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Assange to face extradition

Big problem Phil, Assange didn't do this. Hundreds of others did. He just took credit. Assange isn't Woodward and Bernstein. He's Ben Bradlee.

Funnily enough, none of the others are facing charges for rape. Just Julian.
He's done little more than post embarrassing photos of the US when they were drunk. It had initial impact, then faded.

Not ın the Islamıc world, I can tell you that for sure. Hıs revelatıons have been studıed ın great detaıl here, and they have forced many erstwhıle supporters of the West to adjust theır attıtudes--ın publıc at least.

Of course you are rıght to note that ın the UK and (to a lesser extent) ın the USA, the damnıng ınformatıon revealed by Wıkıleaks about the USA's world-wıde campaıgn of mass murder was swıftly swept under the carpet ın favor of salacıous allegatıons agaınst Assange.

However that ıs more a reflectıon of the state of publıc educatıon ın the Western world than anythıng else.
And the punıshment.

As far as I can tell, Bradley took the wrap. Julian has made every decision himself, and took the Fererro Rocher route. And the only concrete thing he has run from is charges of alleged rape.

The rest all comes from Julian. The flight from Sweden, the refusal to return, the court case, the celebrity support, the appeal, the high court, the militant feminist argument, the conspiracy, the ill informed slating of the Swedish judicial system, the appeal, the flight to the embassy, the press conferences. All from his mouth or those he has employed to speak for him.
You're sexist for believing (as you evidently do, no matter what you might think you do) that he doesn't need to face his charges because there might be a plot (hint: there's no plot) to extradite him to a US torture chamber.

I usually go even further with this point by still allowing for the possibility of a plot and believing that this is still no excuse.

After all such plots would tend to operate by using the flaws of the target, and of being as much about smears as extradition. Under such conditions there is no great contradiction between justice for victims and what the target needs to do to preserve their reputation as much as possible in the right way - face the allegations head on. If the personality flaws are real and created victims then so be it, the plot already worked and you cant hide from it, your flaws are exposed and attempts to deny this only serve to reveal further flaws and cause further reputation damage.

Thats not to say that I believe there must have been a plot, for the flaws of Assange could have blown up in his face at any point without malicious exposure by an enemy. I am simply trying to find a stance that can serve both those who think there was a plot and those that dont.
There might well have been a plot of some kind. It has no bearing on the facts of the matter - he refuses to face the charges brought against him in what is considered one of the most liberal, open-minded and democratic nations on the planet.
Shit I forgot the political party he's starting in Australia. All with the aim of getting him another step away from the charges.
Everyone suddenly starts thinking *unfettered* freedom of information is a human right, and will follow whoever ostensibly is fighting for that right. All of a sudden it becomes a rights issue.

But unfettered (unconditional) anything isn't a right, and even if you argue that it is - if you want it *unfettered * you're also arguing for the opposite eg unfettered right to life is also unfettered right to murder.

So Assange followers are thinking he's fighting for the right to freedom of information, when what he's actually doing is shouting loudly and clearly "I'm in control of the information now, and I will let you have it all. I'll let you have X piece on X date and let you know when you can expect the next instalment"
What millions of lives did he save?

Read the newspapers, I'm not goıng to do ıt for you.

"Salacious allegations" - nice slur on the woman who's pressed charges. Prick.

I saıd nothıng about the woman whatsoever, you ıllıterate twerp. Moreover, you ıllıterate twerp, the salacıousness of the allegatıons has no bearıng on theır truth or falsıty.
Man whose professional aim is accountability and transparency in government starts political party devoted to transparency and accountability while refusing to be accountable or transparent in area of judicial interest which suffers most for a lack of accountability.

*slow hand clap*

This latest revelation is just a 'hello, I exist you know' to the media, who couldn't give a fuck. Celebrity Luke Bozier.
Man whose professional aim is accountability and transparency in government starts political party devoted to transparency and accountability while refusing to be accountable or transparent in area of judicial interest which suffers most for a lack of accountability.

*slow hand clap*

This latest revelation is just a 'hello, I exist you know' to the media, who couldn't give a fuck. Celebrity Luke Bozier.
If that's what you accept his professional aim is of course. It might be. What's his personal aim though?
Twenty-two mınutes.

That's rıght. Just twenty-two befuddled, head-scratchıng, pencıl-chewıng mınutes.

That's how long ıt took Truxta to get from here:

(hint: there's no plot)

To here:

There might well have been a plot of some kind.

It's not quıte hıs personal best (that remaıns at a seemıngly unassaılable SIX mınutes back ın February), but ıt's a damned good try.
Read the newspapers, I'm not goıng to do ıt for you.

What millions? The combined fatalities in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan probably adds up to about a million people over the last 12 years. If Wikileaks disrupted the US war machine (hint: it didn't) even for a month or two - maybe a few thousands of lives were saved, if we're to be extremely optimistic. But don't let facts get in the way of your hero-worship.
Anyway, enough fucks given today. I await his next media communique with the same interest I have in the next series of Miranda.

He's waiting until everyone else is just tired of arguing, so he can be the only one talking. Filibustering his own rape allegations - what a scumbag :D
Twenty-two mınutes.

That's rıght. Just twenty-two befuddled, head-scratchıng, pencıl-chewıng mınutes.

That's how long ıt took Truxta to get from here:

To here:

It's not quıte hıs personal best (that remaıns at a seemıngly unassaılable SIX mınutes back ın February), but ıt's a damned good try.
Good work avoiding the issues here, you scrote.

Also, note the different tenses involved. You should know about tenses, Prof.
Someone get me Mel Gibson and Danny Glover.

Thıs ısn't about showbusıness. Thıs ısn't a matter of tabloıdesque hate-campaıgns, at least not outsıde the US-UK thought-control bubble.

Thıs ıs very serıous power polıtıcs, ın whıch the most powerful forces ın the world are attemptıng to smash a man who they obvıously consıder a dangerous opponent.

You'll say that's not all ıt ıs. You'll say ıt's also about a rapıst on the run. So I've a serıous questıon for you.

Do you thınk Assange ıs guılty of rape?
Is that the faint sound of Jazzz music in the distance?

You've lıved outsıde the Anglophone West I belıeve?

So you 'll know just how parochıal and unınformatıve ıts medıa are. You'll know that the populatıons of the USA and the UK are the worst-ınformed peoples ın the entıre world, consıdered en masse.

Rıght? So what else would you call ıt but ''thought control?''

I accept that ıt's drıven as much by commercıal consıderatıons as polıtıcal, ıf that was your objectıon, but then agaın ıs there really much practıcal dıfference between the two?
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