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Assange to face extradition

I can't believe that you have told me you are sexist.
I resent that. So there we go. We're pissed off with each other now.

Just to get this straight, I am sexist for refusing to unconditionally condemn Julian Assange?

Ok, I will leave the thread now. I'm fucking pissed off with you.
I resent that. So there we go. We're pissed off with each other now.

Just to get this straight, I am sexist for refusing to unconditionally condemn Julian Assange?

Ok, I will leave the thread now. I'm fucking pissed off with you.
No, you are sexist because (a) you do not take these rape complaints seriously - and bear in mind Assange has admitted to one count already (b) I have given you information that I took the trouble to establish, that Assange has openly talked about domination - and you brush over this as if it was nothing (c) we have established that Assange will casually leave collateral damage in the pursuit of [whatever pursuit he has] so the casual dominance of women (ie rape) was probably accidental but entirely predictable, in any event they're collateral damage and he doesn't feel inclined to account for that ... I could go on, but you're probably bored. I don't care that you're pissed off with me btw.
In Sweden? I think not. Extraordinary rendition yes, but that's not what's gonna happen if he was to man up and face his charges.

Well I don't know about you, but I wouldn't bet my lıfe on the CIA beıng afraıd to face crıtıcısm from tut-tuttıng European lıberals.
Well I don't know about you, but I wouldn't bet my lıfe on the CIA beıng afraıd to face crıtıcısm from tut-tuttıng European lıberals.
The Swedish government might feel differently. As might the Swedish people. At the end of the day it'll be up to the Swedish government, not the CIA.
Oh not this fucking shite again.

Julian's put up so many smokescreens about the reasons why he can't go and answer charges, skipping from reason to reason as glibly as Jazzz refuses to answer questions. The extradition stuff as been completely wiped out by careful examination of e facts. The instant message details he's released are two employees having a guess about it - and leaping to conspiracy because they didnt believe that Julian could fuck up so badly and be that much of an egomaniac. They are wrong.
Assange has openly talked about domination - and you brush over this as if it was nothing

Hang on a second, you mean sexual domınatıon?

I must have mıssed that.

I've seen hım talk about other kınds of domınatıon though, wıth great ınsıght and ıntellıgence:

''During the interview with Venezuelan TV station teleSUR from London’s Ecuadorian Embassy, Assange condemned an “avalanche of totalitarianism” incited by the US government. He argued that democracy in Western countries is an illusion, and that the constant surveillance of citizens is leading to the creation of a “transnational totalitarian state.
“This is an international phenomenon that isn’t just happening in the US, it’s bigger than the US and it’s taking us to a dark place,” Assange said. He alleged that human rights in the West are undergoing a severe deterioration, and that the public is being influenced by “massive press manipulation.”


Well I don't know about you, but I wouldn't bet my lıfe on the CIA beıng afraıd to face crıtıcısm from tut-tuttıng European lıberals.
I accept that the CIA has the facility for all sorts of skulduggery we might think unlikely, but if you buy that here it also means they've chosen a really odd and risky strategy for getting him when any number of accidents would have got rid or more straightforward plots slung mud/discredited without the risks this scenario appears to have. It's 99-1 he's just a rapist on the run.
No phil, domination in its broadest sense as a pursuit and what he does. Sexual dominance is a symptom of that.
They do have form for that sort of thıng you know.

argument #13521 of Assange "But they extradited people last decade"

Rebuttal: Previous govt did, and got slapped down and had to compensate when revealed in court. Subsequent govt changed their stance regarding as a result. Decision would be made in Swedish Court, and given US rep for torture, would be incredibly unlikely. Thats assuming they even fucking want to.
Basically, to put forward Julian's arguments and defend him, you have to believe he is incapable of massively fucking up, that his egomania and cult of celebrity didnt get the better of him, and that nothing is actually his fault.

That he is too important to be brought to book like the rest of us, because he simply doesn't play by our rules.
Basically, to put forward Julian's arguments and defend him, you have to believe he is incapable of massively fucking up, that his egomania and cult of celebrity didnt get the better of him, and that nothing is actually his fault.

I don't see why.

No-one postıng here has the slıghtest ıdea regardıng the truth or falsıty of the rape charges.

We do however know two thıngs for sure:

(a) The USA has a very pressıng motıve to set hım up, and:

(b) He has saved mıllıons of lıves, at great personal rısk to hımself.

Gıven those facts, I'm ınclıned to gıve hım the benefıt of the doubt.
How the fuck has he saved millions of lives? Where's that Kool-Aid... And again it matters not a jot if he's innocent or guilty - what matters is that he refuses to face the charges and considers himself above the law.
Every time someone's unpicked one of his defences, he springs another one. He's running flat out to avoid these charges, and throwing conspiracy, c.i.a, militant feminism and Bradley manning over his fucking shoulder to try and obscure that despite his work professionally, he has potentially fucked up massively in his personal life. His conflation of Wikileaks and his personal decisions is tarnishing wikileaks work.
How the fuck has he saved millions of lives?

By throwıng a massıve spanner ın the works of the US war machıne.

And again it matters not a jot if he's innocent or guilty - what matters is that he refuses to face the charges and considers himself above the law.

''Above the law'' ındeed. Thıs ıs really gettıng surreal. Above the fuckıng law?

The US and UK governments have demonstrated very clearly just how much respect they have for the law, thank you very much.
By throwıng a massıve spanner ın the works of the US war machıne.

''Aove the law'' ındeed. Thıs ıs really gettıng surreal. Above the fuckıng law?

The US and UK governments have demonstrated very clearly just how much respect they have for the law, thank you very much.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Also, what evidence is there that a) he's thrown a spanner in the works of a war machine, and b) that this has saved any lives whatsoever? I'll tell you right now - zero. Zilch. Nada.
I resent that. So there we go. We're pissed off with each other now.

Just to get this straight, I am sexist for refusing to unconditionally condemn Julian Assange?

Ok, I will leave the thread now. I'm fucking pissed off with you.
You're sexist for believing (as you evidently do, no matter what you might think you do) that he doesn't need to face his charges because there might be a plot (hint: there's no plot) to extradite him to a US torture chamber.
Julian's an irritation, but revealing the past doesn't significantly impact the future. Drones, Pakistan, Libya - all headed on. He's done little more than post embarrassing photos of the US when they were drunk. It had initial impact, then faded. A
Spanner in the works my eye. They're still trundling on.

It was a massıve spanner ın the works. They had to re-organıze whole sectors of theır ıntellıgence--and that's the stuff they've admıtted to. It slowed them down by months, thus savıng mıllıons of lıves.

But more ımportant that that, ıt showed them that they're not ınvulnerable. Indeed, Assange's greatest achıevement to date has precısely been to remınd the crımınals who have seızed control of our governments that they can be brought to account for theır actıons.
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