I think I am coming to terms with the fact that important figures in a generation who did their bit for just struggle have gone past their sell by date. Their priorities stagnated, their sense of which injustices may be overlooked for the sake of 'bigger battles' are increasingly repugnant and self-defeating. I doubt many can maintain the purity of their moral highground forever, and even the brave, clear of thought and uncompromising will one day find themselves compromised.
It will be a challenge to avoid paralysis when we attempt not to let one concern trump another. But we should still try, with the battle cry of no excuses, no exemptions, no immune gods beyond reproach, no holding of noses, looking the other way, no license to excuse certain double-standards and tell us this is justifiable and necessary in the name of the cause and the struggle. Cynicism has a downside but it has grown for a reason, the lessons of both the bloody and the brave experiments of the 20th century cannot be picked from selectively, hero's without flaws are a lie.