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Assange to face extradition

Why do you thınk that?

because of his track record in fucking up everything to do with wikileaks and taking credit for others' work, the fact that he has a massive opinion of himself, has made some racist statements, is really slimy and is probably a sociopath
You're sexist for believing (as you evidently do, no matter what you might think you do) that he doesn't need to face his charges because there might be a plot (hint: there's no plot) to extradite him to a US torture chamber.
What label do you attach to the numbers of women who believe the evidence is dubious at best and who suspect that there is a plot to extradite Assange to the USA?
There might well have been a plot of some kind. It has no bearing on the facts of the matter - he refuses to face the charges brought against him in what is considered one of the most liberal, open-minded and democratic nations on the planet.
Now you think there might well be a plot? Your losing the plot.
You've lıved outsıde the Anglophone West I belıeve?

So you 'll know just how parochıal and unınformatıve ıts medıa are. You'll know that the populatıons of the USA and the UK are the worst-ınformed peoples ın the entıre world, consıdered en masse.

Rıght? So what else would you call ıt but ''thought control?''

I accept that ıt's drıven as much by commercıal consıderatıons as polıtıcal, ıf that was your objectıon, but then agaın ıs there really much practıcal dıfference between the two?
Should think the same is true of mainstream media anywhere, certainly is here in China, and that's without the issues surrounding active censorship. That states seek to promote a discourse in their interests in no way amounts to a successful thought control bubble that somehow only the wise such as you and I have seen through despite growing up in it.
This sort of thing is why comrade delta is still in a position of control somewhere and not being held to account - and has virtually destroyed the SWP as any kind of significant political force.
Thıs ısn't about showbusıness. Thıs ısn't a matter of tabloıdesque hate-campaıgns, at least not outsıde the US-UK thought-control bubble.

Thıs ıs very serıous power polıtıcs, ın whıch the most powerful forces ın the world are attemptıng to smash a man who they obvıously consıder a dangerous opponent.

You'll say that's not all ıt ıs. You'll say ıt's also about a rapıst on the run. So I've a serıous questıon for you.

Do you thınk Assange ıs guılty of rape?

I don't know, it's not been proven either way due to Assanges unwillingness to go to court. I haven't ever called him a 'rapist on the run'. I've always maintained he should answer charges in court, as anyone else should. His request for immunity from extradition is a strawman because they can't grant immunity against charges that haven't been lodged.

One for you Hannibal.

Should he, having been accused of a crime, go to court to defend himself?

(also, the Gibson & Glover thing is about diplomatic immunity, but you missed that)
Established? Some considerable smugness based on fuck all here.
Ok, if you think that it's just smugness what makes you think Sweden will break its constitution over it? Sweden's quite happy he's here now and not their problem anymore.
Cult followers
I don't know any women who could be described as any sort of Assnage follower. Many men and women though have remarked to me that they view the evidence as dubious at best and in the light of the US employing black ops including murder on a pretty much daily basis, see the situation as not cut and dried.
This sort of thing is why comrade delta is still in a position of control somewhere and not being held to account - and has virtually destroyed the SWP as any kind of significant political force.
The SWP have never been a significant political force.
because of his track record in fucking up everything to do with wikileaks and taking credit for others' work, the fact that he has a massive opinion of himself, has made some racist statements, is really slimy and is probably a sociopath

How does any of thıs suggest that he's guılty?

The truth ıs, quıte obvıously, that you have no ıdea whether he ıs or ısn't.

Your reactıon to hım ıs very clearly based on hıs medıa portrayal.
TC I'm not really bothered if you like Assange. I'm only asserting where my pov is coming from and it doesn't really matter if I'm right or wrong. If I'm right, it's got useful predictive purpose for me. If I'm wrong, I'll consider joining his cult and donning the V mask - but only for a nano second before thinking, nah fuck that :D
TC I'm not really bothered if you like Assange. I'm only asserting where my pov is coming from and it doesn't really matter if I'm right or wrong. If I'm right, it's got useful predictive purpose for me. If I'm wrong, I'll consider joining his cult and donning the V mask - but only for a nano second before thinking, nah fuck that :D
Don't project onto me. I don't like or dislike Assnage. It's immaterial. I'm surprised at you.
Certain topics just can't be discussed on here without being abused. Savile was one, as was David Kelly. And now this. If you suggest any doubt in the official version of events, you're called a loon, a deluded nasty person, a person with a vile agenda, or, most bizarrely of all perhaps, a sexist. It's ridiculous, and shows the limit of this place. Get a fucking grip.
Certain topics just can't be discussed on here without being abused. Savile was one, as was David Kelly. And now this. If you suggest any doubt in the official version of events, you're called a loon, a deluded nasty person, a person with a vile agenda, or, most bizarrely of all perhaps, a sexist. It's ridiculous, and shows the limit of this place. Get a fucking grip.

It shows the inner workings of certain posters mindsets. Nothing more.
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