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Assange to face extradition

What could they plant? Kiddie porn? Everyone would just go 'its a plant'

This situation requires no great skills or many agencies. Clearly the US already have strong links with other western governments, police forces and state agencies - that is the precise basis of how they work. So that they could simply pull a couple of strings to make all this happen, it is quite plausible.
As it's being set out requires various agencies in three sovereign nations. And again, would be at a level of obliqueness far beyond the documented cases we have historically AFAIK. As I said way back, I don't rule it out entirely but seems far less likely than the more straightforward fact that he has a case to answer.
And again, would be at a level of obliqueness far beyond the documented cases we have historically AFAIK.


No ıt bloody wouldn't. Read a hıstory of Cuba, to take only the most obvıous example. Or maybe you've heard of the Gulf of Tonkın?

I don't consıder you an ıdıot, but when you fınd yourself ın bed wıth the lıkes of TruXta, you mıght want to thınk about the company you're keepıng.
He may well have been set up. But still doesn't let him off the rape allegations.
I'd like him to face the allegations but, as has been suggested, that would/could be quickly followed by being hauled off to the good old US of A and a lifetime in one of their penitentiaries?

A lack of bit D seems preferable.

No ıt bloody wouldn't. Read a hıstory of Cuba, to take only the most obvıous example. Or maybe you've heard of the Gulf of Tonkın?

I don't consıder you an ıdıot, but when you fınd yourself ın bed wıth the lıkes of TruXta, you mıght want to thınk about the company you're keepıng.
Course it would and the Gulf of Tonkin entirely supports my point. Far more straightforward. Which Cuban one did you have in mind? Exploding cigars aren't exactly three-dimensional chess.
I'd like him to face the allegations but, as has been suggested, that would/could be quickly followed by being hauled off to the good old US of A and a lifetime in one of their penitentiaries?

A lack of bit D seems preferable.
He's more easily hauled off from here than Sweden. He's merely chosen the terms of his incarceration - better off incarcerated in the embassy than a Swedish jail.
And if the authorities are playing an active part in the set up?

Oh wait, sorry, Sweden is the freest place in the world and that couldn't possibly happen.
There's couldn't possibly and the chances of them tampering with a jury trial, and the risks of exposure etc. that would entail, for benefits that could have been achieved in a far less complex and hazardous fashion. Doesn't add up.
As it's being set out requires various agencies in three sovereign nations. And again, would be at a level of obliqueness far beyond the documented cases we have historically AFAIK. As I said way back, I don't rule it out entirely but seems far less likely than the more straightforward fact that he has a case to answer.
As it's being set out requires various agencies in three sovereign nations. And again, would be at a level of obliqueness far beyond the documented cases we have historically AFAIK. As I said way back, I don't rule it out entirely but seems far less likely than the more straightforward fact that he has a case to answer.
nonsense. It would require some behind the scenes conversations by spooks, and friendly government officials, and it most certainly would not be particularly oblique compared to other american actions. Cuba,Vietnam, hell, just look at the plot of Argo! A plot like this would be a piece of piss for them.

He may well have been set up. But still doesn't let him off the rape allegations.
'Let him off'? No. But it would, in international law, take precedence - see Abu Qatada
nonsense. It would require some behind the scenes conversations by spooks, and friendly government officials, and it most certainly would not be particularly oblique compared to other american actions. Cuba,Vietnam, hell, just look at the plot of Argo! A plot like this would be a piece of piss for them...
Plot of Argo involves actions by one state agency alone, again backing up my point. Roping in John Goodman doesn't count. Would love an example of tri-national skulduggery from the Cold War of this complexity and indirectness that didn't fail or go tits up.
Plot of Argo involves actions by one state agency alone, again backing up my point. Roping in John Goodman doesn't count. Would love an example of tri-national skulduggery from the Cold War of this complexity and indirectness that didn't fail or go tits up.
it doesnt require tri-national cooperation, the brits are irrelevant. It requires some quiet words in Swedish spooks ears, plus maybe a minister or two. If you really dont think the CIA are capable of that, then you're a tad naive.

And Argo did involve three different states, in fact (US, UK, NZ. Plus possibly others)
Plot of Argo involves actions by one state agency alone, again backing up my point. Roping in John Goodman doesn't count. Would love an example of tri-national skulduggery from the Cold War of this complexity and indirectness that didn't fail or go tits up.

Operation Gladio doesn't fulfill this? I don't really know enough about the Assange case to properly comment but it's certainly not out of the realms of possibility that he was set up in some way, it wouldn't be the weirdest thing that Secret Services have done by a very long way.
it doesnt require tri-national cooperation, the brits are irrelevant. It requires some quiet words in Swedish spooks ears, plus maybe a minister or two. If you really dont think the CIA are capable of that, then you're a tad naive.

And Argo did involve three different states, in fact (US, UK, NZ. Plus possibly others)

Sweden also was pretty involved in NATO's stay behind armies, too, so there's some precedence...
it doesnt require tri-national cooperation, the brits are irrelevant. It requires some quiet words in Swedish spooks ears, plus maybe a minister or two. If you really dont think the CIA are capable of that, then you're a tad naive.

And Argo did involve three different states, in fact (US, UK, NZ. Plus possibly others)
I think it's naive to buy a complex conspiracy theory when the far more likely thing is he has a case to answer for the not-at-all far-fetched charges against him. I do concede I may have the plot of Argo wrong :D
Plot of Argo involves actions by one state agency alone, again backing up my point. Roping in John Goodman doesn't count. Would love an example of tri-national skulduggery from the Cold War of this complexity and indirectness that didn't fail or go tits up.
You only get to hear (by their nature) of the operations that go tits up.
Does the onus to provide proof not rest with the prosecution? or is that fine, free Sweden a bit different from most places?

Yes, and I'm sure that'll all play out once Assange and his lawyers answer the charges made against them. Oh, wait...
Operation Gladio doesn't fulfill this? I don't really know enough about the Assange case to properly comment but it's certainly not out of the realms of possibility that he was set up in some way, it wouldn't be the weirdest thing that Secret Services have done by a very long way.
As I say, I don't rule it out but seems unlikely given the stakes compared with Gladio and the international scenario at the time.
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