you can still be good but without hearing you, just hearing your name isn't enough to make me stop and pay attention. Something like Dave Dee Dozy Beaky Mick and Tich might, because it's long and stupid, but it's been done. The Stage Name was invented for a reason, because most people's real names are boring as shit so unless you had mad parents who called you Sunbeam or Loki or Baal just come up with a stage name ffs.
A lot of people who use their RL name are fucking legends in my opinion. Regardless of your/my taste in music. I admit that I probably have limited knowledge compared to a lot of folks on here but,
Bob Seger; wanted to do his own music and not be produced by some music exec. wank stain, saved up his cash and produced his own album.
Tom Petty; signed with a label and, like so many before him got fucked over. Claimed bankruptsy, started over and made it big.
Vanessa Carlton; Had a hit, label said lets just make more of these and she said "no, I wanna be creative", and walked away.
Jill Jackson; Started off with a bang in Speedway, didn`t like it and left to do her own folk thing.
And that guy who all the ladies throw their panties at while at his show in Vegas, that guy, fucking legend.
Oh I'd gladly go see them if they're playing locally, they're perfectly good and what's wrong with reliving the 80's? But it's all old hat isn't it, they're not filling a burning New Order shaped hole in my life because New Order fills that already. They're the modern equivalent of Kula Shaker (another "badly named" but consciously retro and frankly redundant band).

Kula Shaker. Argh... I'd nearly forgotten about them.

Their name was the least bad thing about them.

"A wizard in a blizzard."
Heavenly machine gun fire."

Just... No.
The nadir of Britpop indy guitar bands. Well apart from Cast, Top Loader and er, most of the others. More of a long deep trench.

Sorry, as you were.
They were unavoidable amongst a certain milieu 25/30 years ago. Classify as ‘mostly harmless’
Actually I did listen to a couple of tracks yesterday afternoon. Including that antifascist, fascist one. They're not terrible. Better than I expected but a whole gig / album's worth would be wearing.
So I spose the lesson here is, there's some good / not appalling stuff hiddebeneath a terrible monica. Books and covers.

There's an obvious cororlary to this. Bands with names you find intriguing, clever, fun etc but turn out to be drek or misaligned to your genre assumptions.
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