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Australia buys nuclear subs au us uk pact

Why didn't they recall our ambassador also?

They've decided leaving the ambassador in place offers better taunting opportunities - "We're not irrelevant, you're the ones who are irrelevant."

“Our British friends explained to us that they were leaving the E.U. to create ‘global Britain,’" French Secretary of State for European Affairs Clément Beaune said before the ambassador recalls were announced. “We can see that this is a return to the American fold and a form of accepted vassalization,” he said.

“We know their permanent opportunism,” said Le Drian on French television, comparing Britain’s role to a “fifth wheel on the wagon.”

In an amusing parallel of China's rather strident, and remarkably unsuccessful, diplomacy - France has cancelled a meeting between the French and British Defence Secretary's, another meeting between the French-British Defence Council, and - perhaps most astonishingly - a visit of the President of Switzerland to Paris, because Switzerland had the temerity to (traitorously) decide to buy US fast jets, rather than French ones.

not being an expert in French domestic politics I don't know how this looks in France, but to me it looks like Macron has been sniffing industrial quantities of glue...
What's health and safety like on nuclear subs and what are cancer rates/other illnesses among ex crew?

I don't know about submarine crews, but I did read a study that said that MS is an expected diagnosis in Marines about seven years after serving in either Afghanistan or Iraq. There's currently about 28,000 former Marines with MS receiving benefits from the VA.
They've decided leaving the ambassador in place offers better taunting opportunities - "We're not irrelevant, you're the ones who are irrelevant."

“Our British friends explained to us that they were leaving the E.U. to create ‘global Britain,’" French Secretary of State for European Affairs Clément Beaune said before the ambassador recalls were announced. “We can see that this is a return to the American fold and a form of accepted vassalization,” he said.

“We know their permanent opportunism,” said Le Drian on French television, comparing Britain’s role to a “fifth wheel on the wagon.”

They are just trying to get us to shrug
I don't know about submarine crews, but I did read a study that said that MS is an expected diagnosis in Marines about seven years after serving in either Afghanistan or Iraq. There's currently about 28,000 former Marines with MS receiving benefits from the VA.
Tragic and still far less than the innocent Afghan lives wastes in that conflict.
I don't know about submarine crews, but I did read a study that said that MS is an expected diagnosis in Marines about seven years after serving in either Afghanistan or Iraq. There's currently about 28,000 former Marines with MS receiving benefits from the VA.
Have you got a link for that? Ta. Not questioning it just personally interested.
Have you got a link for that? Ta. Not questioning it just personally interested.

I became curious when I realized that every military veteran I know that served in Afghanistan had MS. They claim it was caused by something they were given to prevent malaria that was neurotoxic, but I don't know if there's a connection or not. It probably explains some of the anti-vaccine hysteria you see on the right. Naturally, the military officially says there's no connection, but their credibility is lacking at this point.

Here's an overview:

Here's an article from 2004, on the connection between military service and MS:

None of these are the article I read. It was one line in something I read a week ago. I'll see if I can find it.
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In an amusing parallel of China's rather strident, and remarkably unsuccessful, diplomacy - France has cancelled a meeting between the French and British Defence Secretary's, another meeting between the French-British Defence Council, and - perhaps most astonishingly - a visit of the President of Switzerland to Paris, because Switzerland had the temerity to (traitorously) decide to buy US fast jets, rather than French ones.

not being an expert in French domestic politics I don't know how this looks in France, but to me it looks like Macron has been sniffing industrial quantities of glue...
Story here

Aukus: France pulls out of UK defence talks amid row

France's defence minister has cancelled talks with her UK counterpart amid the row prompted by a new security deal between Britain, the US and Australia. Paris is angry after Australia signed the Aukus pact to build nuclear-powered submarines, pulling out of a major contract with France in the process.
I became curious when I realized that every military veteran I know that served in Afghanistan had MS. They claim it was caused by something they were given to prevent malaria that was neurotoxic, but I don't know if there's a connection or not. It probably explains some of the anti-vaccine hysteria you see on the right. Naturally, the military officially says there's no connection, but their credibility is lacking at this point.

Here's an overview:

Here's an article from 2004, on the connection between military service and MS:

None of these are the article I read. It was one line in something I read a week ago. I'll see if I can find it.
I've taken Lariam, which was originally developed as anti-Malarial in Vietnam and is notorious as a really dodgy and untrustworthy thing to put in your system. Unlike a lot of people, I didn't have a psychotic episode as a result, though I do recall pretty bad night in Makeni. . . anyway, long-term Lariam use is also meant to fuck up your liver pretty bad. I take it what your veteran contacts were given wasn't Lariam? Or was it?
I've taken Lariam, which was originally developed as anti-Malarial in Vietnam and is notorious as a really dodgy and untrustworthy thing to put in your system. Unlike a lot of people, I didn't have a psychotic episode as a result, though I do recall pretty bad night in Makeni. . . anyway, long-term Lariam use is also meant to fuck up your liver pretty bad. I take it what your veteran contacts were given wasn't Lariam? Or was it?

They never said the name, but the effects they mentioned sounds like might it be. The US military has a long history of using their soldiers as guinea pigs.

We live in a world where the likes of Rio Tinto can run automated mines on the other side of the world form London, one where HK journalists, get arrested as 5eye agents for tweeting statements from the now FC&DO. A world where unnotified Russian exercises at the edge of the EU are more accurately discussed by the Sun on a Saturday than when the European Commission a couple of days later or The Guardian the day after. That should be sprinkled in, I can thin of a few true truths regarding France relationship that should be sprinkled in. Though if this is the place it certainly isnt the time. Germany - China too

it was interesting how EUrope covered 75th of VJ day. and its causes...UK has a different place in the world.
Hmm, this puts a different light on things regarding the French claims that the cancellation came out of the blue, from 1:48 onwards:

I saw a tweet - which obviously I can't find - this morning which showed over a dozen articles in mainstream Aus media from February (I think) onwards in which its obvious that senior government and RAN officers are saying that the deal is in very serious trouble with problems of cost over-runs, timetable slippage, retreats on workshare etc...

You might almost think that the French Embassy in Aus don't read the papers, or that the French government is being disingenuous about the degree of surprise. If Australia had broken a Aus$90bn contract the French would be suing - and the French aren't suing, so its pretty obvious that the Aussies have operated entirely within the wording of the contract.

Personally I think it's interesting that some seem to think that France in entitled to be informed/consulted over who Australia chooses to deal with - I rather doubt they'd take the same view in other circumstances...
The Danes are looking to beef up their capabilities in the north Atlantic - they have replaced the big air search radar in the Faeroes which was removed in the early 90's, and they are looking to expand their radar facilities and deployed forces in Greenland.

Keflavic in Iceland is seeing a great deal more traffic - there was a trio of B-2 bombers detached there for a couple of weeks in the last month, the NATO air policing task continues, and NATO anti-submarine aircraft are using it at a tempo not seen since the late 80's.
Hmm, this puts a different light on things regarding the French claims that the cancellation came out of the blue, from 1:48 onwards:
Bolt is a grade A cunt. A more polished version of the scum that inhabit GB News, a cheerleader for Trump, a defender of the pedophile Pell and now apparently a covid denier. He might be correct on some points (stopped clocks) but hopefully he'll be sent underwater in a leaking sub.
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